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Boss announces significant V4 Update for the GT-1000, and V2 Update for the GT-1000 Core - which includes 3 New High Gain Amp Types

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I feel I did the definitive write-up of the GT-1000 Core back in January of 2021. The Core stayed on my board from October 2020 through March of 2022 - so I certainly built up a decent knowledge and experience of that pedal. I will never though be one to have the GT-1000 as I prefer individual effects mostly, many of them analogue, with the occasional workstation - while I appreciate the leaps-and-bounds evolution of digital formats.


In the Update release notes much is made of improvements to the Boss AIRD DSP Engine - where AIRD stands for Augmented Impulse Response Dynamics. AIRD is seemingly the most powerful of those competing standards - with the least degree of latency - which delivers a better response / dynamics, and a more natural under-the-fingers feel. Boss has improved both its AIRD and MDP (Multi-Dimensional Processing) technologies recently across a number of its hardware / firmware platforms.


This V4 / V2 Update Release is largely a refinement of those 2 Multi-FX pedal formats - where the big new additions are 3 new MDP High Gain Amp Types :


X-ULTRA — Inspired by a classic British stack amp modified with a modern multi-stage gain circuit. MDP provides intelligent control of the clipping in each gain stage, realizing extended dynamic response that’s not possible with traditional analog designs.


X-OPTIMA — With many high-gain tube amplifiers, it can be difficult to strike the ideal tonal balance between chords and single notes. X-Optima features an innovative new gain algorithm that takes full advantage of MDP’s adaptive frequency shaping, providing well-defined rhythm sounds and rich lead tones that sit perfectly in every mix.


X-TITAN — This articulate amp type is perfect for aggressive metal styles driven by heavy riffs. MDP delivers sharp, tight sounds on the low strings while retaining fatness and body in the high ranges, making it well-suited for down tunings and extended-range guitars with seven or eight strings.


Beyond those heavy hitters we see Boss double down on it Bass Effects Heritage - which has been a particular focus of late - here adding 6 Bass Amp Types borrowed from the recent runaway success - ME-90B.


We also see new and improved Digital Models of Boss’s legendary DS-1 and SD-1 effects. With the SD-1 voicing in particular honed to combine really well with the new and existing High Gain Amp Types.


Those are the big changes, where the majority of the updates rather take the form of bug fixes, and feature and working improvements.


Some of the niggles I identified in my GT-1000 Core review have been resolved, some still remain. A lot of my challenges were related to my use of that pedal as a one of many workstation - which it default just isn’t set up for (no standby function). It’s its own animal really and is distinct in its working even from the similar form-factor Line 6 HX Stomp.


Overall the new Boss release notes are rather more text update notices for Dealers than any sort of structured release notes - which means that beyond the key focus areas it’s very difficult to pick out all the individual improvements.


When my other job - Affino - introduces a new release candidate - there is a fully sectioned and indexed list of every single change made (change log update) - alas most manufacturers and software platforms don’t adhere to the same high standards of transparency.


I personally would have liked a full list of all the updates - so I could compare them with the final section of my GT-1000 Core review. It’s taken Boss the best part of 4 years to bring out a new update release candidate for the GT-1000 Core - which is a very long time when compared to most other consumer electronics and software platforms. By comparison the GT-1000 has had 4 update releases since its emergence in 2018 - which is a far higher frequency.


My own feeling is that all these kinds of devices should by now be fully native Bluetooth or otherwise wirelessly Internet connected for easy updates - where you should really expect annual updates at the very least. For several platforms there are monthly or bi-monthly updates. And generally those who don’t update as frequently get left behind!


I mentioned that the Dimension C was missing from the GT-1000 Core - and never really got a reason as to why. I don’t believe there is yet a Dimension C or Harmonic Tremolo Modulation option for the GT-1000 Core.


Interestingly you can generate your own versions of those missing modulations - by combining and appropriately offsetting a number of parallel modulation effects - the below video gives you a great example of how you can recreate your own Harmonic Tremolo Modulation - while you need to use up several sound blocks - where you should really just need 1. Both the GT-1000 and GT-1000 Core are incredibly potent devices - while there are still some clunky elements in their functional workings - and I also feel that the effects library at your disposal should be a lot more extensive - there are other platforms that are somewhat better at giving you more of what you like!


We are once more seeing a step-change in consumer electronics - where we are getting AI-augmented Copilot features and function to help us use those devices more easily and evermore powerfully. We should soon see elements of that appearing in the digital control interfaces of exactly these kinds of devices. And the Change Log will be able to be more easily be referenced and made use of. I’m looking forward to ever more formidable times ahead!


For those who want to read more - there is a fantastic Boss Ultimate Guide to the GT-1000 that you can get stuck into.



How to make your own Harmonic Tremolo Voicing for the GT-1000!


Further Demos and References

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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