9 more notable Brazilian Pedal Brands
Big Muff Style FuzzBoostBoost and OverdriveCachalote AudioCollateral FXDarta EffectsDelayDelay WorkstationDigital DelayFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGermanium FuzzKlone and Transparent OverdriveMoll Audio DevicesOverdrivePedal PlanetRad Custom ShopSaturno PedaisSilicon FuzzTone Bender Style FuzzTubescreamer Style OverdriveUtopia FXVelouria FXWintter Labs+-

So in the wake of my ’9 Notable Brazilian Guitar Pedal Brands’ article I had a lot of people contacting me (as intended!) to tell me I’d overlooked this and that brand. The first mentioned was obviously Cachalote Audio which I liked so much that I did a separate article on that.
While altogether we had another 9 notable brands suggested - to include in this separate feature. In fact there are even more - including StarDust Electronic Art - where I’m waiting until I get enough suggestions to do a second follow-up. That will though probably have to wait until some time next year, I feel Brazil has gotten a very decent airing here as such - and now it’s probably time to shine a light on some other unfamiliar territories.
The Brazilian Pedal Market though has real hidden depths - and there are some massively prolific brands among them - like Monstro Effects and Darta Effects - that have world-beating range coverage!
This article follows the same style as its predecessor - featuring the complete collections / ranges of 9 significant Brazilian brands. Hopefully I’ve given Brazil some decent coverage here - and allowed the world to see just how rich and colourful the pedal sector is which operates there!
Here are the 9 brands fort his feature : with their chosen Ambassador Pedals :
- Cachalote Audio : 214 Fuzz MKII - R$1418 / $235
- Collateral FX : Continuum Overdrive TS10 + Klone Dual Drive - R$1200 / $207
- Darta Effects : Khan Versatile Overdrive - R$897 / $155
- Moll Audio Devices : Reacto Reactive Tremolo - R$995 / $172
- Rad Custom Shop : Experience Z Deluxe Fuzz (TB MKII+) - R$539 / $95
- Saturno Pedais : Timespace Delay - R$1889 / $326
- Utopia FX : Shinzo32 Fuzz - Maestro / MKI / Zonk - R$669.90 / $116
- Velouria FX : Bunny Muff+ Fuzz - R$549 / $207
- Wintter Labs : Kûarasy Saturating Overdrive - R$649
I would say that a number of these brands are somewhat inwardly focused, a few have Enlish sites and a store on Reverb.com also, but they’re in a distinct minority. Some of the brand strategy here is fairly early stage, and some of the pricing strategy needs a little more refinement and maturity. As with most of Pedaldom there are quite a few idiosyncrasies here - which certainly makes things more interesting, but often requires a little more clarity!
If any of these brands have proper global / worldwide ambitions - they should reach out to me to organise some further follow-on hands-on reviews. Not enough of the references out there already are particularly suitable for a worldwide audience. And a lot of those English Language pages are somewhat stripped down affairs (understandably!).
NOTE! - that I usually reference the original Brazilian / Portuguese Language sites here - as the English language ones are typically incomplete and don’t feature the full range and latest releases!
Full range details per brand follow below :
Cachalote Audio
- 214 Fuzzz MKII : Extended-range 2-Transistor Silicon Fuzz evolved from Sam Ash Fuzz-Stainer - R$1418 / $235
- Console Preamp : Streamlined Console Preamp with +40dB of Gain, and Impedance and EQ controls - R$1198 / $205
- Formiga Drive Special Edition : Parallel Clean / Gain Overdrive with Germanium / 1N914 / MOSFET Clipping - N.A.
- Formiga Bass / Low-End Drive : Parallel Clean / Gain Bass Overdrive with Silicon / OpAmp / LED Clipping - N/A
- Lilo 600ms PT2399 Delay : Stripped down version of the Lisa Tap Delay with a character all of its own - R$1214 / $213
- Ushuaia Drive : Hybrid MOSFET + Transistor Proprietary Dual Stage Overdrive - R$1088 / $185
- 127 Sint. : CMOS Square Wave Generator with Wave Multiplier - R$1192 / $205
- Lisa 1000ms Tap Delay : Individual Levels for Clean and Effected Signal, Dual Preamplification, Modulation, and 4-Division PT2399 Tap Tempo - N/A
- Origami Filter Special Edition : 4-Mode Lowpass / Highness / Band Bass / Notch Filter. 4 x Multipliers, LFO Modulation Waveform : Triangle / Sine / Square Random / Ramp Up / Ramp Down / Random Square / Random Triangle - NA
Recently covered in detail obviously - much of this range entirely matches my own preferences and sensibilities. The combination of features, layout and aesthetics is really strong here. The Ambassador Pedal being the very capable and unique extended range 214 Fuzz MKII. Favourites indicated in Bold as usual!
Collateral FX
- P001 Demoiselle Analog Chorus/Vibrato - $RS850 / $147
- P002 Tesla Coil One-Knob Octave Up Fuzz - R$550 / $95
- P003 Complex Marshal Plexi - R$750 / $129
- P004 Icarus Germanium Diodes Klone Overdrive - $RS850 / $147
- P005 Continuum John Mayer style TS10 + Klone Overdrive - R$1200 / $207
- P006 Foo Driver HotCake style Overdrive - R$650 / $112
- P007 The Last of Fuzz Classic Fuzz - R$750 / $129
- P008 Golden Ratio Golden Fleece style Fuzz - R$450 / $78
- P009 The Bendz Hybrid Classic Tone Bender MKII - R$875 / $151
- P010 The Year of the Rat 1985 Distortion - R$750 / $129
- P011 Chili Pre (Boss CE-1 Preamp) - R$550 / $95
- P012 Constellation Asymmetrical Clipping OD / Distoriton - R$750 / $129
- P013 Black Hole Sunn Model T Preamp - R$775 / $134
- P014 Red Giant Distortion (REVV G3) - $RS850 / $147
- P015 White Russian Muff - R$875 / $151
- P016 Foxey Face Fuzz Face (choice of Germanium or Silicon Transistors) - $RS850 / $147
- P017 Unchained EVH Brown Sound Marshall Distortion - R$875 / $151
- PO18 Sea of Japan Uni-Vibe - R$1400 / $242
A significant and handy 18-strong effects pedal range with some strong contenders. Ambassador Pedal is the Continuum Overdrive John Mayer style overdrive which combines independent 3-knob TS10 and Klone circuits!
Darta Effects
- 2-Times Dual Time Signature Analog voiced 580ms Delay - R$500 / $86
- 5501 Black / Red EVH Brown Sound Distortion - R$780 / $135
- Aristocrat TS808 with Mods Overdrive - R$897 / $155
- Aristocrat & Boost expanded format TS808 - R$880 / $152
- Ark Clean Preamp with Graphic EQ and CabSim - R$1190 / $205
- Aztec Dynamic Overdrive with extra Boost and Bass - R$780 / $135
- Blackheart Extended Range High Gain Distoriton - R$897 / $155
- Bloody Opera Bogner Überschall style Distortion - R$897 / $155
- Boost 33 Fortin style +22dB Metal Boost - R$897 / $155
- Breaker BlueBreaker MKI with Mods - R$897 / $155
- Citrus Orange OR120 Amp take - R$620 / $107
- Cthulhu One Knob 2N1306 Colorsound Fuzz Box take - R$620 / $107
- Death Metal HM-2 Style Distortion - R$897 / $155
- Deep Space 4-Stage Phaser - R$750 / $129
- Don't Waste Your Time Analog Voice 580ms Delay - R$495 / $85
- Doomsday Revv G3 Clone - R$897 / $155
- Double Drive - R$897 / $155
- DR. Boogie Mesa Dual Rec take - R$897 / $155
- Duo 0-100ms Double Tracker Delay - R$1090 / $188
- EQ MARKIIC+ EQ Section based on Amp of same name - R$820 / $141
- Filtron Mutron style Envelope Fitler - R$897 / $155
- Frank One Knob Colorsound / D*A*M Meathead style Fuzz - R$620 / $107
- Freebird 8-Mode Reverb (Room / Hall / Shimmer / Octave / Chorus + Verb / Flanger + Verb / Phaser + Verb / Auto Wah + Verb) - R$1090 / $188
- Furious JCM800 take - R$897 / $155
- The Fuzz One Knob Stoner/Doom Fuzz - R$780 / $135
- Fuzzmaker Silicon Fuzz Factory - R$897 / $155
- General V2 JCM800 / Soldano SLO style Preamp - R$897 / $155
- Jubilee Silver Overdrive Marshall JCM2555 style preamp - R$897 / $155
- Jubilee Slash Custom JCM2555 take - R$780 / $135
- Kanagawa CE-2 style Chorus - R$820 / $141
- Katana Keeley style Clean Boost - R$620 / $107
- Khan Versatile Overdrive - R$897 / $155
- La Muerta Exended Range Model T - R$897 / $155
- Lionheart Extended Range Versatile Overdrive - R$897 / $155
- Mammoth Muff with Mods - R$580 / $100
- Mark 2 MESA/Boogie Mark IIC+ Master of Puppets take - R$1480 / $255
- Mary Smoke Optical Tap Tempo Tremolo - R$750 / $129
- Mini Head 50W Floor Amp - R$1140 / $197
- Monkey Koop Vintage style Modern Compressor - R$780 / $135
- My Plexious Carl Martin PlexiTone take - R$680 / $117
- Mythology Klone Overdrive with Mods - R$897 / $155
- Mythology Egyptian Custom Edidtion Klone - R$897 / $155
- Nitro versatile 2-Band EQ Clean Boost - R$820 / $141
- Nosferatu Victory Kraken style Distoriton - R$600 / $104
- Oceans Digital / Analog Hybrid Chorus - R$860 / $148
- OBI 1 Knob Fuzz Model T (EQD Acapulco) - R$715 / $123
- Okto Octave Up and Down - R$940 / $162
- PLEXI³ JTM45 / 1959SLP / 1987X MIAB - R$897 / $155
- Rampage Marshall style versatile Distortion (Revv G4?) - R$897 / $155
- Rebel Rider Extended Range TS808 type - R$780 / $135
- Red Distortion (Bogner Ecstasy) - R$600 / $104
- Rockerverb Orange Rockerverb 100 - R$897 / $155
- Sabbra Calabra Catalinbread replica - R$897 / $155
- Scuba Diver Small Clone style Chorus - R$780 / $135
- Seasons 8-Mode Digital Reverb - Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Cathedral / Shimmer / Cosmos / Cavern - R$1090 / $188
- Shred 91 Marshall ShredMaster take - R$897 / $155
- Skull BC109 Coloursound One Knob / Meathead take - R$620 / $107
- SLO 100 Soldana SLO 100 take - R$897 / $155
- Tacape Krank Amps / Krankenstein take - R$897 / $155
- The Wall : Blackout Effectors Musket Muff take - R$897 / $155
- Time2Verb Delay (Digital/Tape/Analog) and Reverb (Spring/Cathedral/Shimmer) - R$1660 / $286
- Time's Up Exodus Delay + Boost - R$680 / $117
- Time Theory Analog/Digital Hybrid 580ms Delay - R$820 / $141
- Trivibe : Vintage Vibe / Whirl / Swirl - R$820 / $141
- White Rabbit Analog Voiced Modulated Tap Tempo 580ms Delay - R$840 / $145
- Wonder Twins BluesBreaker + TS808 - R$1480 / $255
- Zangado Angry Charlie style Distortion - R$715 / $123
68! Pedal Range - a veritable and actual A-Z feast of mostly gain pedals - mix of clones and originals. With the original super versatile Khan Overdrive as the chosen pedal ambassador for this range. This outmuscles Monstro Effects which previously had the largest range of any Brazilian builder I have encounter - Monsto sits at 63 units, while Darta Effects here reaches a seemingly impossible range of 68 varieties! 11 more than Heinz!
Moll Audio Devices
- Mini Reverb Spring Tank Controller - R$1155 / $199
- Phase Reactive Dynamic Envelope Controlled Phaser - R$1355 / $234
- Pro Extended Range Reverb Spring Tank Controller - R$1395 / $241
- Reacto Reactive Dynamic Envelope Controlled Tremolo - R$995 / $172
- Tanque Pequeno P2 Spring Tank - R$355 / $61
- Tanque Pequeno P3 Spring Tank - R$355 / $61
- Tanque Médio M3 Spring Tank - R$555 / $97
- Tanque Grande G2 Spring Tank - R$595 / $103
- Tanque Grande G3 Spring Tanks - R$595 / $103
Mostly known for its Anasounds style Sprink Tanks and Controllers, but with a couple of really strong dynamic envelope follower modulations too. Chosen ambassador pedal here is the Reacto Reactive Envelope Follower Tremolo - with those cool turquoise knobs!
Rad Custom Shop
- 122 Black Box Preamp Xotic BB take - R$569 / $98
- 133 Charlie Overdrive Angry Charlie take - R$569 / $98
- 479 Deep Compressor Walrus Deep Six take - R$599 / $103
- Acoustic Electric PreAmp - R$649 / $112
- Dandelion Duellist Dual Overdrive take - R$899 / $155
- Dark Lotus Overdrive + Boost - R$649 / $112
- Experience Z Deluxe Fuzz (TB MKII+) - R$539 / $95
- Favourite ODR-1 + BluesBreaker Dual Overdrive - R$989 / $171
- Green Channel ODR-1 take - R$599 / $103
- Samurai Fuzz - R$470 / $81
A cool selection of extended range gain pedals. Ambassador Pedal here is the Experience Z extended range take on a TB MKII.
Saturno Pedais
- Oxygen Buffer - R$329 / $57
- Spacewalk Reverb Machine : Mush-room / HALL 9000 / Pluto Plate / Tremo Spring / Sunlight Wings / Shadow-Shift / Shimmer-Drift / Enceladus / Equivox Formant - R$1889 / $326
- Supernova MIDI Controller - R$1889 / $326
- Timespace Delay Machine : Glassy Delay / Retroverse / Tape Delay / Analog Delay / Quantum Pitch / Filter Delay / Swell Delay - R$1889 / $326
- Titan MIDI Controller - R$2249 / $388
A compact and bijoux range - where I'm particularly taken by the two Time-Based Effects here. I could not find suitably imagery to make the Spacewalk my favourite Ambassador Pedal here - but the Timespace is almost as good for me, and probably equally worthy in that spot. I'm particularly impressed with the Spacewalk and Timespace workstations here!
Utopia FX
- 22-03 Brick JCM800 2203 take - R$699.90 / $121
- Pulsum Uni-Vibe - R$779.90 / $133
- Sci-Fuzz extended range Fuzz Face - R$699.90 / $121
- Shinzo32 Fuzz - Maestro / MKI / Zonk - R$669.90 / $116
- Utto Upper Octave Fuzz with Push Boost - R$649.90 / $112
Tiny but cool range of gain and Uni-Vibe pedals. Ambassador Pedal is the 3-in-1 Shinzo32 Maestro / MKI / Zonk Fuzz.
Velouria FX
- Bad Vibes MK2 Uni-Vibe - R$569 / $98
- Boeralis Classic Analog Chorus/Vibrato - R$699 / $121
- Brandt Superfuzz take - R$529 / $91
- Broken Box Maestro Parametric Filter MPF-1 take - R$719 / $124
- Bunny Big Muff with extra Mids & Gate - R$549 / $95
- Clairvoyant Versatile Overdrive with Boost - R$539 / $93
- Cosmos extended range Rat Distortion - R$529 / $91
- Deluxe Spring Reverb - R$769 / $133
- Ensemble CE-1 Style Chorus - R$1290 / $223
- Maude extended range Fuzz Face - R$549 / $95
- Moongazer Multi-Spatial FX : Reverse Delay / Threshold Delay / Granular Delay / Keyverb / Touch Verb / Gated Verb / Reverse Reverb / Glitch - R$849 / $146
- Multiverse Modulated Delay with Oscillation - R$649 - $112
- Nebulosa Ambient Effects - R$849 / $146
- Octopod Analog Octaver - R$629 / $109
- The Pitcher Multi-Mode / Multi-FX : Pitch / Vibrato / Psych / Sequencer / Ring-Mod / Verb / Delay / Detune - R$859 / $148
- Spacegazer Reverb : Shimmer / Modulated / Spring / Freeze / Tape / Pitch / Space / Granular - R$869 / $150
- Space Oddity Multi-Modulator : Pitch / Sample Hold / Chorus / Vibrato / Flanger / Phaser / Tremolo / Lo-Fi - R$839 / $145
- The Stranger Silicon TB MKII - R$539 / $93
- Sungazer Multi-Verb : Blackface / Modulated / Plate / Cave / Room / Hall / Chamber / Shimmer - R$859 / $148
- Timegazer Multi-Delay : Digital / Tape / Modulated / Reverse / Phaser Delay / Double Track / Space Echo / Delay + Reverb - R$849 / $146
- Tremulus-X Amplitude Tremolo - R$499 / $86
- Ultimate Bass Drive - R$529 / $91
- Vulpe Foxx Tone Machine take - R$599 / $103
- Witchcraft super-expanded Model T PreAmp - R$879 / $150
24-strong range with some serious hidden depth here - particularly strong on multi-fx pedals. Ambassador Pedal here is the smart expanded range Muff - Bunny Fuzz - but it could have been any one of around dozen varieties - a really potent selection for sure, and somewhat still under the radar!
Wintter Labs
- Brise (Breeze) Filter Fuzz - R$549 / $95
- Fuzzmolo Amanita Mascaria (Fly Agaric) Trem-Fuzz - R$649 / $112
- Kûarasy Saturating Overdrive / Fuzzy-Drive - R$649 / $112
- Picumã Creamy Burning One-Knob Fuzz with Riga Pine Wood Knob - R$499 / $86
A small but perfectly formed range of mostly fuzz pedals. Where our Ambassador Pedal is the one Overdrive exception - the opposite of Transparent - with a heavy saturated flavour onboard!