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Boost and Overdrive

2021 October Pedal-Chain Update - Episode X, Hypergravity!

Amp and Cab IR SimAmpliTubeBig Muff Style FuzzBlackhawk AmplifiersBoostBoost and OverdriveBossDigital DelayDigital ReverbDistortionDrunk BeaverDryBell EffectsElectronic Audio ExperimentsFjord FuzzFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGated and Velcro FuzzGuitar Synth and SequencerIK MultimediaMarshall Style DistortionMetal DistortionModulationOctave FuzzOpAmp FuzzOverdrivePedal ChainPete CornishRat Style FuzzReverbReverb WorkstationRing ModulationRock Fabrik EffectsSilicon FuzzSuper-Fuzz StyleTone Bender Style FuzzUni-Vibe and VibeUtility+-
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Some of you readers will know that October was my birthday month, and more by coincidence than any plan really it ended up being a bumper month with no less than 37 pedals added to the collection. 32 of them are for October as a couple haven’t landed yet, and the remainder is due to be showcased in early November as part of those official launches. I do think that 32 is the record monthly haul so far - and there are some real gems among those - including the Boss SY-200 and IR-200 - which literally just made the cut-off point in fact landing in the afternoon of when I’m doing this write-up - so they’ve not really been road-tested yet - and while the SY-200 is straight on the board - I’m still figuring out how best to cable up the IR-200 with full stereo input from the chain.


So much has happened this month - with a number of very significant launches and events - and over a third of the pedal-chain being swapped out. Obviously the Fjord Fuzz range revamp event was huge for me - and all of those bar one ended up in the chain. I obviously have a number of delay units active already, and the fuzz-voicing of the Bifrost is a stripped down version of the Embla - which is already on the board - so that one misses out for now.


I really like the look of Crazy Tube Circuit’s new 3 Compressor-Circuit Phi Golden Ratio V2 which is certainly earmarked for a future acquisition. I had always intended to get a DryBell Vibe Machine - and am very happy I have this version - it’s just immense and I don’t see why anyone would consider those larger over-sized units at more than twice the price - when they could have this magical box of tricks.


IK Multimedia contacted me about which of their pedals I would like to get my hands on - you will have read from my X-Gear overview that I was particularly taken by the potential of the X-Space Reverb Workstation unit - and it really is everything I could have hoped for - some of those Sci-Fi / Ambient Presets are pure genius. This does not necessarily mean I prefer it to the equally new Neunaber Illumine - just that I so enjoyed the X-Space that it’s getting an extended innings - before I take up the Illumine again - I really love both and each offers something quite different - so will probably be alternating those a lot depending on mood. Both the X-Space and Illumine are perfect Reverb pedals for me!


I also picked up two further phasers - as if 11 in the collection wasn’t enough - and I’m now up to 13 - with the addition of the cool Fuzzrocious Electric Ocean, and Mattoverse Just a Phase - neither of them has had a proper innings yet - I’m obviously still in my honeymoon period with the Strymon Zelzah - which is just immense too!


The Pete Cornish GC-1 landed close enough to be a sort of birthday gift to self - while it was ordered quite some while ago on August 4th. It’s nice to have a pedal with your name on it - particularly one as versatile as this.


I tried to get a discount on the All-Pedal Macrodose - as I’ve literally only very recently acquired the Subdecay Prometheus DLX is is based upon. They’re obviously very busy or else hate me already as no response has been forthcoming either via email or Instagram messages. I just feel that is the perfect combination of aesthetics and function - by hook or by crook I will have one of those eventually - and on my own terms!


The two Mini Becos FX pedals were also incredibly impressive - I think the Ziffer Overdrive even more so that the excellent Solo Boost that friend Carsten gifted me. It’s incredible when such small pedals are so versatile and potent - each of those can take on pedals many times their size - and win!


The Hypergravity of this month’s title comes from the two Super Heavyweights of Distortion - the Blackhawk Sauron and Rock Fabrik Mind Abuse - both are raging metal monsters with incredible range, while the Sauron has just a little more juice in the tank in terms of Volume and Sizzle - both are really amazing sounding of course.


Finally my BJFE Honey Bee 4K finally came through - and that again totally lived up to the expectation - so thanks to Sebastian Nylund and Björn Juhl for arranging that - arriving just shortly after my birthday - but near enough to be counted!

Acquisitions Update

So as mentioned a bumper month - with 32 additions - with the Fuzz category back to the forefront as it should be - and still a fair amount of Overdrives and Distortions.


Brand winner this month was Fjord Fuzz with 5, and then Boss and Drunk Beaver with 4 apiece, followed by Becos FX and Blackhawk Amplifiers with a pair each. It was pretty much a full house of categories - with near enough every major genre type represented to some degree.


My parents were staying with me for pretty much half of October - which somewhat gets in the way of play and testing time - so there is a slight backlog of pedals / articles - which will be resolved fairly early in November - which in theory will be a much slower month hopefully - most certainly in terms of acquisitions. So much happened in October that it was borderline harrowing - so hopefully you won't mind if I take things slightly easier next month!

7 Overdrives


I still didn't get a chance to play the excellent Litigator - which I acquired from Break the Machine - while everything else here was properly road-tested - and the EAE Halberd and Pete Cornish GC-1 are on the board as such.


I really love the Honey Bee and that will for sure get a proper innings soon enough - while others here will likely be more bit-players.

  • Becos FX Mini Solo Boost Master
  • Becos FX Mini Ziffer Overdrive
  • BJFE Honey Bee 4K Overdrive
  • Boss OD-2R Turbo OverDrive
  • Electronic Audio Experiments Halberd V2 Discrete Transistor Overdrive
  • Spun Loud Litigator Overdrive
  • Pete Cornish GC-1 3-Stage Soft>Hard Overdrive

12 Fuzzes


Of course Fjord Fuzz leading the line here - with a couple of combination / hybrid pedals too - the Bifrost Delay-Fuzz, and Fuzzrocious Fuzz-Phaser! I've not had much time with Boss's unofficial Big Muff - the PW-2 which took a very long time to arrive from Denmark - in total pristine condition though.


Joseph Maxwell's excellent Ge/Si switching take on the Hudson Broadcast - the Demiurge Black Mountain Signal Deluxe is another incredible engineering feet - with its 7 controls and dual-footswitches in elegant compact enclosure - and with really cool aluminium knobs. I've played through that quite a bit - while it's not yet had a proper innings on the board. I've also not had too much play-time with the Kuro Apophis, Loe Superfuzz or Menatone Law Bender - so more notes on those next month.


On the board for October are Drunk Beaver's superb Fluff Muff Octave Fuzz, and 4 of the Fjord Fuzzes (bar the Bifrost).

  • Boss PW-2 Power Driver
  • Demiurge Black Mountain Signal Deluxe Hudson Broadcast Clone
  • Drunk Beaver Fluff Octave Fuzz
  • Fjord Fuzz Berserk FF Fuzz
  • * Fjord Fuzz Bifrost Dual-Feedback Delay + Embla Fuzz
  • Fjord Fuzz Embla Every Day Drivey Fuzz
  • Fjord Fuzz Fenris Fierce Super Fuzz
  • Fjord Fuzz Odin Massive Octave Fuzz
  • ** Fuzzrocious Electric Ocean AaYSR Purple Sparkle Edition
  • Kuro Custom Audio Apophis Silicon BC109 Fuzz
  • Loe Sounds Superfuzz
  • Menatone Law Bender Germanium

7 Distortions


October was obviously a huge month for distortion - with two power players on the board - the superb Blackhawk Sauron and Rock Fabrik Mind Abuse. I always get Blackhaw's in pairs - so I also had the Heimdall V2 in - meaning that my HM-2 capsule collection is even more amazing now - I will be doing a follow-up post on that soon enough.


There's two Rat pedals here - the Black Mass 1312 Distortion, and Drunk Beaver's really clever Disambiguation MuffRat Distortion. Drunk Beaver also has the V2 Distortion (DStort1on) if you can pick up the cues from that - as well as the Traynor-based Trainer Preamp - those reviews to come next month.

  • Blackhawk Amplifiers Heimdall V2 HM-2 Style Twin Peaks Distortion
  • Blackhawk Amplifiers Sauron Super High Gain Distortion
  • Black Mass 1312 Distortion (Rat)
  • Drunk Beaver Disambiguation MuffRat Distortion
  • Drunk Beaver Distortion (DStort1on)
  • Drunk Beaver Trainer TS-15 Preamp
  • Rock Fabrik Effects Mind Abuse Ultra High Gain Distortion

5 Modulations


I've got to give props to the amazing Dry Bell Vibe Machine V3 here - I just love that to bits - and I've really not got properly into the SY-200 yet - so can't make that the main feature. Obviously I'm very excited to get my hands on the SY-200 - I will do a proper hands-on review of that soon enough.


I also picked up a long-term target in the guise of the Pigtronix Ringmaster - my first dedicated Ring-Modulator (I now have the matching pair pictured above!). I've not really had the opportunity to play that much yet - nor the Fuzzrocious Electric Ocean (slightly larger than I expected), and the pretty much equally cool looking Mattoverse Just a Phase - with its cool Plexi-fronted enclosure. Those will all be detailed further in future updates.

  • Boss SY-200 Synthesizer
  • Dry Bell Vibe Machine V3 + T1-FL Footswitch
  • ** Fuzzrocious Electric Ocean AaYSR Purple Sparkle Edition
  • Mattoverse Just a Phase Analog Phaser
  • Pigtronix Ringmaster Analog Multiplier

Delay & Reverb


As I mentioned above - I don't necessarily prefer the X-Space to the Illumine - both are truly magnificent. I so enjoyed using the X-Space during its review - that I've kept it on the board for now. For sure the Illumine will return again at some stage - but right now I'm just having too much fun with the X-Space.


Fjord Fuzz's Bifrost is actually primarily a PT2399 Delay with dual feedback settings - and with secondary Fuzz flavour / function served by a stripped down version of the Embla.

  • Amplitube X-Space Reverb Workstation
  • * Fjord Fuzz Bifrost Dual-Feedback Delay + Embla Fuzz

Utility / Other


I had kind of written off the two Boss pedals arriving in time as it was so late in the month - the last Friday in fact. But as luck would have it the Boss IR-200 and SY-200 arrived in the nick of time - which means I've had very little if any play-time with them yet!

  • Boss IR-200 Amp & IR Cabinet Simulator

October Pedal-Chain Status


October has ended up quite the changeover month - and it could have been even more considering how many pedals arrived.


The Boss SY-200, Fjord Fuzz Bifrost (Silicon FF), and EAE Halberd V2 are all new in the top row.


The Fjord Fuzz Embla takes up the Fuzzy-Drive slot at #12 and the Pete Cornish GC-1 comes in on the slot where the Shnobel Daily Driver has mostly occupied recently.


In the middle row it's pretty much all-change - with the Rock Fabrik Mind Abuse, Drunk Beaver Fluff, Fjord Fuzz Odin and Fenris, and Blackhawk Sauron all new this month. Because of the arrival of the Vibe Machine I brought DryBell's The Engine back into play - and also my Keeley Modded Boss MT-2.


In the modulation row the gorgeous glorious DryBell Vibe Machine makes a superb entrance.


And finally we have the X-Space on the #40 Reverb Slot, and the Boss IR-200 temporarily in for its sibling RC-10R Looper - which will remain the mainstay for that slot. The IR-200 will be specifically used for recording - which is a whole other ball game that I will be exploring! Ideally I would like to hook in some Bluetooth module that can beam output direct to my laptop - but I fear I will be using a lot of long cables somehow instead!


Here are your runners and riders for October :

Slot #03 : Guitar Synth


I'm so delighted to have gotten the Boss SY-200 Synthesizer in before the end of the month - it was really touch-and-go there for a while. It's too soon to give any first impressions - while the unit looks and feels gorgeous - Boss is making some incredibly attractive pedals these days - and the combination of size, screen, features and functions - singles this out as a future classic!

Slot #05 : Germanium / Sensitive Fuzz


Any number of fuzzes could have gone in on this slot the month - while Fjord Fuzz's newest Berserk BC109B Fuzz (FF) overall deserved it the most in my estimation. Just a beautifully calibrated Extended Range Fuzz Face - which if you set the Impedance trimmer just right gives you two quite distinct voicings at your fingertips - where I have one a little buzzy - sort of Tone-Bender-ish!

Slot #10 : Mid Gain / Dynamic / Blues Breaker / Harmonic Overdrive / JTM45 / Screamer


John Snyder has a wonderful ear for tone and his Electronic Audio Experiments Halberd V2 Discrete Transistor Overdrive sounds incredible - rich and organic with amazing harmonic textures - and extended versatility courtesy of the 3-way voicing / mode switch.

Slot #12 : Mid Gain / Dumble / Fuzzy-Drive / Mostortion / OCD / TrainWreck


I very foolishly left this classic Fjord Fuzz Embla Silicon Everyday Fuzz/Overdrive off my Fuzzy-Drive list - where this is likely the ultimate Fuzzy Drive pedal - going from fairly smooth overdrive tones to full buzz - with gorgeous breakup textures throughout. This is still The Fjord Fuzz pedal to get - it's just so versatile and you can turn it pretty much to any purpose. All via just 4 really elegant expansive controls.

Slot #16 : Multi-Drive 2 / Tweed / HiWatt / Analog Amp-like Overdrive


I'm hugely impressed by this Pete Cornish GC-1 Soft>Hard 3-Stage Overdrive. It doesn't go quite as soft as I hoped it might - I was hoping that it would extend all the way from CC-1 through to P-2 gain structure. While it very definitely starts at the SS-3 / Soft-Sustain range - meaning I will still need to get the Pete Cornish CC-1 at some stage. Although the Shnobel Tone Daily Driver is superb cover for that. You get a very alive and dynamic output - where the exact frequency bands of the EQ's also seem to play a critical role in how good his pedal sounds!

Slot #20 : Silicon & OpAmp Fuzz / Big Muff / Octave Fuzz / Oscillating Fuzz / High Gain Fuzz / PLL / Rat 2


One of two killer Super High Gain Distortions I acquired this month - the Rock Fabrik Mind Abuse Ultra High Gain Distortion - which I've been after pretty much since the Brett Kingman demo back in 2017. I had hoped to get it from one of the two German dealers that briefly stocked it - including Effekt Boutique - while it was pretty much always out of stock when I was wanting to acquire it. Of course in the end I went direct - and just as well really - otherwise I would not have gotten this really cool and unique polished silver edition of 1! This is a real powerhouse metal pedal covering 5150, JCM800 and Mesa Rectifier Style plus many more.

Slot #21 : High Gain Fuzz 1 / Fuzzstortion


Vitalii Bobrov puts out some superb sounding really clever circuits. He's probably best known currently for his killer Bat Rats - including the incredible Heavy Bat. While the Drunk Beaver Fluff Boost + Octave Fuzz (Muff) is another that should be celebrated and lauded just as much. An amazing sounding versatile Big Muff style pedal based on Violet Ram's Head topology - and with additional switchable boost, and variable upper octave. It sounds fantastic with and without the Boost and Octave engaged - a killer Big Muff on its own - but then with an independent boost and upper-octave to further take it up a level or two - everyone should have one!

Slot #23 : Brown Sound / EVH / JCM800 / Liquid Distortion


I have several fuzzes based on the Foxx Tone Machine - in fact I have the earlier single knob version of this (still with two footswitches). This is yet another amazing sounding Fjord Fuzz - the upper octave is so clear, elegant and consistent - yet somewhat wiry too - and it sounds superb with and without the octave - the Ford Fuzz Odin is another essential for me! No decent V2 demos yet alas - so the video is for the V1.

Slot #24 : High Gain Fuzz 2 / Modern Metal 1 / Mid-Pushed High Gain Distortion


I also have several Super-Fuzz style pedals - of course including this brilliant Fjord Fuzz Fenris Super-Fuzz - which arrived in the same month as the Loe Superfuzz. Both are incredible and yet somewhat distinct too. While the the Fenris has superior granularity and shaping via its 6 controls - you can get so many different sounds out of this - from a laser sharp focused buzz - to a wall-of-sound foghorn. I also have this one's predecessor - the Gjallarhorn - which has a little more of the foghorn about it - the Fenris is certainly a little more versatile.

Slot #25 : Plexi 2 / Modern Metal 2 / High Gain Metal 1 / Punchy Metal / Ultra-Rat


In honour of the arrival of DryBell's V3 Vibe Machine, I thought I should bring back The Engine Foundation Preamp as a perfect companion and foil to that - and to give the Heavy Bat a little rest for now. This is such a versatile pedal - and I often use both Channels independently as the RangeMaster Boost sounds killer on so many downstream pedals - and the Plexi Channel sound suitably impressive on its own too. This plus the Vibe Machine makes for extraordinarily richly textured and finely balanced layered tones.

Slot #26 : Modern Metal 3 / High Gain Metal 2


Sound Sample via Instagram -


The first featured here, but second in its position in the chain - this Blackhawk Sauron has to be the ultimate Super High Gain Distortion pedal. The Mind Abuse is its equal in many ways - but this as even more gain, volume and sizzle. Each has its own advantages as the Mind Abuse has its 3 very cleverly calibrated classic amp voicings. While with the Sauron you have to free-form it a little more. The Mind Abuse delivers 5150, Marshall Stack and Mesa Rectifier tones - where the Sauron's Heavy Metal Trifecta are the Balrog, HM-2 and MT-2. The two of these together give you ultimate full-range Metal genre coverage - each has its strengths and each is easier to dial in for certain tones. Overall the Sauron has a little more juice - Parametric Mids, More Gain, Volume and Sizzle - while each is fully adept at producing killer tones for the genres it represents. No YouTube demo yet - so reference to the Insta sound file as before.

Slot #32 : Glitch / Multi-FX 1 / Other Modulation


Boy does this Uni-Vibe sound impressive. A while back I had the JHS Unicorn down as my favourite Uni-Vibe by virtue of its dual footswitches or onboard tap-tempo. I kind of penalised the Vibe Machine for needing the additional / external T1-FL footswitch - while that of course has its advantages too. It delivers the most richly textured Uni-Vibe tone you could imagine with likely the most features of all of those. For sure my favourite all-time Uni-Vibe - and I can't understand why everyone doesn't have one of these. I find it particularly hard to comprehend why people buy those large over-sized Uni-Vibes at twice or three times the price - where this can do the job just as well. This is a modern classic for sure - and everyone who was ever into Uni-Vibe should have one!

Slot #40 : Stereo Reverb Workstation 1 / Studio Reverb


As reported fairly recently - I feel IK Multimedia hit it out of the park on first attempt. These units obviously take their cues from Strymon - but with those larger original Eventide style LED screens. It's obvious that a lot of care and attention has gone into this device - it looks gorgeous and functions effortlessly and brilliantly intuitively. Most important though its 16 Modes / Models / Algorithms are excellent - and possibly the best mix of algorithms of any Reverb Workstation. And moreover the Presets are ingenious. That's what really hooked me in - all those smartly configured Sci-Fi / Ambient soundstages. If feel like you're doing the score for Blade Runner or Alien - just really atmospheric and evocative - and properly Sci-Fi and otherworldly. I've rarely had this much fun with a Reverb pedal - and it still does the classics well. In my review I said it was a triumph - I still very much stand by that - for a first attempt at a hardware solution I don't think IK Multimedia could have done any better.

Slot #41 : Stereo Looper / Beat Machine / Cab Sim


I can't really say too much about Boss's IR-200 Amp & IR Cabinet Simulator as it has only just arrived and I've had no time yet to run any significant tests. It will be an occasional swap out for the mainstay Boss RC-10R Loop Station that normally occupies this slot. In fact the IR-200 will only get slotted in when I wish to listen via headphones or make a recording. I still have to figure out how to get my full stereo rig / pedal-chain to feed properly into the IR-200 - it doesn't seem quite as straight forward as I would like! I always do things my own way - and not all Boss guides cover that sort of pioneering territory!

Final Thoughts


Despite the riches of pedals - in part because of them - October was quite an extreme month for me - I had guests staying at the house for circa 3 weeks of the month - and had to work my schedule around them - which wasn't really conducive with the record amounts of pedals that arrived in October.


I tend to have certain staging areas before I photograph and photoshop the pedals, and before they go on the board for testing or rotation. There is always something of a backlog - and when there are guests in the house some of that stuff needs to be tidied away. Obviously it was my birthday too - so more visitors and lunch and dinner commitments. Needless to say I've been working double-time to catch up - and it's honestly been a little bit of a struggle. I keep worrying that I will burn out some day - but still I persist!


October was an unusual month in so many ways and I doubt it will be repeated any time soon - just too much going on for me really. It's going to take me well into November to catch up on everything - which will likely mean fewer pedal acquisition - as I can't have everything piling up indefinitely until I've sorted some of those and neatly filed them away for later rotations.


I keep saying I need to slow down and return to 3 posts a week - but that doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon as my network is still growing and there's never a shortage of pedals to review and analyse! I do hope November will be a little quieter - while right away the first week starts off with two big launches - one for Steve Demedash, and one for Boss. I'm sitting on so many secrets right now it's sometimes hard to keep all bottled that up - but I've been sworn to secrecy and I'm always good to my word.


The pedal-chain has been remarkably well behaved with all these changes - and everything has worked from the start which is rather unusual. Obviously I have a number of pedals on the backlog - and there are others I'm waiting for demos to materialise on - Kuro Custom Audio is about to announce a magnificent pedal that I've been testing throughout this week - that arrived the day after my Birthday - still counts!


These years never go entirely to plan where I always try to keep things lean and streamlined - but that's very hard to do with this much activity to cover. Because I do detailed reviews there is no way I can review absolutely everything out there - not that I want to really - I prefer to remain rather selective and to mostly limit exposure to one article per day - which means yesterday was quite unusual - I had committed to two articles already - and then of course I had to weigh in on the new JHS PackRat which I've known was being worked on for well over a year. You can criticise Josh for several things - but never his thorough approach to research. He uncovers all the classics - but also at least a couple or so more unusual flavours - and that's typically what reels me in - not so much the classics which are already well represented in my collection - but those circuits I'm less familiar with. I still think all those multi-mode type pedals could have done with additional tone-shaping - added mids control, 2-Band or 3-Band EQ even or 3-Band plus Parametric Mids like BTMB's EQ'd Vintage Series! Even just a toggle with scoop/flat/hump would do!


You can see from the long list of incoming pedals - that I've yet to cover much of that properly and I've got a long way still to go to catch up fully - so please bear with me wile I sort myself out! Hopefully back to normal by the end of November - while then we have all the end of year coverage - which pretty much knackered me last year. At least fewer pedal acquisitions - I can control that!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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