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Boost and Overdrive

15 Favourite Drunk Beaver Pedals

Best of BrandsBig Muff Style FuzzBlues Breaker Style OverdriveBoostBoost and OverdriveDistortionDriveDrunk BeaverFlangerFuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionKlone and Transparent OverdriveModulationOpAmp FuzzOverdriveRat Style FuzzTubescreamer Style Overdrive+-
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In the wake of the release of the Seattle Driver - which replaces and reboots 2 of my favourite but discontinued  Drunk Beaver Pedals, along with the fact that Drunk Beaver is now my second most populous brand - it seems only fitting that I should pick out some of my favourites from that range across the 4 years of my involvement.


I first spotted Drunk Beaver Pedals when doing research on the Boss DS-1 back in October / November of 2020. Drunk Beaver had its V1 extended take on the Boss DS-1 out at the time - which I pretty much snapped up on sight. I introduced myself to Vitalii Bobrov following that acquisition and soon after we became firm friends, and have collaborated pretty much ever since - where I’ve become the Chronicler of Record for the brand, as for several others.


Vitalli is one of the most prolific pedal creators out there, and while I know several prolific pedal builders, none is quite so prolific as Vitalii. Over the years I have acquired near enough most every Drunk Beaver pedal made, not every edition, but near enough every circuit. There’s only a couple really that I’ve missed out on - the very first Pedal Drop #1 - the Kherson Drive take on the Sound JS DS-5 - a rare Ukrainian clone of the Boss SD-1.


Uncharacteristically of me - I somewhat dithered on that one and missed out! It’s pretty much my only regret on this journey - and I regularly scour the interweb! to see if any come up for re-sale - which doesn’t seem to have happened yet - but hopefully I will endure eventually!


The other one that I don’t have is kind of a moot point at the moment, as the new Seattle Driver replaces the limited edition Boost Guitar Pedal Big Grunge collaboration - a further distilled take on the Mykolaiv Grunge PD#1 which I do have.


In any case here follows my Drunk Beaver pedal journey as below :

GPX Drunk Beaver Features & Ownership Chronology


The above visual from November 2020 represents the first time Drunk Beaver appeared on this site - in the guise of the V1 Edition of the DS-1 style 'Distortion' - which you can see in the bottom left corner of the above visual!

  1. November 2020 : Distortion V1 Boss DS-1
  2. March 2021 : Cold War Bat V1 Distortion
  3. April 2021 : Jellyfish MN3007 BBD Chorus
  4. May 2021 : Taras Bulba Fuzz V1 MK I.V / MKII
  5. July 2021 : (Boba) FET OverBooster
  6. August 2021 : Bloom V1 Expandora
  7. August 2021 : Heavy Bat Distortion
  8. September 2021 : Standard Bat V2 Distortion
  9. October 2021 : Disambiguation Muff-Rat Distortion
  10. October 2021 : Distortion V2 Boss DS-1
  11. October 2021 : Fluff Muff Octave Boost Fuzz
  12. November 2021 : Trainer TS-15 Preamp
  13. December 2021 : Secret Sauce Harmonic Percolator
  14. March 2022 : Fat Bat Distortion
  15. March 2022 : Fuzz Master Maestro FZ-1S Fuzz
  16. July 2022 : Ivan Mazepa Poltava Fuzz Wah
  17. **August 2022 : Kherson Drive SD-1 [PD-#1] - Don't have this one!
  18. August 2022 : Trainer TS-100 Preamp
  19. October 2022 : Mykolaiv Grunge [PD-#2] Boss PW-2
  20. October 2022 : Bloom V2 Expandora
  21. October 2022 : Inglorious Bastard V3 BluesBreaker
  22. November 2022 : Zaporizhzhia OpAmp Preamp [PD-#3]
  23. November 2022 : Donetsk Muff Ibanez JD-01 [PD-#4]
  24. January 2023 : Dnipro Jet Flanger Ibnez FL9 [PD-#5]
  25. January 2023 : Kropyvnytskyi OverDrive Exar OD-02 [PD-#6]
  26. February 2023 : Distortion V3 Boss DS-1
  27. March 2023 : Luhansk Hammer Thrash Metal Distortion Exar HR-03 [PD-#7]
  28. March 2023 : Odesa Envelope Filter MXR MX-120 [PD-#8]
  29. April 2023 : Taras Bulba Fuzz V2 MK I.V / MKII
  30. **May 2023 : Big Grunge Boss PW-2 [Boost Guitar Pedal Ltd Edition] - Don't have this one! (Mykolaiv Grunge Variant)
  31. May 2023 : Kharkiv CMOStortion - inspired by Ibanez Mostortion [PD-#9]
  32. May 2023 : Sumy Germanium Treble Booster / RangeMaster PD-#10]
  33. June 2023 : Cherkasy Silicon Fuzz Face [PD-#11]
  34. August 2023 : Chernihiv Moon Metal Distortion Marshall ShredMaster + Exar Moon Metal [PD-#12]
  35. September 2023 : Simferopol Venta OD PE-12 Electronika Venta [PD-#13]
  36. October 2023 : Kyiv Lead Boss SD-2 [PD-#14]
  37. October 2023 : Tornado V2 2-4-6 Stage Dual Range OTA Phaser
  38. October 2023 : Zhytomyr Sunset Preamp Sunn Beta Lead [PD-#15]
  39. December 2023 : Poltava DOA Muff EHX IC Muff / Ibanez CR5 [PD-#16]
  40. January 2024 : Rivne OTA Compressor DynaComp [PD-#17]
  41. February 2024 : Hoverla Germanium Treble Booster / RangeMaster
  42. February 2024 : Chernivtsi Trembita Optical Tremolo [PD-#18]
  43. February 2024 : The Forest Song High Voltage Overdrive
  44. March 2024 : Khelnytskyi OD Boss OD-1 + OD-3 [PD-#19]
  45. April 2024 : Ternopil Pentoed Preamp Tone Enhancer [PD-#20]
  46. May 2024 : Lviv Liontaur High Fidelity Candry Red Klon [PD-#21]
  47. July 2024 : Vinnytsia Echo Machine Ibanez EM-5 [PD-#22]
  48. August 2024 : Seattle Driver Boss PW-2 / Fluff Fuzz

So 48 in total - of which I have 46! Including 3 Editions of the Distortion DS-1 type.


I pondered long and hard on which would be my Drunk Beaver chosen ambassador pedals - where I wanted to include a decent spread of effects - and both mainline and Pedal Drop editions. In the end I distilled it down to the 15 you see featured here - which I feel very well represents the brand.


There are obviously certain patterns here per my own preferences - and where you will hopefully note that these are the ones I've really advocated for over these last 4 years. Drunk Beaver is one of my essential brands - and all these pedals in the selection are at the top of their game as such!

The 15!


So here is my final selection :

  • Bloom (Bixonic Expandora)
  • Distortion (Boss DS-1)
  • Dnipro Jet Flanger (Ibanez FL9) [Pedal Drop #5]
  • (Boba) FET OverBooster (Boss FA-1 FET Amplifier)
  • The Forest Song High Voltage Overdrive
  • Heavy Bat Distortion (King of Rats!)
  • Hoverla Germanium Treble Booster
  • Inglorious Bastard Overdrive (BluesBreaker)
  • Kharkiv CMOStortion [Pedal Drop #9]
  • Khmelnytskyi OD (Boss OD-1 + OD-3) [Pedal Drop #19]
  • Kyiv Lead (Boss SD-2) [Pedal Drop #14]
  • Lviv Liontaur [Pedal Drop #21]
  • Poltava DOA Muff [Pedal Drop #16]
  • Seattle Driver
  • Secret Sauce (Harmonic Percolator)

All of these are big time favourites of mine - notably with the Seattle Driver replacing two of my longer-term favourites that would otherwise have been in this selection - the Fluff Octane Fuzz, and Mykolaiv Grunge.

Vitalii is so prolifically busy that he seems to be working on a dozen projects at any given time - where he's still doing Exar circuit traces - in the hopes of reviving that classic Polish brand one day. There is a smattering of Exar derivatives across the range, alongside pedals evolved from Boss and Ibanez mostly discontinued classics.


In my 15 there are 4 Boss-inspired pedals - the Distortion, (Boba) FET OverBooster, Khmelnytskyi OD, and Kyiv Lead, with kind of 2 Ibanez derivations here too!

Much like my friend Verlie in Australia (PastFX), Vitalii is also known for his properly smart selection of rare primo components - where many of those were actually made in his former Ukrainian heartland.

So many of these pedals sound brilliant - because of a mix of engineering prowess and superior component selection, and I'm proud to be friends with so many pioneers in this domain.


Note that several of these are discontinued - in fact 6 of the 15 - of course the Pedal Drop ones. And for the current mainline range - those are all small batch productions - so they will go out of stock every now and then - you just need to be patient and sharp-minded - and keep an eye on the Drunk Beaver Webstore and Instagram Pages - where new release and stock announcements are made!

Everyone should find something to love in this selection, full details below as usual! :

Bloom V2 Overdrive / Distortion / Fuzz (Bixonic Expandora) [2022] - $175


Controls - Volume, Tone, Gain, Mode : Overdrive / Crunch / Distortion / Fuzz, Voice : Ge / LED / Si, Fat : Fat / Tight / Classic.


An amazing take on the Bixonic Export with really useful additional controls to get the most out of this format, alongside a superb sounding rare Toshiba MC1458N OpAmp (Dual LM741). Much like with the Decibelics Reverend this sounds superb across all 4 - Overdrive / Crunch / Distortion / Forbidden Fuzz voicings - only somewhat more expansive. One of my very favourite takes on this superb circuit for sure!

Distortion V2.5 / V3 (Boss DS-1) [2023] - $150


Controls - Level, Tone, List, Clipping : Silicon 1N914 Sym / MOSFET / Silicon 1N4001 / Germanium D9B / '94 IN914 Asym / Red LEDs / '78 1S1588 Silicon / Boost, Mids : Stock Scooped / Less Scooped / Flat EQ, Op-amp : Vintage / Modern, Muff : Off / On.


This really takes the Boss DS-1 format to new heights via dual OpAmp selection, 8 classic clipping options, Mids Boost, and Muff input Mod - one of the most perennially popular of Drunk Beaver Pedals - and where I own 3 Editions of this fabulous circuit - really beefs up and rounds off that essential DS-1 Distortion flavour - everyone who encounters it loves it!

Dnipro Jet Flanger (Ibanez FL9) [Pedal Drop #5] [2023] - discontinued - $175


Controls - Delay Time, Width, Speed, Regen, Voice : Flanger / Chorus.


A superb take on the long discontinued Ibanez FL9 Jet Flanger [1981-84]. Delivering a proper full flavour Flanger, but with Chorus voicing also. I'm obviously a big fan of Flanger Modulations - and this is a great representative of the more flavoursome of that ilk - really cool colourway too! Note no official demo - so I reference an original Ibanez FL9 here!

(Boba) FET OverBooster (Boss FA-1 FET Amplifier) [2021] - $150


Controls - Bass, Mid, Treble, Output, Tight (Low-Cut), Mode : Drive / Boost, Gain.


A fantastic take on the Boss FA-1 FET Amplifier. My very first of that circuit family - where I have 4 now - including the JHS Clover Preamp, and Audio Blend Edge EQ and Fourleaf takes on that same format - all brilliant takes on that circuit. While the (Boba) FET OverBooster was my first of that kind and therefore kind of more endearing! It truly sounds superb and has the most magnificent range extension and versatility - a really potent Boost / Overdrve and Distortion even!

The Forest Song High Voltage Overdrive (Screamer adjacent) [2024] - $175


Controls - Volume, Resonance (500Hz + 800Hz Peak Filters Cut/Boost), Drive, Mode (Clipping) : Boost / LED / MOSFET / Si / Ge / Asym Si, Volts ≈ 18 / 30.


An intriguing not-a-screamer which takes a different path with Resonant Filter, 6 potent clipping options and high voltage @ c18V and 30V. The final production version was in effect a V3, where my V1 had significant volume-drop issues with the Ge Clipping. Vitalli then did two further iteration - and the pedal was significantly improved in every area - now with the Ge voicing as one of my favourites! A very distinct and potent sounding overdrive where originally the voltage component was variable, but caused too much interference with the circuit - which is why it was reduced to a binary switch.

Heavy Bat Distortion (King of Rats!) [2021] - $230


Controls - Clean Blend, Filter, Low, Mid, High, Distortion, EQ Mode : Heavy (HM-2) / Classic (Filter-only), Volume A, Volume B, Clipping Mode A : LED / None / SI / Soviet SI / Hybrid / Mosfet / GE / Bat, Clipping Mode B : LED / None / SI / Soviet SI / Hybrid / Mosfet / GE / Bat, Op-Amp Selector : Classic / Soviet / Modern / Ancient, dual footswitches : Bypass + Channel A/B.


I included this in my recent Reference Collection World Odyssey article - where I named it my favourite Polish pedal of all time - so by extension it has to be my favourite overall Drunk Beaver pedal too - while I'm definitely spoilt for choice there. This is a superb engineering achievement with quad OpAmp options, and 3-Band EQ across 2 separate channels - each with 8 Clipping Modes. I've crowned this the 'King of Rats' and I still stand by that sentiment. To complete that set - I also include the Fat Bat - which has a slightly different take on the Rat. The Drunk Beaver Bat Series is a killer and very distinctive take on the Rat Distortion format - and anyone who is serious about this circuit type - should most definitely own a Heavy Bat!


Hoverla Germanium Treble Booster / RangeMaster [2024] - $150


Controls - Range, Master, Impedance (for Pickup Simulator), Pickup Simulator Off / On, Bias, Bias Volage Display (3.15 > 0.63).


A further enhancement of the Sumy Treble Booster circuit [PD#10] with variable Voltage Bias display and slightly different mostly soviet Germanium transformers - sounds and looks superb - a fantastic take on the RangeMaster format!

Inglorious Bastard Overdrive V3 (BluesBreaker) [2022] - $150


Controls - Level, Tone, Drive, Saturation, CLIP : Mosfet / LED / Si, BRIGHT : Dark / Bright / Stock.


I actually waited a while to get this one as I wasn't happy with the earlier artworks, it paid to wait it out in fact, as Vitalii found an even better stash of Toshiba TA7727P OpAmps - which really sound superb. This BluesBreaker type is right up there with the very best of them - like the Snouse BlackBox Stage Pro edition and Wampler Pantheon, I mostly like it set to LED clipping - it's an improved BluesBreaker for sure!

Kharkiv CMOStortion (Mostortion adjacent) [Pedal Drop #9] [2023] - discontinued - $150


Controls - Bass, Mid, Treble, Level, Drive.


An interesting evolution of the Mostortion circuit where a part of the circuit is switched out with a discrete Opamp configuration, uses a CMOS Chip 2N7000 + BS250 Pair instead, and removes the input buffer. The end result is that it sounds fantastic - really smooth and sustaining with a very distinctive breakup character. No official demo exists for this circuit - and so I've made use some original Mostortion comparison sound samples!

Khmelnytskyi OD (Boss OD-1 + OD-3 Tone Stack) [Pedal Drop #19] [2024] - discontinued - $150


Controls - Volume, Tone (from OD-3), Drive, Clipping : LED / None / Silicon.


Something I've always wanted is an enhanced tone-stack OD-1 featuring the very original 14-Leg chip - which is essentially what we have here - where Vitalii managed to get his hands on some Motorola MX3403 OpAmps which are the exact equivalent to the Boss used Raytheon RC3403 ones. The addition of LED clipping really helps too - for an all-round improved take on the very original fuller sounding OD-1. I've suggested that Vitalii do an even more extended version with added clipping options, phat mode, and 3-Band EQ. In any case this Khmelnytskyi OD edition is already brilliant as is - and I'm so glad I got my hand on one! 

Kyiv Lead (Boss SD-2 Lead Channel) [Pedal Drop #14] [2023] - discontinued - $150


Controls - Treble, Mid, Bass, Master, Presence, Gain.


Another brilliant Boss derivation / enhancement, where Vitalii expands on the Lead Channel from the Boss SD-2 Dual OverDrive discontinued in 1998, I've always thought of this as a slightly Rat-style sounding distortion, while many disagree. In any case you get an added 4-Band EQ here - including additional Mid and Presence controls. An already fantastic format sounds even better in this version - a superb sustaining distortion! Once more no official demo exists so I'm compelled to use an original SD-2 pedal sound sample.

Lviv Liontaur Candy Apple Red (Klon Centaur) [Pedal Drop #21] [2024] - discontinued - $175


Controls - Loud, Timbre, Purr (Dry Level), Roar (Gain Leve).


A genius take on a Klon Centaur where Vitalii has cleverly split out the normally single parallel Dry and Gain Level control into its two separate constituents. He also deploys some really unique oversized Germanium D2 Diodes - which you can see though the viewport slits on the pedal facia. A fantastic and really granularly shapeable Klone! Indeed it was so popular that Vitalii made a second batch in Yellow a couple of weeks later! Once more - no official demo exists for this pedal - so I've had to use another sounds sample one - I'm pretty sure everyone knows what a Klon sounds like these days - just imagine one with even more precise and expansive controls.

Poltava DOA Muff (based on EHX OpAmp Muff and Ibanez CR5 Crunchy Rhythm) [Pedal Drop #16]] [2023] - discontinued - $150


Controls : Volume, EQ, Sustain, Tone Stack : BMP EQ / LPF Rat Filter, Impedance : Custom / Standard.


A fantastic sounding OpAmp Muff based on a combination of the best aspects of the classic EHX OpAmp Fuzz and Ibanez CR5 Crunchy Rhythm - utilising a rare Portuguese TI RC4559P OpAmp chip. The different EQ and Impedance settings give you a wider and more expansive output profile. A really beautifully textured OpAmp Muff! Again - no official demo exists - hence the EHX OpAmp Muff sound samples!

Seattle Driver (based on Boss PW-2 Power Driver and Fluff Octave Muff) [2024] - $175


Controls - Fat (± Bass centered @ 80Hz, 5.06 Q), Muscle (± Mids centered @ 875Hz, 5.5 Q), Air (± Highs centered @ 1550Hz, 4.58 Q), Exhaust (Volume), Vacuum (% Ring Mod Upper Octave), Power (Drive).


A replacement for 3 Drunk Beaver Pedals - the PW-2-derived Mykolaiv Grunge and Big Grunge, and the Fluff Octave Fuzz. Vitalii has combined the best elements from all of those into the single new brilliant sounding Seattle Driver. Which is probably my second favourite pedal in the range after the Heavy Bat - while there is really stiff competition for that slot. The RingMod style octave adds a lovely searing tonality on top of that amazing sustain - a really fantastic sounding fuzz! 

Secret Sauce (Harmonic Percolator) [2021] - $200


Controls - Compression, Diodes : Ge/Si, Symmetry (Diode Clipping) : Symmetrical > Stock Percolator > Asymmetrical, Output, Q2 Transistors : Ge/Si, Harmonics (Gain).


A superior 4-knob Harmonic Percolator with Germanium / Silicon Diode and Transistor Options - with an obviously expansive soundstage - to match that striking yellow enclosure / purple knob combination. One of the best Harmonic Percolators out there in a really neat form factor! A perennial favourite for sure!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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