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Drunk Beaver's Pedal Drop #22 the Vinnytsia Echo Machine is an evolved take on the Ibanez EM-5 - with added Tap Tempo, and Longer Delay Time

DelayDigital DelayDrunk Beaver
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Vitalii has worked his circuit magic again - this time with his evolved Vinnytsia Echo Machine take on the Ibanez EM-5 Soundtank.


The Ibanez EM-5 was a digital delay with a discrete delay chip clock. Vitalii has replaced that chip with a microcontroller (MCU). This enabled the possibility to add tap tempo - via the arcade-style blue button. 


The Vinnytsia Echo Machine has more max gain for the delay line than the original source pedal, low noise op-amps in the signal path, and is wholly true bypass. Also the delay time has been extended from 50-600ms to 40-700ms.


Controls - Delay Level, Feedback / Repeats, Delay Time (40ms > 700ms), Engage Footswitch, Blue Tap Tempo Footswitch.


So what we have here is a really smart and neat simple delay - which is super easy to deploy. If you’re looking for a fantastic sounding simple delay then this is a prime candidate for you!


As usual this has been a rapid prototyping Pedal Drop Project (#22) - so there is no time to get a demo sorted - I’ve included a near match EM-5 demo for sound sample purposes.


The Vinnytsia Echo Machine can be ordered direct from the Drunk Beaver Webstore - where it goes for $175 plus shipping and taxes where applicable. Only 20 of these have been made! I really love the elegance of the arcade style Tap Tempo Button / Switch!


Sound Sample Demo / Reference

Hidden Gem: Ibanez EM5 Echomachine
Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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