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Boost and Overdrive

Boost Guitar Pedals teams up with Drunk Beaver for the Worldwide Exclusive Release of the Big Grunge - a smart take on Boss's PW-2 Power Driver

Big Muff Style FuzzBoost Guitar PedalsDistortionDrunk BeaverFuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionOpAmp Fuzz+-
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Some of you will remember that last October (2022) Drunk Beaver released its 3-sliders Mykolaiv Grunge take on Boss’s long discontinued PW-2 Power Driver. That version has a Stock / Custom EQ selector which changed up the frequency bands on Fat (Bass) and Muscle (Mids) controls. The PW-2 is very much Boss’s take on a Big Muff - or near as! In any case only 15 Mykolaiv Grunges were made as part of Drunk Beaver’s 2nd Pedal Drop.


The Mykolaiv Grunge added a further EQ control - Scream for high frequencies. While the Stock Values were 130Hz for Fat, and 1070 for Muscle, with Custom settings at 80Hz and 890Hz respectively.


For the newer Big Grunge we loose the Custom EQ Option - while the Stock EQ is updated to the custom settings - 80Hz and 890Hz, and the High Frequency centre frequency is set at around 3.5kHz.


The Big Grunge deploys traditional potentiometers versus the much harder to get siders of the Mykolaiv Grunge.


You essentially get the best version of this pedal in an entirely new sleek enclosure with its own graphics.


Boss’s PW-2 has become a secret weapon for many players, while that has a few weaknesses - which Vitalii has remedied in his smart evolved versions.


The price point is brilliant too at just £129.99 - only available from the Boost Guitar Pedals Webstore. Note that Boos Guitar Pedals is the place to get Drunk Beaver Pedals in the UK - and for this Big Grunge - the only place you can get that pedal!


I love my own Mykolaiv Grunge - and indeed I mostly deploy that with custom settings - which is exactly what the Big Grunge is - a fantastic take on a cult classic!


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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