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Boost and Overdrive

Brand new Drunk Beaver Webstore is now live and active on Drunk-Beaver.Rocks

Big Muff Style FuzzBlues Breaker Style OverdriveBoostBoost and OverdriveChorus and VibratoDelayDigital DelayDistortionDriveDrunk BeaverFuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGermanium FuzzModulationOpAmp FuzzOverdrivePhaserPreAmpRat Style FuzzSilicon FuzzTone Bender Style FuzzTubescreamer Style Overdrive+-
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I’m delighted to report that my friend and yours Vitalii Bobrov - of Drunk Beaver fame - at last has a proper website / webstore for his pedals - DRUNK-BEAVER.ROCKS - where his full current range of 19 pedals can be purchased - of course when in stock.


All these pedals are made in relatively small batches (20 or so at a time) and when there is high demand as there often is - then stock clears out very quickly and then there is typically a wait of around 3-4 weeks before more stock is ready and available. Some pedals are more complicated to build than others - so all build timings have to be approximations - but they’re usually a decent guide for what’s going on in general!


Full Range Rundown [Currently in stock unless indicated]

  • Bat Standard : Rat - $175 [more stock in March]
  • Bat Cold War : Rat - $175
  • Fat Bat : Rat - $175
  • Heavy Bat : Rat - $230 [more stock in March]
  • Bloom : Expandora - $175
  • Disambiguation Hybrid Muff-Rat - $125
  • Distortion : Evolved Mods DS-1 - $150
  • (Boba) FET Overbooster : Boss FA-1 inspired - $150 [more stock in March]
  • *NEW* The Forest Song High Voltage Reworked Classic Overdrive - $175
  • *NEW* Hoverla Germanium Treble Booster - $150 [more stock in 3 weeks]
  • Inglorious Bastard : Blues Breaker - $150
  • Ivan Mazepa Unique Si/Ge Hybrid Fuzz - $200
  • Jellyfish Analog MN3007 BBD Chorus - $185
  • Lighthouse 700ms Analog Voiced Modulated Delay - $175
  • Secret Sauce : Harmonic Percolator - $200 [more stock in 1 week]
  • Taras Bulba MK2 Ge Vintage Fuzz : TB MK1.5 & MKII - $200
  • Tornado MK2 Fully Analog Dual Speed Phaser + Ring Mod - $200
  • Trainer TS-15 Preamp : Traynor inspired - $125 [more stock in March]
  • Trainer TS-100 Preamp : Traynor inspired - $175 [more stock in 3 weeks]

Nearly all the classic Drunk Beaver pedals are present and correct - including the vast majority of mine - the various Bats, Bloom, Distortion, Inglorious Bastard etc. Also two brand new pedals - The Forest Song High Voltage Overdrive and Hoverla Germanium Treble Booster - I teased The Forest Green in September of last year - that was a v1.3, while the release candidate it a third major iteration - v3.1!


Only two of my all-time favourites are missing from this list - the Fluff (Opamp Muff + Octave + Boost) and Fuzz Master (Maestro FZ-1S). Where the Fluff is / was a particular favourite of mine. I may discuss reviving that as a special limited edition at some stage. For whatever reason - those just weren't selling and thus had to be culled!

The DRUNK-BEAVER.ROCKS website could not be simpler to navigate - the are just 4 left-hand menu items - Home, Pedals, Collections (Range by Type), Login (for quicker checkout).


On the Product pages you will find comprehensive Description, Controls, Power Supply, Shipping, and Warranty - details. You may still have to refer to GPX on occasion for some of the deeper dive details behind the origin and development story for each.


Also - a future iteration of the website will include a section on Legacy / Discontinued, and Pedal Drop editions.


I am waiting for more Hoverlas to come into stock to publish my review for that pedal. And the combined website and The Forest Green launch caught me out a little - I expect those to sell out very quickly - so my Forest Green review - which has been almost a year in the making - will go live when that pedal is restocked too!


I will end this DRUNK-BEAVER.ROCKS overview by giving you a glimpse into those 2 super new pedals - The Forest Song High Voltage Reworked Classic Overdrive and Hoverla Germanium Treble Booster - courtesy of their demos :

Hoverla Demos


The Forest Song Demos

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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