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Tom Majeski Expands and Refines his Cooper FX Generation Loss with the Launch of the Immediately Sold-Out V2 Edition

Bitcrushing and Lo-FiChorus and VibratoCooper FXModulation+-
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I’ve been onboard the Tom Majeski train only properly since the Chase Bliss Audio Generation Loss Edition from October 2019. I had been aware of Tom for a while including in particular the Generation Loss, Outward and Moment Machine - in fact I came very close to acquiring the Moment Machine at one stage, before deciding that the Meris Hedra was probably better for my needs - and quite specifically in terms of form factor and pedal-chain fit!


The CBA Generation Loss was a real eye-opener for me at that point and I used it then largely as a very warbly sort of lo-fi chorus really. I had not fully associated it then with being a Lo-Fi Modulator specifically vs a VHS Tape Degeneration Effect, while it inhabits a similar sort of space to the Champion Leccy Woozy, Fairfield Shallow Water, Hungry Robot Wardenclyffe, and Zvex Lo-Fi Junky - while each is pretty distinct in its own way too.


So the CBA Generation Loss Edition took on and added to the V1 Generation Loss in a few ways. The V1 consisted of 7 controls - with the central dial being the Wet/Dry Mix, then bottom left and clockwise - Generation (Sample Rate), Speed, Span (Wow + Flutter), Noise, High Pass Filter, and Low Pass Filter.

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On the CBA Generation Loss we have separate Wow and Flutter knobs, Wet, High Pass Filter, Generation (Sample Rate), Low Pass Filter knobs, then AUX Function toggle : Modulation / Generation / Filter, Dry toggle : None / Small / Unity, and Hiss (Noise) : None / Mild / Heavy. And finally we of course have 2 onboard Presets courtesy of the toggle switch between the LEDs - and of course the 16 dip-switches on the top edge of the unit - for all the typical CBA Ramping and Bounce controls etc.


So the CBA Generation Loss adds in quite a bit more range and granularity to the V1 via its additional controls - essentially 6 fully variable, and 3 x 3-way switches. The step up between CBA Generation Loss and V2 Generation Loss is also fairly significant, and very significant per the first visual in the V1 vs V2 stakes.


The immediately noticeable changes are that the V2 separates out the Wow and Flutter Controls which were just Span in V1, and also Wet and Dry signal Levels have been separated out versus having a mix / blend - which obviously gives you far more granularity and flexibility in generating certain tones and textures.


The V2 also comes with dual-footswitches and 2 x push-button selectors, not unlike on the Arcades device albeit with slightly different functions. The Left-hand FUNC push-button controls the Function of the AUX Footswitch - you have 3 Functional Modes to select from as indicated in the visual :

  • Tape Stop Effect
  • Garbled Tape Effect
  • Spectral Freeze / Drone

The right-hand PRST push-button allows you to scroll through 3 user-definable onboard presets - more via MIDI. You need to observe the two LEDs for the number of Functional Mode or Preset you are in 1 : Left LED, 2 : Right LED, 3 : Both LEDs.


Generally the Range has been expanded - with further extended granularity and those 3 Functional Modes and Presets. I think there's no question that the V2 is the very best of the Generation Loss Editions - the CBA Edition's remaining advantage is largely down to its size / footprint really. I would recommend though that if you're keen on the Generation Loss algorithm - then the V2 Unit is the one to have!

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For my purposes I already have the CBA Edition, and the Generation Loss Card on the Arcades device - which is plenty for my purposes really. I don't use this algorithm quite enough to justify a 3rd dedicated unit - it would in any case take over the Arcades slot - where I prefer the greater overall utility of the Arcades Unit.


Price is around the the same as the Arcades or circa $300 - and somewhat academic at the moment, as all 500 of the V2 first batch sold out in mere seconds. In fact there was a glitch with the system due to the volume of traffic - resulting in 80-odd units being oversold - obviously some issue with stock control. Those unlucky few will be prioritised for the next batch. But note that there are global issues with parts sourcing - so some patience might be required.


Beware that there is seemingly some price-gouging happening already, and while some units may be in stock with dealers - be careful at what price you acquire them. If in doubt go direct to the Cooper FX Webstore which will in due time be open for orders again - either way you probably have to be patient - but this is now part of the production run - so more will come!


I never say never - so a V2 may be on the Cards for me some day, for now it just remains to celebrate Tom's success, and congratulate those that were lucky enough so secure one of the 500 completed units.

Sound Samples and Demos

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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