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Boost and Overdrive

Canada's Fish Circuits are now available at Joe's Pedals in the UK

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The small but intriguing Québec-based team of Mike and Simon has been experimenting with guitar pedals for 15+ years now, where they created Fish Circuits in 2021 to launch their first official pedal - the Model One Classic Natural Overdrive. The Brand name is derived from Mike’s surname - Poisson, which of course is French for ’Fish’!


I first contacted Mike and Simon in October of last year, the last communication from Mike was ’Yeah that works, I’ll send you a pedal once I can clear some of the backorders. My guess is that by mid-november I should have a pedal ready for you.’ For whatever reason that did not happen, I followed up twice more without any response - so that project never managed to take off alas!


But now the Model One Overdrive, and follow-up from December of last year - the Lunatique Juiced-up Gated Fuzz are available at my friend Joe Lights Joe’s Pedals here in the UK - so something still might happen - if some sort of accord can be reached.


I always liked the look and sound of the Model One, and while the Lunatique is a little taller than I would typically like - it too delivers some really interesting tones. Would be good to add those two to the reference collection at some stage - we’ll see what can be done!


In any case the Model One and Lunatique are both £239 at Joe’s Pedals, and $249 direct from Fish Circuits - for those in the Americas!


Here follow the usual further details on each :

Model One Classic Natural Overdrive - £239 / $249


Controls - Drive, Level, Top, Mode : b (Saggier / More Gain) / n (Cleaner / More Volume), Body : 1 / 2 / 3 (increased Bass content / fatness 1>3.


A somewhat Orange Amps -adjacent Overdrive with plenty of character, with loads of sustain and depth, and reaching saturated fuzzstortion territory when some of those controls are cranked. A really great dynamic and fuzz-edged overdrive - just how I like them - which is why I approached Mike and Simon in the first place - hopefully their landing at Joe's Pedals means that something may actually happen - while arrangements still need to be made!

Lunatique Juiced-up Gated Fuzz - £239 / $249


Controls - Chaos (Character / Blend between 2 circuits - Classic Fuzz and RingMod Octave style), Level, Body : Tight / Fat, Fuzz : More Agressive / More Tame.


A really intriguing Fuzz whose Chaos control blends between Classic Fuzz and a more Aggressive Ring-Mod Upper Octave Fuzz circuits. The Body control gives you more oomph! and you can gain-up or temper the output via the Fuzz : ± control. I really like both of these distinctive takes on those genres, and would dearly like to add both pedals to the reference collection - hopefully it's only a matter of time!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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