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Boost and Overdrive

Beautiful Noise's Endless Sleeper II is an intriguing Analog-Voiced Cascading Dual Delay with Pitch Modulation and Bitcrushing

Beautiful Noise EffectsBitcrushing and Lo-FiDelayDigital DelayLo-Fi Delay+-
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Beautiful Noise effects always comes up with something distinct and different, and follows up its ’When The Sun Explodes Atmospheric Feedback Reverberator’ and ’Exploder’ White Noise Distortion, with an equally atmosperic Cascading Dual Delay.


The core of the circuit is two pitch-modulated delays which cascade into each other, and where you can send the output of the Second Delay back into the front of the first.


You can select different parameters per side - fully granular, including a choice of 3 different modulation waveforms - Sine, Square or Random. And you have an additional Sample Rate Reduction element that you can mix into the output for even more diffused sounds.


Controls - DELAY I } Mix, Delay Time (30ms - 1500ms), Glide, Feedback, Mod Rate, Glide Waveform : Sine / Square / Random; DELAY II } Mix, Delay Time (30ms - 1500ms), Glide, Feedback, Mod Rate, Glide Waveform : Sine / Square / Random; CRUSH } Sample Rate Reduction 40kHz - 270Hz, Crush Mix; <<< Delay II Output into Delay I Input, FOOTSWITCHES : Overload Footswitch (Max Feedback / Oscillation), Bypass Footswitch.


The layout here is really elegant and beautifully self explanatory mostly. And while fantastically granular, it seems very intuitive and easy to use. The Overload footswitch then allows you to max out the Feedback on both Delays to take you into self-oscillation.


All-in-all a really well thought out execution of a really smart concept. The mono nature of this particular delay limits its use within my own rig. But I can see how this will appeal to a lot of ambient soundscapes. And it fits in really well with Beautiful Noise’s two previous pedals - in keeping up that atmospheric spacey theme!


The Endless Sleeper II Cascading Delay is available right now from the Beautiful Noise Effects Webstore - where it goes for AUD $380, equivalent to circa $250. This delay treads on fairly familiar ground, but in a really smart way. There’s a lot to like here for sure - and it sounds fantastic!




Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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