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Boost and Overdrive

Markus Reeves is Opening up his Order Book for the first time this year - for Waitlist Wednesday, Tomorrow 28th of July, 00:00-23:59 Hrs BST

BoostBoost and OverdriveEffects Pedal MakersFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzReeves Electro Guitar PedalsSilicon FuzzTone Bender Style Fuzz+-
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I’ve been a huge fan of Markus Reeves’ point-to-point-wired circuits - since having been alerted to them by Brian Wampler. I was lucky enough to secure a rare BlackHatSound MKI-style fuzz during that original production run - as per the below reference. And Markus seems to have been able to secure 22 more pairs of those rare TO106 TUN ‘Blackhat’ Transistors. He has made 20 more regular-sized / compact RedHatSound editions, as well as a couple of his big-box BlackHatSound Professional editions with extra controls, and a significantly larger footprint. I’ve never been that enamoured with those elongated vintage style over-sized enclosures - while I really recommend the compact sized ones. The RedHatSound is very much a smart Silicon take on the MKI Tone Bender - and is beautifully and richly textured.

BlackHatSound MKI-style Fuzz


22 BlackHatSound Fuzzes will be made available 20 regular and 2 larger - with extra. controls :

  • 20 x BlackHatSound Compact (Silicon MKI style Tone Bender) : £279
  • 2 x BlackHatSound Professional Big Box (Silicon MKI style Tone Bender) : £400

Open Orders on 2n2Face, RedDotSound, 108Master and LuxMaster


There are No Limits on the following 4 pedals which are open to order in the normal way - I presume you can select interior colour and choose the extra option of power conditioner as was the case for most of last year :

  • 2n2Face (Silicon FF) - £259/£279
  • RedDotSound (Silicon MKII style Tone Bender) - £259/£279
  • 108Master (High Gain Silicon RangeMaster) - £259/£279
  • LuxMaster (Deluxe Dual Silicon RangeMaster) - £380/£410

Final Thoughts

I will be personally going after a RedDotSound - hopefully with the same copper-coloured insides as my other pictured Reeves Electro BlackHatSound pedal.


The MKII style RedDotSound features a combination of 3 super rare vintage Silicon transistors - 2 x New Old Stock’ TO106′ ME c1016 RedDot silicon transistors from Aug 1975, and a single RCA 2n3053 transistor from 1977.


Markus has been making all these pedals in batches of 10 and 20 this year - and they always sell out within seconds, so this is a rare opportunity to acquire one without the bunfight!


And here's the link to the Reeves Electro Site.

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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