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Boost and Overdrive

Formula B Full Range Overview - as stocked by Boost Guitar Pedals

Best of BrandsBoostBoost and OverdriveBoost Guitar PedalsDistortionFormula B PedalsFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzMarshall Style DistortionModulationOverdriveTone Bender Style FuzzTubescreamer Style OverdriveUni-Vibe and Vibe+-
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I’ve admired the Formula B Fuzz Rangers Dual Fuzz Face + Treble Booster pedal for quite a while - the intention was always to add one to the collection at some stage so I was actually quite delighted when Boost Guitar Pedals started stocking them.


In fact Boost’s Jim Button made contact with me very early on - while as is often the case with these sorts of things - it’s taken a while for us to become firm friends. And where it turns out his place of work is actually quite close to mine - so we’re almost neighbours now!


Formula B is actually Italian Marco Bovelli who hand-makes these cool pedals at his workshop, in the heart of Umbria.


Pictured above are six pedals stocked by Boost Guitar Pedals, of which one is now discontinued, and another is a rarely made special edition.


The pictured ones are :

  • 4558 OD : Evolved TS808 (sold out / discontinued)
  • Fuzz Rangers Standard : Silicon Fuzz Face + Silicon Treble Booster all-in-one
  • Fuzz Rangers Anniversary Edition : Silicon Fuzz Face + Silicon Treble Booster all-in-one with additional SRV / JH switch (special edition)
  • Mini Bender : Dual Tone Bender - MK 1.5 and Pro II
  • Super Plexi : Marshall Super Lead 1959
  • Vintage Vibe MK2 : BB-size Uni-Vibe

I kind of spotted the Fuzz Rangers Anniversary Edition from the corner of my eye one day - and I was lucky with the timings as I just managed to snag the last one in stock - and just in the nick of time - more of that below.


Generally all of these sell particularly well - with the Fuzz Rangers and Vintage Vibe the quickest to be snapped up on each occasion. These are all incredibly smart, vintage sounding and well-priced pedals. I also really like some of those cool Hammertone / Craquelure enclosures - the 4558 one is particularly attractive. A recent update has seen all enclosures get a consistent look of a facia plate for logos and legends!


Pricing ranges from £159.99 for the Super Plexi to £214.99 for the Anniversary Fuzz Rangers and Vintage Vibe MK2.


Here follow the usual details on each pedal, while I will cover both Standard and Anniversary Fuzz Rangers Editions in the same segment below :

4558 OD - £139.99


Controls - Vol, Drv, Tone, Bass (Boost).


The 4558 is Marco's enhanced take on the venerable Ibanez / Maxon TS808 overdrive - but with more range on the dials, and an additional Bass Boost toggle-switch. I feel it's a really neat take with especially cool green craquelure / Hammertone enclosure. However Marco has decided that there are just too many tube screamers out there in the world, and there's really no need for another - meaning this is now alas discontinued which is a shame seeing in particular how attractive the enclosure is.

Fuzz Rangers Silicon Fuzz Face + Treble Booster - £174.99 to £214.99


Controls - FUZZ } Level, Fuzz; BOOST } Range : Mid / Hi / Low, Boost; Order : F>B / B>F.
Anniversary Edition has additional SRV / JH switch on FUZZ side


The core concept here is a Silicon variety Fuzz Face (BC108C) with Silicon Treble Booster (BC549) - which you can order in either direction.


There have been at least a few special editions - including the Hendrix version with SI/GE switch, and my Anniversary Edition - with SRV (Stevie Ray Vaughan) / JH (Jimi Hendrix) switch.


This combination of great Fuzz Face with versatile Treble Booster gives you far more flavour than any typical stand-alone fuzz - you get a huge range of superb tones here. And while I of course love Silicon Fuzz Faces, I have even more of a preference for the Extra Harmonics Germanium Transistors are able to deliver. So I would love to have a pair of these - with my second one an all Germanium affair - if Marco can find his way around to that one of these years. I would suggest using some of those fat and juicy Soviet Germanium Transistors that Spaceman Effects Sputnik variants in particular utilise to such fine effect. As in fact does Marco's own Mini Bender Combo.


The SRV / JH switch to the left delivers a 'César Díaz' style Square Face tonality with more volume, more gain, and audible mid frequencies - with super volume cleanup and glassy tone. While to the right you get 'Dallas Arbiter' mode with the mids slightly carved out, volume slightly lower along with frequency focus - a generally softer and rounder tonality for that authentic slightly muddy Hendrix tone.


I pretty much consider this to be the flagship Formula B pedal and the one that really put the brand on the map. I'm delighted with my Anniversary Edition - where I lean very slightly more towards the Hendrix mode!

Mini Bender Combo - £189.99


Controls - Level, Mode : MK 1.5 / Pro II, Attack (Gain / Fuzz).


A fantastic vintage style but modern compact enclosure Bender style fuzz using some of those amazing fat and juicy Soviet Germanium Transistors.


Sounds really authentically visceral and has that handy 2-way switch to flip between MK 1.5 and MKII Pro styles. I personally would like to see an external Bias control too - while you can't really dispute the quality of the output here - really nicely done all-round - and very reasonably priced. Definitely a great example of its kind.


I mentioned above that I feel Marco should use these transistors to make an all-Germanium version of the Fuzz Rangers too. The extra left-hand switch of the limited editions should be replaced with an essential mini Bias knob - if that version were ever to materialise!

Super Plexi V - £159.99


Controls - Gain, Level, Boost, Tone, Order : A>B, B>A, separate Footswitches for Drive (A) and Boost (B).


This was the second Formula B pedal I remember encountering - which left an impression. I thought I had featured it already on the side - while apparently I never got around to it quite yet!


This is another really cool take on that classic Marshall 1959 Super Lead Plexi variant, and has featured in several different guises over the years - originally in horizontal Zvex style format, but then compact vertical in blue. While I feel it is best served by its current Black and Gold enclosure livery variant - looks really elegant - as does the whole Formula B family really.


There are a few MIAB pedals with independent boost onboard, but hardly any which allow you to also invert the Boost Order - which puts the Super Plexi at something of an advantage.


This is on my nice-to-have list currently as I have so many MIAB pedals in the collection already. This is for sure a really formidable variant and one that I will likely own eventually too. A lot of the time I feel that to get the most out of Marshall flavours you really need a 3-band EQ - but on occasions - like with this Super Plexi, and with the Keeley El Rey Dorado - 3 or 4 really well calibrate knobs can be perfect too!

Vintage Vibe MK2 - £214.99


Controls - Volume, Intensity, Speed 1, Mode : Chorus / Vibrato, Speed 2, Engage Footswitch, Speed 1 / Speed 2 Footswitch.


A really clever and smartly authentic Uni-Vibe in relatively compact and practical enclosure. I'm of course heavily invested in the compact DryBell Vibe Machine, while this Vintage Vibe is for sure my favourite BB-size Uni-Vibe variant. I love that it kind of allows you to do the Leslie ramp-up / ramp-down sort thing via the 2 switchable speeds.


This is surely one of the most practical of Uni-Vibes, great sounding and in a fantastic form-factor. Moreover the pricing makes it incredibly good value. 


This is the Formula B pedal that sells out the quickest nowadays and it's easy to see why. I will probably need to have one of these in the collection too eventually!

Final Thoughts


I love doing these sorts of range reviews / overviews as they really solidify those pedals' impressions in my mind - often much to my wallet's detriment, as I end up having even more pedals on my infinite wishlist / acquisitions list.


I feel that all of these varieties are incredibly compelling in their different categories - all are excellent really, and going through this exercise basically just confirms my original take on this brand - that everything that Marco Bovelli makes is gold!


For many - the Fuzz Rangers and Vintage Vibe are likely the most distinct and compelling - while all here deserve your consideration. These are incredibly well considered, finely calibrated and really well made pedals. The more I think about it - the more I feel I really need to own the whole set!


All the current ones are stocked by Jim Button's Boost Guitar Pedals Webstore - while every batch gets snapped up incredibly quickly so you need to react very rapidly to grab one! Note that you can of course sign up for a stock notification for out of stock item - and you can always contact Jim direct courtesy of


I will for sure be looking to add each of these to the collection over the next few months or so - and I really hope Marco will make an all-Germanium Fuzz Rangers edition eventually too!


Which are your own favourites here?

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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