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Boost and Overdrive

Becos FX Unleashes Super-Versatile TS808-style Mini Signature Jordan Ziff - Ziffer Overdrive

Becos FXBoost and OverdriveOverdriveTubescreamer Style Overdrive+-
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Castel Barac’s latest pedal is a distillation and enhancement of the TS8-MS Overdrive and Midi Amp Channel Switcher. That pedal had been extensively used by artist Jordan Ziff - where it was collaboratively decided that Becos FX would hone that compact pedal circuit more towards Jordan’s requirements.


The TS8-MS has Gain, Tone, and Level Knobs with 3-way Classic / Asymmetric / Custom Clipping options - all of which are retained for the new smaller pedal.


In fact the Mini Ziffer Overdrive has 7 Controls! - Gain, Tone, Level, Clipping : Classic / Asymmetric / LED, Deep Boost, Dry EQ, and Wet / Dry Mix.


The really unique control here is the Tilt-like DRY EQ which is explained as -


"The DRY EQ trimmer acts on the dryline only, to mix back either flat clean or tilted frequencies on either the lows or highs spectrum. In fact, the Ziffer’s dryline processing is inspired by our Solo Boost which we are now partially bringing back for a very versatile, powerful, and synergic blend of drive & clean tones. Of course, you could also use the Ziffer as a clean boost or as a tilting equalizer plus boost pedal."


That combination of 7 controls is pretty unique - and largely unheard of at this level of size. I’ve frequently cited Becos FX’s Mini Compressors as state of the Mini Pedal Art - and this new Overdrive is similarly at the leading edge of Mini Overdrive Engineering.


I personally love super-smart and well-made mini pedals - and while this is another TS808-style pedal of sorts - it still goes in very high on my wishlist - as one of the most formidable of its kind and most probably the finest Mini Tube Screamer to date!


I’ve cited the superb Becos FX Mini Solo Booster a few times on this site too - and hopefully the impeding success of the Ziffer Mini Overdrive - will mean that we can get some sort of revival of the Solo Mini Boost too!


There’s not much up yet in the way of demos - while that single one makes this pedal sound pretty fine.


The Ziffer Overdrive is available right now via the Becos FX Webstore - for a pretty reasonable €149.


I’m certainly down for one of these - how about you?

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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