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Cosmodio Instruments make and impressive debut with its Pet Yeti Bitcrushed Fuzz / Distortion

Bitcrushing and Lo-FiCosmodio InstrumentsDistortionFuzzOddball FuzzOpAmp Fuzz+-
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Cosmodio Instruments’ principal is one Barton, who’s made a really cool highly texture Fuzz / Distortion at his first official attempt. I really rather like the look of this pedal, which was originally in 3 colourways - Purple Dark Doomy Deathscape (as pictured) / Neon Nuclear Wasteland (Sold Out!) / Limited Purple Neon Wasteland. I really like the first 2 editions best - while one of those is already sold out - so it would have to be the Dark Doomy one for me!


Controls - Level, Voice (clipping) : Opamp / Germanium / Silicon, Tone, Bite (Bitcrushed On), Gain, Strength (Headroom / Distortion), Clean Blend, Shape / Frequency (Input Gain).


There’s quite a few controls here - 5 knobs, and 3 x toggle switches - but it’s all quite straightforward really. I love the fact that this throws a Bitcrusher into the mix too - for even more texture - that always works really well on beats!


It’s a good happenstance that this comes along within my current focus of Mattoverse AirTrash and Recovery Effects Zenith and Vale - both of which are very unusually textured Fuzzes, and the latter of which combines Bitcrushing and Aliasing to deliver its core Fuzz flavours. So the Pet Yet certainly sits well within that group.


Pricing here is pretty much spot on too at $219. I think overall the Doomy Deathscape one is my favourite - I’m hoping that’s the standard version as I’ve already blown the budget for this month - and will have to come around again in June! Of course available for orders from the Cosmodio Instruments Webstore.


There’s a lot to like here - the graphics and colours used are pretty distinctive - and it all looks and sounds pretty perfect in its execution. I’m very much looking forward to adding this one to the reference collection within the next few weeks!



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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