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Lastgasp Art Laboratories Pedals are now finally available in the UK - courtesy of Joe's Pedals

Ambient EffectsAnalog DelayBest of BrandsBitcrushing and Lo-FiDelayDigital ReverbEnvelope Filter and Auto WahGlitchJoesPedals.comLastgasp Art LaboratoriesModulated FuzzModulationOctave FuzzOddball DelayOddball FuzzOddball ModulationReverbSilicon FuzzSuper-Fuzz StyleTremolo+-
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An interesting fact is that this collaboration almost happened several years ago, but evidently the timing wasn’t right then for various reasons. This time around though there was an added ingredient in the mix - ’Yours Truly!’ - and I was somewhat instrumental in bringing the two sides together and finally making this happen!


It’s great news for us Brits - as these Lastgasp Art Laboratories Pedals have always been somewhat beyond our reach until now.


I obviously recently covered my 9 favourite compact Lastgasp pedals - while Joe’s Pedals selection mixes in some of the 1590BB size types too. Including the joint leading bestseller Misty Cave Analog Resonance Echo - which shares that pedestal with the Super Oscillo Fuzz. There are truly some really great and different / distinct pedals here. I will be picking up a Flikrrr Tremolo, and Gomorrah and Octavella Fuzzes - to bring my own collection up to 5 Lastgasps in total. And there’s still quite a few more from the range that I want.


The Lastgasp pedals stocked by Joe’s Pedals are as follows (alphabetical) :

  • Cyber Psychic Parametric Oscillo Filter
  • Flikrrr Flickering Tremolo
  • Gomorrah Input Sensitive Subharmonic Fuzz
  • Misty Cave Analog Resonance Echo
  • Octavella Octave Feedback Fuzz
  • Sandstorm Envelope Noise Generator
  • Sooper Fuzz 46
  • Super Oscillo Fuzz 88
  • Tone Mosaique Envelope Pixelator

Each of those is a killer secret weapon - and many of those are utterly unique! Lastgasp’s Hiro is an exceptional experimental noise artists with an incredibly creative mindset, and his pedals have been developed in tandem and for that ’Defektro’ performance project. Much like Rainger FX - this is an experimental brand - which very much dares to do things differently!


All of these pedals have been carefully honed for maximum sonic impact!


Here follow the individual details per pedal (note that the compact descriptions are mostly as per my previous article!).


Cyber Psychic Parametric Oscillo Filter - £259


Controls - Level, Preamp, Gain, OSC1, OSC2, Q, Freq.


A fantastic combination of effects - with phasey filtering and oscillation - all fed by a fairly potent preamp. This is a classic poster-child for Lastgasp - and is very indicative of Hiro's creativity and continual experimentation. A very unique sounding - as expertly demoed by Dennis Kayzer!

Flikrrr Flickering Tremolo - £179


Controls - Level, Depth, Shape : Sine > Square .
A fascinating somewhat glitchy / lo-fi tremolo with the pedal name incredibly descriptive as to how its output sounds. Sort of flickering in and out existence. An incredibly moody ambient sort of tremolo - great for emotive performance pieces - has a really organic nature in how the tremolo constantly flickers in and out. This is currently inbound to me - and I will be doing a full first-hand review of it around the time it lands!

Gomorrah Input Sensitive Subharmonic Fuzz - £179


Controls - Level, Tone, Sensitivity, Mode : SB (Subharmonic) / OT (Overtone).
Dual-mode Subharmonic / Overtone Fuzz with superb gritty square wave fuzz textures. At times quite synthy sounding, while also pretty grungy and gritty. This is one of my 4 essential Lastgasp fuzzes - which I'm looking to add to the reference collection very soon. All the pedals in this list are highly impressive, but the quartet of Super Oscillo Fuzz, Sooper Fuzz, Gomorrah and Octavella still stands out - those are for sure the first 4 must buys from the range that I'm recommending!


In fact this is another one that is inbound to me - there will be a first-hand review coming along very soon!

Misty Cave Analog Resonance Echo - £219


Controls - Rate, Delay Time, Blend.


An ingeniously voice resonant echo - which delivers fantastic reverb voicings too. This is one of the flagship Lastgasp pedals - which was instrumental in putting the brand on the map. It's a really cooly sometimes eerie texture ambient echo/reverb. Sounds amazing for sure. Would be amazing to get this in full-stereo too! It's one of those pedals whose simply controls somewhat disguise how potent it truly is

Octavella Octave Feedback Fuzz - £179


Controls - Level, Tone, Gain, F.Back.
This superbly calibrated Upper Octave Feedback Fuzz has already been secured, and is coming to me onboard the Joe's Pedals stock-up - where I will probably grab either a Gomorrah or Lluna at the same time - possibly both even! Definitely one of the most interesting sounding octave fuzzes out there. This is the 3rd of the trio I'm getting from Joe's Pedals - so exciting times ahead - with several reviews to come. I feel Lastgasp will be pretty well represented then!

Sandstorm Envelope Noise Generator - £199


Controls - Effet Level, Sensitivity, Infinity : On/Off, Tone, Direct Level.


A very aptly named pedal - as a Sandstorm is exactly what it sounds like. A really clever manipulation of white noise granules - which Dennis Kayzer once more demos to fantastic effect. Obviously very much an ambient texture effect - which Dennis really shows you how to get the most out of it! Very much another signature Lastgasp pedal.

Sooper Fuzz 46 - £189


Controls - Level, Tone, Gain, Mode (Tone) : 1 MidBoost / 2 MidScoop.
"The '46' variety is a succession model to the 'Yongo shiki kebarade hizumaseki - super fuzz (45)' whose roots lie in the Japanese fuzz pedals of the 1960s. It is one of the most exciting and aggressive upper octave fuzz pedals currently available."
As reported in my review, this has a very interesting circuit topology / design, and delivers the most beautifully textured of super fuzzes - really working that whole ebb and bloom dynamic that super fuzzes are so well known for. A somewhat unconventional circuit design that really delivers the goods. The control topology is pretty much standard Super Fuzz - while there is a huge amount of range on all those knobs. This was the second Lastgasp pedal that I acquired.

Super Oscillo Fuzz 88 - £229


Controls - Level, Adjust, Mode Switches : 1-6 (Tone / Distortion / Oscillation).
Probably the current flagship and standard-bearer for Lastgasp Art Laboraties. This experimental circuit-bending fuzz is everything we genuine hardcore fuzz fans adore. Seeking out interesting textures and tonalities, and like many of the truly great fuzzes - this one makes you work for it a little. But when you hit a particular sweetspot it's so very worth it!. Be careful with the gain here, which at higher levels can be quite prone to delivering squealing feedback - for some settings you can't avoid it, and it actually becomes a feature of your playback. While as at other times you probably want to dial it out. A great sounding fuzz every which way - with lots of cool and different tones and textures onboard. It does require some modicum of patience though! This was my first Lasgasp fuzz - and should definitely be in any serious fuzz collection.

Tone Mosaique Envelope Pixelator - £199


Controls - Blend, Tone, Envelope : High/Low, Envelope Sensitivity, Pixel Rate.


A very unique sort of Bitcrusher which delivers some truly otherworldly tones. Just the sort of pedal you would expect from Lastgasp, and a fitting bookmark for this particular selection. I'm not a huge fan of horizontal orientation 1590BB - I would much rather have them 'skinny side up'. While there are a few Lastgasp pedals I would make that exception for - including each of the quartet featured here! There really are some very unique and weird and wonderful sounding pedals within this selection. Obviously for the more creatively minded! Meat-and-potato types need not apply!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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