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Boost and Overdrive

2024 March Pedal-Chain Update - Episode III - Exotica Japonica

Bitcrushing and Lo-FiBlues Breaker Style OverdriveBlues Driver Style OverdriveBoostBoost and OverdriveBuzzing Bugs Audio DevicesChorus and VibratoDistortionDriveDrunk BeaverDumble Style OverdriveEl GaratgeExpressionFjord FuzzFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzHello Sailor EffectsLastgasp Art LaboratoriesMenatoneModulationOctave FuzzOneder EffectsOverdrivePedal ChainPeterson TunersPhaserSilicon FuzzSolidGoldFXSuper-Fuzz StyleTanabeTubescreamer Style OverdriveTunersTWA EffectsUni-Vibe and VibeUtility+-
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So scanning through this month it seems to have been mostly about Guitar / Pedal Shows, Japanese Pedals, and Pedals Delayed and Missing in the Post!


The Guitar Shows have been pretty fast and furious for March - with two of the most significant ones of the year, along with a fledgling grassroots one : The Guitar Show (Cranmore Park - Birmingham / Shirley), London Synth & Pedal Expo (Studio 9294, Hackney Wick, London), The Alternative Guitar Show (The Fighting Cocks, Kingston).


I of course stayed up all night writing the show reports for each of those - where I’m kind of proudest of my London Synth & Pedal Expo coverage - which is just as well really as I am Media Partner for that show! I actually really enjoyed all 3 shows - and was especially grateful that at the smallest one - the Alternative Guitar Show - I finally had the ability to spend some quality time with the Luthiers - normally all of my time is absorbed by my Pedal Builder Friends and Acquaintances - in fact the Birmingham Guitar Show is always so busy in so many ways that I never manage to complete the Pedal rounds - let alone talk to any luthiers. The model normally is to Attend the Show on the first day, and write it up on the second - which invariably takes about 24 hours to get all the pictures sorted and the details down in some legible sequence!

In any case I loved meeting everyone at these shows - where my new uniform was my Branded GPX Cap and Ret Trainers - at one stage Red Shades too - while those became a little too much so I’ve kind of retired those a little for now. The idea is that I’m more recognisable at those shows so that people can more easily spot and engage my attentions!


I’ve been getting very well acquainted with two Japanese Brands this month - actually I guess one Japanese and one Japanese-Australian. Where I’ve so far acquired 2 pedals from each of Hirofumi Uchino (Lastgasp) and Toshihiko Tanabe (Tanabe.TV) - the second Tanabe will be with me early next week. While interestingly Hiro prefers to be referenced by his first name, while Tanabe-San, being based in Japan, needs to be respectfully referenced by the lastname honorific! All very complicated on the etiquette front - where my good friend Henry Kaiser has been keeping me in check. I had a loverly conversation with the great man - as he took me on a virtual stroll through his Pedal, Amp, and Guitar collection - definitely some collaborations coming up there at some stage.


I always have some delivery adventures each month - a package from my good friends at Audio Distribution Group landed in the UK - but the for some reason ended up heading across the Atlantic and stopping off in Miami and Cincinnati - before my friends Phil and Yeni intervened - and guided back to the UK - just in time for this end of month report.


I was supposed to be doing a piece on the wonderful new Nero Dumble-Fuzz from Cornerstone Music Gear - but that pedal didn’t arrive with me in time - somewhat delayed en route no doubt - that should also be with me early next year and you should see an in-depth feature soon after. Emilio really has pulled out all the stops with the pedal, and I’m still proud to be involved in the launch - obviously just slightly deferred!

Plenty of cool stuff happened this month, and no real disasters - while I’m looking a little haggard at the end of the month as those sleepless nights kind of can take it out of you. I hope you all had an entertaining month - and hopefully those that attended the same 3 shows that I did had as much fun as me too!

March Acquisitions

14 Devices added to the Reference Collection this month.

A pretty even spread all told - there's a couple of Dumble Drives in there, and 3 Japanese Pedals but not really any other pattern of consequence. I will be doing a follow-up article on my Dumble Drive Capsule Collection, and there will be a 9 Favourite Lastgasp one too - among various others. I'm also desperately trying to complete an article on Leo Lospennato - one of the great modern Luthiers of our time. And much more coming besides - April is going to be a stellar month for sure!

  • 4 Overdrives
  • 2 Distortions
  • 4 Fuzzes
  • 2 Modulations
  • 2 Utilities

4 Overdrives


Obviously 2 Dumble Drives - both pretty stellar including one Champion of Champions!, a really decent Adjacent Breaker/Driver, and a killer 14-Leg OD-1 remake with OD-3 Tone Stack!

  • Buzzing Bugs BB04 Full Range Drive
  • Drunk Beaver Khelnytskyi OD 1+3
  • Menatone Dumbstruck V2 Dumble Overdrive
  • Tanabe Zenkudo Dumble Drive

2 Distortions


2 very distinctly different Distortions - one sitting somewhere between a DS-1, Rat and a Muff, and the other one of the Thickest, Hairiest Octave Distortions you will every encounter - made with Selenium Diodes!

  • Oneder Effects Onederbolt Distortion
  • TWA Octoverdrive Thick Drive + Octavia

4 Fuzzes


A killer Fuzz-Face-Vibe, High Gain Super Sustaining Fuzzstortion, and 2 legendary Japanese-Australian Fuzz gems!

  • Fjord Fuzz SOL Radiant Shimmering Sunrise Fuzz-Vibe
  • Hello Sailor Effects ShipWreck High Gain Distortion
  • Lastgasp Art Laboratories 46 Sooper Fuzz
  • Lastgasp Art Laboratories Super Oscillo Fuzz

2 Modulations


2 supreme modulations - a super-expressive Chorus / Vibrato / Ambient Lo-Fi Chorus, and a Dual Analog Opto-Isolator Phase-Shifter with superb Phasey and Vibey voicings - with super smart controls!

  • Buzzing Bugs BB03 Lo-Fi Chorus
  • SolidGoldFX Aurras Phase-Shifter / Vibe

2 Utilities


2 unique but best-in-class utilities - the Peterson StroboStomp Mini Tuner, and El Garatge killer Tripl3X 3-in-1 diminutive Passive Experimental Expression Controller.

  • El Garatge Tripl3X 3-in-1 Experimental Expression Controller
  • Peterson Mini Strobe Tuner

March Infinite Wishlist Additions


I pretty much picked up the vast majority of what I waned this month. Were the 2 ones I really wanted but didn't have budget for at the time - were the Coffee Shop Pedals London Fog, and Lepgrechaun FX Paddy Whacker. I'm still in ongoing collaboration with Joe at Hello Sailor Effects - and have a few more of his to feature no doubt. Where most of the rest will be acquired - if at all - very opportunistically! I have several major commitment for April already - so most of the budget has been allocated even before the start of that month - some very interesting launches and features forthcoming for sure!

  • Coffee Shop Pedals London Fog Tape Style Delay
  • Death By Audio Octave Clang Octave Distortion
  • Hello Sailor Effects Abbey-Range Fuzz/Master
  • J Rockett Airchild SixSixty Tube Style Compressor
  • Keeley Electronics 4-in-1 : Blues Disorder, Angry Orange, and Super Rodent
  • Keeley Electronics Monterey Hendrix-in-a-Box
  • Leprechaun FX Paddy Whacker High Gain Rock 'M Roll Distortion
  • Line 6 POD Express
  • Walrus Audio Fundamental Ambient Pillowy Atmospheric Reverb
  • Wampler Ego76 1176 Style Compressor
  • Zvex Fuzz Factory 7 Vexter

March Pedal Chain Status


12 Slots updated this month - and 1 Expression Device Added - Slots : #1, #4, #5, #9a, #9b, #10, #11, #12, #23, #24, #30, #31, + Expression on #33.


Killer additions in every area - as per the acquisition list - just really strong and capable pedals throughout - I don't thing there is a weak link among them!

Doesn't drastically change the outlook of the board - but there are some bona fide classics that have been added there that will remain in high rotation - another great month truly!

Slot #01 : Pickup Enhancer / Remodeller / Tweaker Looper / Tuner


I finally have a Peterson StroboStomp Mini! Courtesy of my good friends Bruce, Phil, Tom and Yeni at Audio Distribution Group. My favourite pedal tuner to-date. While I still mostly use my V2 Roadie Tuning Peg Tuner for day-to-day stuff. Great to finally have it in the collection - while its residence on slot #1 will be limited - and we will soon see the return of the Keyztone Exchanger Pro Pickup Modeller / Enhancer.

Slot #04 : Envelope Filter / Auto-Wah / Fixed Wah / WAH / PLL


Two superb fuzzes jointly occupied this slot for the month - the Lastgasp Art Laboratories Super Oscillo Fuzz 88, and 46 Sooper Fuzz - both hugely flavoursome and versatile!

Slot #05 : Germanium / Sensitive Fuzz


The Fjord Fuzz SOL Radiant Fuzz-Vibe is indeed a very special pedal with beautifully well calibrated and expressive Fuzz Face and Uni-Vibe voicings. Both very much leaning into vintage tonality, and both have a slightly lower output volume profile.

Slot #09a : Neutral / Light / Organic / Transparent / Klone Overdrive


The Buzzing Bugs Full Range Drive Blues Machine is a really dynamic and versatile blues overdrive which with the Body switch can approach both Blues Breaker and Blues Driver voicings - from an adjacent context - meaning it does not exactly sound alike but gets you nicely into those territories. Someone mistook my words and tried to say it sounded nothing like either Breaker or Driver - while they entirely missed the point! A really capable and expressive bluesy overdrive.

Slot #09b : Additional Occasional Extended Slot


Something I've always wanted is a 14-Leg very original Boss OD-1 variety - but with added tone controls. Which is exactly what the Drunk Beaver Khelnytskyi OD is - it is basically the 14-Leg OD-1, with a Tone Stack from the OD-3 - sound great! Now I kind of want a 3-Band EQ version of this circuit with extra Keeley Phat Mod switch!

Note that no demo exists for this pedal - so I've used a suitable sound-alike reference instead!


Slot #10 : Mid Gain / Dynamic / Blues Breaker / Harmonic Overdrive / JTM45 / Screamer


My second Oneder Effects Pedal - the Oneder Pedals Onederbolt Distortion certainly doesn't disappoint - it sits somewhere between a DS-1, Rat and Big Muff on the spectrum - a great mid-ranging distortion for sure. I still want to complete my Oneder Trifecta with a wood-facia Red Ryder (discontinued!) - hopefully I can make that happen this year!

Slot #11 : Mid Gain / Blues Driver


I was delighted to track down a Menatone Dumbstruck V2 Dumble Drive - something I had been chasing for a while, and which I believe is now discontinued. The original version had rather unusual controls - Resonance, Push and Accent, while the V2 replaces those with a more traditional 3-Band EQ - which is somewhat easier to navigate. I don't believe too many of the V2 Edition were made - it's sill not the easiest of Dumbles to dial in but rewards patience and due diligence with some great Dumble Tones. One of the greats as far as I'm concerned, but not nearly as immediate or impactful as the Tenabe Zenkudo on the neighbouring slot!

Slot #12 : Mid Gain / Dumble / Expandora / Fuzzy-Drive / Mostortion / OCD / TrainWreck


I'm currently thinking that this Tanabe Zenkudo Dumble Drive has to be my favourite Dumble now - so immediate is its impact - with such a lively and vibrant tone. My good friend Henry Kaiser obviously swears by these and says they're so potent that you can send them straight into a recording interface. I have to say that I was really wowed by this pedal - it's so beautiful to look at - how the light dances off those polished surfaces and Abalone Facia. I'm totally smitten by Tanabe-San's pedals - and will be acquiring the whole of the compact line - next up is the May Queen, then Santanabe, and finally the Sunkudo Buzzaround. These are slightly pricey but genuine high carat pedal gems every which way. If you're into Dumble Tones - then you have to have either the Dumkudo (Single Coils) or Zenkudo (Humbuckers) on your board. I'm a little sad for the Demon Kondo Shifuku which has served me so well all these years - but the Zenkudo is for sure the Champion of Champions as far as the Dumble format goes!

Slot #23 : High Gain Fuzz 2 / Modern Metal 1 / Mid-Pushed High Gain


The TWA Octoverdrive Thick Drive + Octavia is exactly per expectations - beautifully thick and richly textured overdrive / distortion at its core - then further augmented by a searing Upper Octave. TWA pedals are always of the utmost quality - beautiful construction and attention to detail. I would have arranged things a little differently - I don't really like the inverted EQ Section - and I would have combined the Drive / Otave status LEDs into the main Pumpking motif - other than those two tiny niggles - this is fantastic looking and sounding octave distortion!

Slot #24 : Brown Sound / EVH / JCM800 / Liquid Distortion


My good friend Joe Halliday delivers another killer format here - in the guise of his brand new Hello Sailor Effects ShipWreck Sustaining Fuzzstortion. I was fortunate to be kind of in on some of the testing side for that pedal, and the final version is wonderfully vibrant and has amazing sustain. Joe typically refers to this has a high gain distortion - but for me you can definitely feel its Fuzz underpinnings - kind of like a very high gain Searing / Singing Fuzz Face with incredibly amounts of sustain. He also designed the perfect enclosure for my sensibilities. If you're not onboard the Hello Sailor Effects Train yet - then you're definitely missing out!

Slot #30 : Analog Tremolo / Harmonic Tremolo / Uni-Vibe / Rotary


The SolidGoldFX Aurras VibraPhase 2-Stage Phase-Shifter / Pseudo-Uni-Vibe is a superb versatile compact modulation unit which cleverly digitally manipulates dual analog opto-isolator - delivering a vast variety of Phasey and Uni-Vibe-like sounds. I like to have this with Depth and Dry Mix maxed out pretty much at all times and then I play with variation of speed and offset across Frequency and Phase Modes. Just a really clever pedal all round - in particular the Up and Down Speed Ramping by holding down either of the 2 footswitches. This is a beautifully constructed pedal and very well priced. I'm filing this in with my Uni-Vibe Capsule Collection!

Slot #31 : Analog Chorus / Vibrato


Buzzing Bugs' BB03 Lo-Fi Chorus is a superb straight-up Analog Chorus / Vibrato at its core, but where you can load on Lo-Fi Warble and Ambience via two dedicated controls (Age and Room) - to further modulate the output. The Room Reverb style Ambience peaks with a sort of Slapback delay - which you can also work into your sound.  It's a really fantastic Chorus on its own with Room and Age knobs dialled fully back, and you can then take it in all kinds of interesting directions. Very responsive and easy to dial in - one of my favourites for sure - would be even more so if it was stereo - but it's nigh perfect anyway within the scope of its execution!

Slot #33 : Glitch / Multi-FX 1 / Other Modulation


And finally El Garatge's Tripl3X Triple-Action Experimental Expression Controller - which I've been getting great results with for the Lossy in particular. The Tripl3X is pretty much essential for Chase Bliss pedals as it allows you to ramp multiple parameters simultaneously via a pocket, take-anywhere passive device. It's of course more suited for tabletop setups, but can work well for adjusting multiple parameters via just one control - really cleverly engineered, and smart every which way!

Final Thoughts


April is going to be a massive month for me - I'm collaborating with ThorpyFX for a Give-Away featuring distinctive but subtle GPX branding - a lot more about that to come! The sort-of competition will span the whole month - with various articles illuminating that collaboration.

I will also be finally launching my GPX Patreon Page - I've finally decided on the right approach there - in part following my good friends at Guitar Nerds - there will be 3 tiers - of £1 ($1.50), £4.50 ($5), and £8.50 ($10) - which will essentially mean you get more and closer access the higher up the tier you are - in terms of special content, events, and personal access for consultancy and recommendations. The details of which should be included in Tuesday's main post.

There won't be anything from me on Monday April 1st - it's a bank holiday (public holiday) here in the UK, as Today was - where I've worked the whole day! I will be taking Monday off mostly - besides I could not think of anything particularly salient or appropriate for an April's Fool!


As I've already indicated here - there are several interesting launches in April - including from Great Eastern FX, ThorpyFX and VS Audio. There will be a number of insightful rundown features and capsule collection roundups, alongside the usual left-field articles - possibly another Hobbyist Guide!, and one or two more articles on Iconic Gear!

I hope most of you are enjoying some kind of Easter Break - I definitely need to recharge my batteries a little - I'm somewhat worn out and haggard currently - looking forward to spilling the beans in April - and hopefully you can all come along for that journey too!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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