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Chase Bliss releases super appealing 2nd limited variant of the MOOD MKII - the 2,000 run Light Bright Edition

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I’m getting a little bit Beetronics syndrome here - as a warning to not necessarily acquire the first edition that comes along - as subsequent editions are typically prettier and more appealing.


It just so happens that I still quite like my sort of Original Lilac MKII, while it’s quite evident that the 10 Year Anniversary ’Birthday Cake’ and this recent ’Light Bright’ edition are somewhat more aesthetically pleasing!


I’m generally a huge fan of Chase Bliss designer Eric Nyffeler - and he’s done some really stellar work for Chase Bliss of late - not just the Enclosure designs, but all those Field Guides and Posters too. And this latest Mood MKII is for sure another feather in his cap - and coincides with a new firmware update.


Standard price is the same - $399 in the US, and €469 in Europe and UK - including taxes. Interestingly we UK buyers started off with Chase Bliss EU - for the very first release after Chase Bliss went direct. But then subsequently we were always guided to the US site - where it’s now flipped around again - and UK buyers are once more handled from Europe - which makes a lot more sense to me. The £ equivalent of that €469 price tag amounts to around £395.


I have too much going on to be playing the Saturday swap-shop game - so I’m quite happy to hold onto my Lilac original MKII edition, but if I had to do it all again - then I would probably have preferred the Birthday Cake or Light Bright Editions.


I would imagine there are several MOOD fans out there that will have every variant / edition of this pedal - while I have to share the love more broadly across hundreds of pedal makers - so it’s just not practical for me to have multiple variants of the same. For me it’s mostly a case of ’love the one you’re with’ - but it’s nice to dream a little too.


Funnily one of Eric Nyffeler’s personal favourite designs - the new Condor Hi-Fi Enclosure does not gel as well with me - as I think he got the wings wrong - they don’t have that distinctive Condor wing shape - but look more like eagle’s wings! Possibly I’m too practically minded! Generally I’ve loved most everything Eric has put out.


I guess if you’re lazy and can’t be bothered to upgrade your existing Mood pedal to the new firmware release - and if you have more unlimited funds - then this is a quick and easy upgrade path too!


In any case - I thought it would be fun to feature all 3 Moods together - and let the people decide which is the most attractive variant!


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Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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