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Boost and Overdrive

Electro-Harmonix's POG III massively expands its capabilities, and levels up to full Multi-FX Workstation territory

Bitcrushing and Lo-FiDown-TunerElectro-HarmonixEnvelope Filter and Auto WahExpressionHarmonizerModulationMulti-FXOctaverPitchPitch-ShiftingSwellWah and Fixed Wah+-
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Electro-Harmonix often does superb introductory demos for its new pedals, and I must admit I was totally blown away by the vast Multi-FX territory covered by this launch. This POG III takes the Polyphonic Octave Generator circuit into entirely new territory - and has you covered for all kinds of other advanced effects.


Watching the demo, the following key territories are touched on :

  • Slow Polyphonic Attack - backwards octave blend, somewhat Attack Decay -like
  • 12 String sound with Chorus
  • Drop Tune - raise or lower output note over two octaves, e.g. Drop ’B’
  • Cathedral Organ Sound with Lowpass filter engaged
  • Jazzy Leslie Rotary / Tone Wheel output with help from the EHX Lester
  • Auto Lowpass Filter Sweep - further controlled with Expression pedal for Tom Morello style effects
  • Doomy Synthy Bass sounds via Freeze+Gliss EXP mode and Lowpass filtering
  • Pedal Steel Effects by using Expression pedal to subtly shift pitch
  • Cello-like voicing - akin to Attack Decay - using a slow Attack setting
  • Expression filter sweep control
  • Q-Tron Bass Effect via Lowpass Filter
  • Freeze Effects with selective interval Freeze but the remainder fully dynamic
  • 8-String Bass Effect
  • David Gilmour-like frozen pads
  • Using Warp Mode and Expression to toggle between two Intervals
  • Amazing Freeze+Volume Ambient Effect into Hall Reverb

I would imagine Tom Morello and David Gilmour would love this new POG III as there is so much of their core sounds covered here. This really is a Rage Against the Machine box in so many ways!


You have 6 fantastic EXP Expression Modes too - Volume, Crossfade, Warp, Filter, Freeze+Gliss, and Freeze+Volume, alongside those filters, attack, detune, and pitch bends - you can truly generate an incredible range of tones and effects here - and store them across 100 Presets.


I am so impressed with this pedal’s capabilities - while it is a large pedal - which will bump as many as 4 other pedals off your board, it is pricey too at $645 (£649 in the UK), and is only alas Mono in, but with multiple output channels. So however much I like this pedal, I’m not sure exactly how I would accommodate this within my current rig. I am tempted for sure, and I may figure something out longer-term - as this pedal covers you for so many avenues - Interval Polyphony obviously, but with various pitch shifting, bending, warping, attack, and freeze effects. For sure a powerhouse workstation - but not without some reservations. I would probably need a slightly slimmed down 1590BB variant - with a more clever control topology to fit into the smaller space - and full Stereo Ins and Outs of course!


You can read up more about the POG III on the EHX Website - including the POG III Manual.


Controls : Left Output, Right Output, Direct Output, Expression, 128 x 32 OLED Graphic Display, Menu Rotary Encoder, Master Volume, Input Gain, 6 x Voices - each with L/R Pan Control : Dry, -2 OCT, -1 OCT, +5TH, +1 OCT, +2 OCT, Focus, Q, Envelope, Spread, Attack, Filter, Detune, Dry Switch per Attack / Filter / Detune, Preset Down Footswitch, Preset Up Footswitch, Effect Footswitch.


Rear Ports : 9V DC [-] 500mA In, USB-C, MIDI In & Out, Mono Input, Direct Out, Left Out, Right Out, EXP / CV In.

Key Features

  • Six separate voices : DRY, -2 OCT, -1 OCT, +5TH, +1 OCT, +2OCT
  • 100 presets
  • Three separate 1/4″ outputs – LEFT, RIGHT, DIRECT OUT
  • Individual pan controls to separate voices between LEFT and RIGHT output jacks
  • Enhanced classic POG and POG2 ATTACK, FILTER, and DETUNE controls
  • INPUT GAIN control
  • MASTER VOLUME control
  • FOCUS control for +1 OCT and +2 OCT
  • Multimode Filter with Q and Envelope sweep
  • All controls can be saved to presets and controlled via expression and/or MIDI
  • Illuminated slide pots and buttons
  • High-visibility OLED graphical display
  • Selectable “home” views for personalized user experiences
  • Easy-to-navigate menu system
  • New NavCoder knob allows rotary and directional navigation through menus
  • EXPRESSION / CV input offers multiple modes of expression
  • USB-C port to connect to Windows or Mac and interface with EHXport™ App


  • Circuit : Digital
  • Input Impedance : 2MΩ
  • Output Impedance All Jacks : 550Ω
  • Bypass : Buffered Bypass
  • Audio : Mono In & Stereo Out
  • Power Supply : 9.6VDC-500mA power adapter included, Current Draw @ 300mA
  • Maximum allowable power supply voltage : 10.5V DC
  • Maximum allowable voltage at the EXP / CV IN phone jack : 0V to 5V
  • Dimensions : 180mm x 146mm x 57mm / 7.125" x 5.75" x 2.25"
  • MAP / RRP : $645 / £649


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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