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Why and How Cioks' Future Power Generation Series of Power Supplies is the Best in Class!

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Readers should know by now how highly I rate Cioks Power Supplies - where we’ve recently seen 2 new additions to the range - the 5-outlet SOL, and the 2,700mA single-outlet Crux. Of the 2 the Crux is the far more exciting proposition with me as its single outlet delivers 2,700mA @ 9V, and 2,000mA @ 12V - which is just the right amount for powering a Quad Cortex. By contrast the SOL is a highly stripped down and stand-alone edition of the DC-7 - where it has 2 less ports, and no outward daisy-chaining expandability!


What Makes Cioks Future Power Generation Devices So Great? :

  • Form Factor and Size
  • Granularity - 9 / 12 / 15 / 18V
  • Versatility - fits and powers any and every kind of pedalboard
  • Adaptability - Smart Leads to Combine and Shape Current and Voltage Outputs
  • Max Power Outputs - e.g. 660mA @ 9V and 500mA @ 12V
  • Super Quiet Operation with Robust Shielding

The Cioks FPG series is the only one to date where each port has a 2 x dip-switch selector which allows you to select 9 / 12 / 15 or 18 Volts output on near enough every outlet / port - except for the new Crux - which is a binary 9V / 12V device.


Each Voltage value delivers the highest level of output currently availalbe - with 660mA @ 9V compared with 500mA for most other similar devices.


You have this level of full granularity :

  • 660mA @ 9V
  • 500mA @ 12V
  • 400mA @ 15V
  • 330mA @ 18V

Current Range Overview (w/ Max output @ 9V) :

  • DC7  (x7 = 4,620mA Max) [takes mains power supply] - €239
  • SOL  (x5 = 3,300mA Max) [takes mains power supply] [NOT outwardly expandable unlike DC7 and 8] - €169
  • 8    (x8 = 5,280mA Max) - €199
  • 4    (x4 = 2,640mA Max) - €139
  • Crux (x1 = 2,700mA Max) - €79

High Current Draw (CD) Pedal Examples

  • Eventide H90 Harmonizer | CD = 9V x 1200mA (2 Cioks Ports with Parallel Adapter @ 9V [1,320mA])
  • Kingsley Minstrel V3 Tube Overdrive | CD = 9V x 500mA (Single 9V Cioks Port @ 9V [660mA])
  • Line 6 Helix Stomp | CD = 9V x 800mA (2 Cioks Ports with Parallel Adapter @ 9V [1,320mA])
  • Neural DSP Quad Cortex | CD = 12V x 2,000mA (4 Cioks Ports with 2 Parallel Adapters @ 12V [2,000mA] or Crux [2,000mA])
  • Tubesteader Eggnog Overdrive | CD = 12V x 300mA (1 Cioks Port @ 12V [500mA])
  • Tubesteader Sunkeeper Preamp | CD = 12V x 500mA (1 Cioks Port @ 12V [500mA])

Final Thoughts


In several instances a Cioks power supply is the only one that can suitably and easily power some of those higher current draw devices, as just mentioned. All the Cioks FPG power supply dimensions are diminutive and they fit under most pedalboards. The only downside really is that these are slightly pricy - but then as the saying goes - quality costs!


I still think there is room for my other favourites - i.e. Strymon Zuma and Ojai and Friedman Power Grid - particularly for just filling the numbers for mostly relatively low current demand devices. While every pedalboard solution of mine would always feature one or more Cioks power supplies at the core. It would be nice to get a fully granular FPG DC10 at some stage.


In the illustration you can see that the DC7 and SOL are both mains powered, there was a Cioks 4 edition at one stage with a power supply option - but that was dropped as soon as the SOL was launched. All the other devices need to be chained to / expanded to from the DC7 mains-supplied unit. 


In my case it's actually my Strymon Zuma which powers my Cioks 8 and then 4 expanded from the 8. The Strymon Zuma obviously delivers the numbers with 9 outlets, as do the Friedman Power Grids with 10 outlets. It's really all about calculating what your power requirements are - how many outlets and @ what level of current draw / voltage. I still occasionally double or triple up / i.e. daisy chain a few analog pedals together via 1 outlet - while I have sufficient outlets to power all my pedals fully isolated and independent - with even a couple spare. I generally recommend individual isolated outlets / devices for larger pedal-chains - otherwise you are likely to get some additional unwanted noise.

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Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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