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Boost and Overdrive

ThorpyFX unleashes this year's Pumpkin Cloud and Skeleton Water Limited Edition Halloween Specials

Big Muff Style FuzzBoostBoost and OverdriveFuzzSilicon FuzzThorpyFX+-
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I noted last year how as a last minute brainstorm Thorpy only had time to make just a couple of Pumpkin Cloud Halloween Special Editions which were snapped up in seconds. I suggested he repeat the exercise this year but with a somewhat more significant offering.


And so Thorpy has further refined the Pumpkin Cloud artwork where the web now covers the side panels too. It’s also joined by 2 ’Skeleton’ versions of the Heavy Water 3-in-1 Boost - in Metallic Blue and Petrol Blue colorway variants (Petrol Blue pictured).


Pricing is the same as the standard models - with the Pumpkin Cloud V2 at £209.99, and the Skeleton Water at £219.99. There will be a maximum of 40 Pumpkin Clouds, 26 Metallic Blue, and 24 Petrol Blue Skeleton Waters - available on a first-come first serve basis. All of these will be built-to order, meaning you have to wait a few weeks for your special edition to Land.


These circuits are both the current standard editions of those pedals - it’s only their exteriors which are different.


I already have 2 Fallout Clouds (different transistors) and 2 Heavy Waters (including Custom GPX one!) - but I still really want the Pumpkin Cloud in particular - while I’m not sure that I can entirely justify that - but it is somehow really appealing to me the second year in a row! And this year’s edition is even better!


In any case there’s not many to go around - and these will likely go quickly!


Pumpkin Cloud Special Edition Fuzz - £209.99


Controls - Sustain, Treble, Volume, Bass.


Another cool variant of Thorpy's Award winning evolution of the Triangle style Big Muff - with considerably more range and shapeability.


I tend to favour Triangle style Big Muffs and this is one of the very best for more of that original 1969 flavour!


Note that only a maximum of 40 Pumpkin Cloud will be be available on the ThorpyFX Webstore.

Skeleton Water Special Editions 3-in-1 Boosts - in Metallic Blue and Petrol Blue Colourways - £219.99


Controls - Gritty/Germanium Diode Boost } Boost, Lows, Footswitch; Smoother Higher-Headroom Dane Boost } Boost, Lows, Footswitch; Deploy individually or stacked for 3-in-1 Action!


Still my most used and favourite Thorpy pedal I guess in terms of how much I get out of it - it has been rooted to the board since it very first emerged in 2019 - and is enjoying a thoroughly decent innings! - there are currently 3 Thorpy Pedals on the board and several more in high rotation - you should be aware of all my favourites by now - they get featured a lot on this site!


There are 26 of the Metallic Blue variant available and 24 of the Petrol Blue - via the ThorpyFX Webstore.



The two pedal types on offer here are two of my all time favourites, and 2 of the very best that Thorpy offers - both with incredible range and versatility! While there are at least 10 more from that range that I hold in the highest of esteem - including of course the Boneyard and Tacit Blue Fuzzes!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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