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Boost and Overdrive

Holy Island Audio and Mask Audio Electronics combine their Abracadaver and Yes Fuzzes into the single Stop! Dual Fuzz for some off the charts Fuzz Mayhem

FuzzGated and Velcro FuzzHoly Island AudioMask Audio ElectronicsOctave FuzzSilicon Fuzz+-
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A collaboration has surely been on the cards for a while for these two very complementary builders - Gwion of Holy Island Audio, and Alex of Mask Audio Electronics. Both have contributed their best loved compact fuzzes - where the gated nature of one entirely suits the combination of the upper octave character of the other.


The two fuzzes are wired in series - so you can decide via the Order toggle which one is first / last in the chain - giving you ultimate versatility in how you deploy this pedal - and where each fuzz is engaged via its own dedicated footswitch.


Controls - ABRACADVER OCTAVE FUZZ } Louder (Level), Clang (Octave degree), Strong (Gain) - Hi/Lo, Left Footswitch, YES GATED FUZZ } Loud (Level), More (Input Gain), Texture / Character - Big & Fat / Thin & Compressed, Right Footswitch, UNIVERSAL } Order - point at which circuit you want to go first.


I would say this is somewhat for the experimental crowd and that some some of the sounds that you get out of this pairing will properly test your amp’s speaker cones. Gwion warns that you’re in for some wild and chaotic times with suitably speaker-shredding sonic mayhem.


The Stop! Dual Fuzz is also a great way to get an introduction to both brands. I’ve been meaning to get stuck into these two for a while - and possibly this is the gateway drug as such that opens me up to the wider experience.


The Stop! Fuzz is currently open for preorders on the Holy Island Audio Webstore - where it goes for a very reasonable £175 and equivalent.



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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