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Gurus Pedals celebrate Steve Lukather's many years use of their Echosex Delay with a Signature 10th Anniversary Echosex 3° Edition

DelayFoxgearGurus AmpsTape Delay+-
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To celebrate 10 years of the Echosex - Gurus release a 10th Anniversary Signature Pedal for Steve Lukather. Steve Lukather has used an Echosex unit as his main delay for many years - mostly the Ecxhosex 2° as far as I’m aware - and this latest most compact edition of that pedal comes marked with Steve’s Favourite Settings - with cool luminous green accents.


This Echosex Echorec style Delay makes use of a 12AX7B Tube Preamp to warm up and add dynamics to those delay repeats. In this version we’re limited to the equivalent of just a single playback head - while that is beautifully imbued with those wonderful textural qualities that make this such a popular delay unit.


Controls - Repeats Tone (Dark > Bright), Age of Damage (Warble / Wow & Flutter), Echo Volume, Length of Swell (Feedback / Repeats), Echo Time (35 to 730ms), Tap-Tempo Footswitch, Bypass Footswitch.


Obviously Gurus is in the same stable as such as the various Foxgear Pedals and I believe there are currently 5 Echosex versions currently out there including the Foxgear Echosex Baby (No Tube), Foxgear T7E Baby (No Tube) and then the Gurus Tube-powered trio of Echosex 3°, Echosex 3° Steve Lukather Edition, and the Flagship fully 4-head Echosex 2°T7E.


I’ve considered each of the Foxgear ones before and the Gurus Echosex 2°T7E - in fact I came very close to acquiring a T7E Baby at one stage - while that never quite happened. In many ways I feel that the TZE Baby is probably overall the smartest format here - while I am also tempted by this Steve Lukather Edition as I’m a huge fan of his. There is a significant price differential with the T7E Baby at €229, and the Lukather 3° at almost twice the price at €449. Further details can be found on the Foxgear website which lists Foxgear, Gurus, and Baroni pedals - all part of the same family.


My favourite style of Delay is still Magnetic - both Tape and Drum - where I have several units which cover that function - including the Boss RE-202 and Strymon Volante. Obviously the full-fat T-Rex Binson Echorec is out there now too - but that is a much larger unit and significantly more pricey. A Studio pedal mostly for sure apart from some superstar players, millionaires and lottery winners!


I don’t think I will own more than one of these - and my current choice is leaning more towards the T7E Baby - while I’m still sorely tempted by the Lukather Edition - but that is just a single playback head edition and I generally prefer a more multi-head approach. Never say never though!


Do any of you own any of the 5 units mentioned here - and if so please can we have some usage insights!


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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