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Boost and Overdrive

2025 January Pedal-Chain Update - Episode I - Peak Pedal Mania

29 PedalsAC NoisesAmbient EffectsBeetronics FXBig Muff Style FuzzBlues Breaker Style OverdriveBoostBoost and OverdriveBright Onion PedalsBufferCaroline Guitar CompanyChase Bliss AudioChorus and VibratoCompressorDigital ReverbDistortionDOD EffectsDriveDrunk BeaverDryBell EffectsDual-DriveElectric Eye AudioExpressionFlangerFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGranular DelayHamstead SoundworksJHS PedalsJim DunlopKlone and Transparent OverdriveLichtlaerm AudioMetal DistortionModulated FuzzModulationModulation WorkstationMulti-DriveMulti-FXOctave FuzzOddball FuzzOpAmp FuzzOrigin EffectsOscillating FuzzOverdriveRack Style ReverbReverbReverse ReverbRing ModulationRogue RehousingRotary SpeakerShimmer ReverbSilicon FuzzSitek Guitar ElectronicsSkreddy PedalsSpacey ReverbSubdecay EffectsTone Bender Style FuzzTweed Style Overdrive+-

So January 2025 sees a momentous milestone - where we have the peak possible number of pedals in the chain - which now numbers no less than 52 Pedals. It’s an incredibly tight squeeze - and all the available space is now fully used up.


I’ve re-flowed the main visual - where I used to try to have a fixed format arrangement - but now have re-numbered the slots entirely corresponding to the number and order of those pedals. Last January I noted that I was going to switch out my 2 Friedman ...

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I’m a huge fan of High Gain Doom Sludge Distortion Pedals - and already have several favourites in that category - including the Blackhawk Balrog, Earthbound Audio Supercollider, Lichtlaerm Audio Altar, and even the recent JHS Pedals Hard Drive.


The Cannibal Unicorn hits slightly differently - as even at full tilt it doesn’t get as boomy and saturated as the others - but combines its sludge with superior note clarity. This is a fairly distinct voicing, with unique abilities, while some of ...

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Full Metal Racket! - 32 of the Best Compact High Gain Metal Distortion Pedals - 2024 Ultimate Selection

Abominable ElectronicsAudiostormAura AmpsBardic Audio DevicesBlackhawk AmplifiersBossBrown Sound DistortionDistortionDOD EffectsDual-DriveElectric Eye AudioEmpress EffectsFortin AmpsFriedman EffectsKeeley EngineeringKlirrton ManufakturKMA AudioLichtlaerm AudioMarshall Style DistortionMetal DistortionMidValleyFXMulti-DriveRedbeard EffectsREVV AmplificationSinvertekSolar PedalsSoldanoTone InkVictory AmpsWamplerWestminster EffectsXIX Tech FX+-

So I typically do the metal pedal roundup in and around Autumn, while now seems to be a decent time to do a recap - as quite a large sway has changed since I last did this exercise back in 2022. And we have had a number of really strong new contenders - which each sounds fantastic, and overall heralds a kind of new era of heavy metal pedals with even more range and dynamics.


There are 10 New Pedals since 2022’s rundown, more than a quarter of the previously listed pedals have been swapped /...

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2023 Best New Distortion Pedals of the Year

Bardic Audio DevicesBest in ClassBrown Sound DistortionDistortionDriveDrive WorkstationDrunk BeaverDSM & HumboldtDual-DriveEarthQuaker DevicesElectric Eye AudioEmpress EffectsFairfield CircuitryFortin AmpsFunny Little BoxesHoopla PedalsIntensive Care AudioLaowizMarshall Style DistortionMessiah GuitarsMetal DistortionMulti-DrivePedalPalFXSua DevicesTWA EffectsUAFXUniversal AudioVemuram+-

A decent showing on the Distortion side too - with some particularly great High Gain Distortions. I was due to review the Licthlaerm Gehenna and Medusa also - but with Daniel Ringl’s workshop move - that didn’t quite get sorted this year - hopefully early in the new year - and then I can update the ’Full Metal Racket’ selection which exercise I normally do late Autumn!


There’s couple of really cool filter distortions here that I really like - the Intensive Care Audio Vena Cava Filter / ...

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This pedal surely needs no introduction now - so pervasive was it’s impact on its launch in 2020 - that this is more of a refresher as to what makes it so great - considering how many are already aware of it and using it.


As I mentioned in my fairly recent EEA brand overview - Silas Fernandes initially came up with this concept back in 2012 - way before Horizon Effects’ Precision Drive was a thing - while the path to market was somewhat more tortuous for Silas and involved a move from ...

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2023 October Pedal-Chain Update - Episode X - Transformation Multipliers

All-PedalBardic Audio DevicesBoostBoost and OverdriveBossDistortionDriveDrunk BeaverDual-DriveElectric Eye AudioEnvelope Filter and Auto WahFlattley Guitar PedalsFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGated and Velcro FuzzGermanium FuzzHello Sailor EffectsIntensive Care AudioLoe SoundsMarshall Style DistortionMetal DistortionModulated FuzzModulationMuir Audio DesignMulti-DriveOscillating FuzzOverdrivePedal ChainPhaserRainger FXSilicon FuzzSpaceman EffectsTark AudioTone For Punk+-

Wow what a wild ride of a month - one of the busiest to date - bookmarked with two superb events. You really need to read my event round-ups - they’re so full of little details - and of course personalities - the bigger friendship network and sort of family that makes up this magnificent sector in many ways. For sure everyone is in hard competition with each other for the same customer money - but there’s genuine warmth of spirit - a friendliness and willingness to cooperate and get along. Both...

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When you check out the Thrash Metal genre you can’t help notice how it came to be so heavily dominated by the West Coast California Bay Area movement - as seen by the fact that 3 of the ’Big 4’ hale from that area - Metallica, Megadeth, and Slayer - with only Anthrax representing New York / East Coast. In fact if you cast your net wider to covering Newer and Vintage bands in that genre - the spread gets even more extreme with just a handful of bigger names - including Overkill representing the ...

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Silas Fernandes' Electric Eye Audio delivers superior solutions for enhanced and extended range high gain tones

Best of BrandsBoostBoost and OverdriveCompressorElectric Eye AudioEQMetal DistortionOverdriveTubescreamer Style OverdriveUtility+-

Silas is a guitarist, composer and producer, Brazilian-born, but settled in Charlottesville, Virgina for some years now. He very originally conceived the idea for his Mud Killer tone enhancer pedal way back in 2012, while the route to market was far from straightforward, and involved a move to America within that - which meant that said pedal and brand as such did not emerge until 2020.

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