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Boost and Overdrive

Ideal Compact Compressor Capsule Collection - Actual and Intended

Becos FXBest in ClassBondi EffectsChase Bliss AudioCompressorCrazy Tube CircuitsDrunk BeaverDryBell EffectsJ RockettJackson AudioJRADThorpyFXUtilityWamplerXotic Effects+-

When I started this exercise it was initially just about documenting those compressors I already owned - where obviously the Chase Bliss Clean is the most recent addition.


A Becos FX CompIQ Mini Pro has long been on the cards - but hasn’t happened quite yet - things often take interesting turns along the way - that one will almost definitely be the next one to enter this particular capsule collection.


My very first compressor was the Xotic Effects SP Compressor Mini - where I bought a ...

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End of Year Pedal-Chain Update - Final December Formation - Class of 2024

Acoustic SimulatorAmbient EffectsAnalog DelayBecos FXBeetronics FXBig Muff Style FuzzBitcrushing and Lo-FiBlues Driver Style OverdriveBoostBoost and OverdriveBossBrown Sound DistortionChase Bliss AudioChorus and VibratoColombo Audio ElectronicsColortone PedalsCompressorCoriolis EffectsCornerstone Music GearDecibelicsDelayDigital DelayDigital ReverbDistortionDriveDrive WorkstationDual-DriveFlangerFlower PedalsFormula B PedalsFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGated and Velcro FuzzGuitar Synth and SequencerHarmonizerHorrothia EffectsJHS PedalsKeeley EngineeringKrozz DevicesLichtlaerm AudioLife Is Unfair AudioMarshall Style DistortionMenatoneMetal DistortionModulated FuzzModulationMulti-DriveOctave FuzzOctaverOddball FuzzOneControlOpAmp FuzzOscillating FuzzOverdrivePastFXPedal ChainPhaserPitchPitch-ShiftingPoly EffectsPreAmpRat Style FuzzReverbReverb WorkstationSampler / SustainerSentimental Bob ElectronicsSilicon FuzzSinvertekSkreddy PedalsSpacey ReverbStrymonTavysh EffectsThorpyFXTone Bender Style FuzzTremoloTube OverdriveTubesteaderUtilityVox Style DistortionWalrus Audio+-

33 slots updated this year - #2, #3, #4, #5, #7, #9a, #9b, #10, #11, #12, #15a, #15b, #15c, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #22a, #22b, #23, #24, #25, #26, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #36, #38, and #41.


There’s been a fair amount of re-routing and re-organising this year - which you should be able to pick via the pattern of changes. The introduction of the stereo Poly Amplitude introduced the biggest change to the board order - to get th most out of that format!


I try to limit acquisitions /...

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2024 Best New Modutility Pedals (Modulation / Pitch / Utility)

Amp and Cab IR SimAmpliTubeBecos FXBeetronics FXBenson AmpsBest in ClassBitcrushing and Lo-FiBlender and MixerBuzzing Bugs Audio DevicesCatalinbreadChase Bliss AudioChorus and VibratoCompressorDiamond PedalsDistortionDouble TrackingDriveElectro-HarmonixElectronic Audio ExperimentsEnvelope Filter and Auto WahFlangerFlattley Guitar PedalsGlitchGreat Eastern FX Co.Guitar Synth and SequencerHamstead SoundworksHarmonizerKeeley EngineeringKinotoneKMA AudioKrozz DevicesModelling AmpModulationModulation WorkstationMulti-FXMXRNative AudioOctaverOddball ModulationOneControlOrigin EffectsPastFXPhaserPitchPitch-ShiftingRainger FXRed Panda LabRing ModulationRotary SpeakerRounder SoundsSampler / SustainerSlicer and StutterSolidGoldFXSource AudioSplitter and Frequency SplitterSwellTC ElectronicTEFI Vintage LabThe King of GearTremoloUni-Vibe and VibeUtilityWalrus AudioWampler+-

There’s an incredibly rich mix here of no less than 38 killer Modulations, Utilities and Pitch-Shifters - no one does rundowns quite like me! I always dive in at the deep end of things - and give you maximum expansive scope!


There are several here that I don’t have yet, in fact some hat I’m somewhat unlikely to ever have - for reasons of rig compatibility, size and overall sensibilities, practicalities, and preferences!


These 19 are still to be acquired or eventually overlooked :

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The 10 Pedal Challenge - Mini and Large Enclosure Varieties

10 Pedal ChallengeAmbient EffectsAnalog.ManBecos FXBest in ClassBig Muff Style FuzzBoostBoost and OverdriveChase Bliss AudioDecibelicsDelayDelay WorkstationDigital DelayDigital ReverbDistortionDouble TrackingDriveDrive WorkstationDual-DriveElectro-HarmonixEmpress EffectsEventideFeaturedFortin AmpsFuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionKernomModulationModulation WorkstationMooerMulti-DriveMulti-FXNoise GateOpAmp FuzzOverdrivePigtronixReverbReverb WorkstationStrymonUtility+-

So I said I would expand the scope of the 10 Pedal Challenge to Mini and Large Enclosure variants if the original was well received. And in indeed that seems to be the case - with several readers encouraging me in particular to do the Large Pedals Edition.


So of course I’ve done the 2 remaining categories - Mini and Large! The Large Pedals were pretty much all obvious choices really and that board largely suggested itself. It was the Mini Pedals version that took the most cogitation!



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Reference Collection World Odyssey and other notable stats

Analog Music CompanyAnasoundsBecos FXBest in ClassBig Muff Style FuzzBJFEBlues Driver Style OverdriveBoostBoost and OverdriveBossBrown Sound DistortionCompressorDecibelicsDemon PedalsDistortionDouble TrackingDr ScientistDrunk BeaverDryBell EffectsDumble Style OverdriveFjord FuzzFlangerFormula BFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGamechanger AudioGated and Velcro FuzzGermanium FuzzGFI SystemJAM PedalsKlone and Transparent OverdriveKrozz DevicesMad Professor EffectsMarshall Style DistortionModulated FuzzModulationModulation WorkstationMulti-FXOctave FuzzOddball FuzzOddball ModulationOscillating FuzzOverdrivePastFXPedalPalFXRat Style FuzzShift LineSilicon FuzzSinvertekSpaceman EffectsSuper-Fuzz StyleTC ElectronicThorpyFXTremoloTubescreamer Style OverdriveTX PedalsUni-Vibe and VibeUtility+-

Apologies that his is a little late - it took and age to research, compile and complete - and is filled with myriad wonderful fun facts - I sincerely hope you enjoy this one - as a whole heap of work has gone into bringing it to you!


So I spent the whole weekend working on updating my pedal inventory records to figure out exactly where I was at with the Reference Collection, the last time I did that exercise was a couple of years ago. I had kind of mentally estimated that I had around 1.300...

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So this is the final phase of the range revamp, bringing the Twain Dual Band / Stacked Compressor up to date with the other models. This is a refined and improved model over its predecessor - with serial changes inside and out.


Like the Stella - you now have the option of having the DITOS transformer-enhanced Balanced DI Out factory fitted by default.


And we see some significant updates with the Feed Forward / Feed-Back section, and Side Chain Filters. While the dual saturation engines ...

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I'm delighted to report that the King of Compressors - Becos FX is now stocked by Joe's Pedals in the UK

Becos FXBest of BrandsBoostBoost and OverdriveCompressorJoesPedals.comOverdriveTubescreamer Style OverdriveUtility+-

Readers should know by now that Becos FX is my favourite compressor brand - where their flagship compact CompIQ Stella Pro Blackmer VCA Compressor has been on my board for several months now.


I’ve known Costel Burlan for quite a few years - where I also have his phenomenal Ziffer Mini Tube Screamer, and discontinued Mini Solo Boost - which I’m trying hard to encourage him to revive!


There are 4 compressors in the range - which in Stella and Twain editions are the closest you’ll come to ...

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2024 April Pedal-Chain Update - Episode IV - Maximum Overload

AudiostormBecos FXBlender and MixerBoost and OverdriveCompressorCornerstone Music GearDistortionDriveExpressionFlangerFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzGermanium FuzzGreat Eastern FX Co.Krozz DevicesMarshall Style DistortionMetal DistortionModulationOddball FuzzOpAmp FuzzPedal ChainSilicon FuzzSplitter and Frequency SplitterTanabeThe Sound BoutiqueThropyFXTWA EffectsUtilityVox Style DistortionWinnipeg Electrical Co+-

Another totally mad month for sure - loaded with frenetic activity and peppered with highs as well as crushing disappointments. The first give-away for GPX didn’t quite hit the highs I expected (said give-away closes tonight at 23:59 BST). And there are some weird gaps in the entrants’ home countries - certainly no shortage from the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, or much of mainland Europe. I’m active in a lot more countries than have so far entered the give-away, so I don’t fully understand why ...

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I’ve long championed the CompIQ Stella - which is the closest you can get to a studio rack compressor in pedal format. The Stella is simply the most powerful and tweakable compressor in its category. And I’ve finally got one in the reference collection - many thanks to Becos FX for organising that for me in such a timely manner!


I’ve had my Stella for a couple of weeks or so now, and this will be my first article of a series - a sort of short-term first impressions take. Which I will then ...

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12 Degrees of Saturation 2023 Mini Edition

12 Degrees of SaturationAnalog.ManBecos FXBJFEBoost and OverdriveCoppersoundDecibelicsDistortionEl Músico Loco FXEWS EffectsFeaturedFortin AmpsF-PedalsFree Fall DiverFunction F(X)FuzzIbanezKHDKKO AmpsMenatoneMooerMXRNFYFXOneControlPickdropperPigtronixRainger FXSchu-ToneSnouse Electric CompanySonderySuhrTWA EffectsWamplerXotic EffectsXvive Audio+-

So it’s about time for another round of ’12 Degrees of Saturation’ - featuring an updated selection and including most of the more recently released notable Mini Gain Pedals. Please note that as before - this is something of a Grey Science with simply approximated best fit positioning - as all those pedals have slightly different gain ranges, and certain ones within each selection / category can have vastly more extended range than others - and often cover more than one of the categories.



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