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Boost and Overdrive

2025 London Synth and Pedal Expo Highlights from Studio 9294, Hackney Wick

AM FXAudio Distribution GroupBossChase Bliss AudioD'AddarioDelicious Audio / Stompbox ExhibitFace MIFormula B PedalsGreat Eastern FX Co.Guitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailGuitarGuitarHeadstock GroupIntensive Care AudioJAM PedalsKernomMad Professor EffectsOrigin EffectsRainger FXSource DistributionUAFXUniversal AudioWestside Distribution+-

So - we’ve had 3 incredible guitar gear events this month - covering Birmingham, then Woking, and now London - in probably my favourite venue on the circuit. Studio 9294 is such a unique place - having the outside canal-side terrace, and superb next-door restaurant and bar - in the guide of Number # 90 - which always serve up a very decent lunch! With the sun out - like we experienced at the weekend - this venues is wholly glorious - there’s a cool nearby Sainsbury’s, and indeedned ’Bad Coffee’...

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2025 Birmingham Guitar Show Highlights

Audio Distribution GroupBossBrelliottBuzzing Bugs Audio DevicesChris BuckFidelity GuitarsFlattley Guitar PedalsFredric EffectsFunny Little BoxesGoliath FXGuitar Gear ResourcesHamstead SoundworksHello Sailor EffectsKDHKernomMaking Waves EffectsOrigin EffectsPedal PatchRedbeard EffectsReeves Electro Guitar PedalsRitual DevicesThe Alternative Guitar ShowTheGigRigThorpyFXZona Guitars+-

Hot off the press!

Well, I had a fabulous Guitar Show this year, best one yet for me personally! I picked up 5 pedals at the show, as well as bumping into Chris Buck, KDH (Kelan Hughes), and my very good friends Markus and Izzy Reeves, also - I had lunch with Jonny Brelliott over at Brew 23!


One of the big highlights for me was meeting the full GigRig Crew - and getting a team photo with all of them. I’m not one for selfies typically - but Dan was very strongly persuasive on this occasion. I...

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Meeting EarthQuaker Devices' Pedal Power Couple - Jamie and Julie at GuitarGuitar 20th Anniversary Camden in-store Event

Audio Distribution GroupBig Muff Style FuzzBoostBoost and OverdriveDistortionDriveEarthQuaker DevicesFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGated and Velcro FuzzGermanium FuzzGuitarGuitarModulationOctave FuzzOpAmp FuzzOverdriveRat Style FuzzTone Bender Style FuzzTubescreamer Style OverdriveUni-Vibe and Vibe+-

So I attended a GuitarGuitar Camden 20th Anniversary EarthQuaker Devices Showcase Event last Tuesday the 24th! The guests of honour obviously being Pedal Power Couple - Husband and Wife team Jamie Stillman and Julie Robbins. This was actually only their second visit to the UK - the first being another whistle-stop tour in 2018 or thereabouts. This time around they were being chaperoned around by good friend of ours Tom Bodfish from Northern Europe EQD Distributor - Audio Distribution Group.


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2024 London Synth and Pedal Expo Pedal Highlights

ALABS AudioAmpliTubeAudio Distribution GroupAudio KitchenAudiolithe FXBlack Country CustomsBossChase Bliss AudioCornerstone Music GearEndorphin.esEventideFace MIFilling DistributionFlattley Guitar PedalsGamechanger AudioGreat Eastern FX Co.Guitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailIK MultimediaIntensive Care AudioLaney AmplificationOrigin EffectsPRS GuitarsRabbit Hole FXRainger FXRed Panda LabTubesteaderVS Audio+-

Where the Birmingham Show was a little sprawling and chaotic for me, I very much felt more at home at the Studio 9294 venue for this year’s London Synth and Pedal Expo. As Media Partner for the show, the second year in a row, I was of course in for the entirety of both the day, and actually in very early in particular on the Sunday.


I thoroughly enjoyed the two days -I love having the #90 Bar & Kitchen next door - for some very decent lunches - superb burger on the first day, and Sunday...

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The Birmingham Guitar Show 2024 Highlights

Aim AudioAmp and Cab IR SimAudio Distribution GroupBirmingham Guitar ShowBoost and OverdriveBossBuzzing Bugs Audio DevicesCollision DevicesDistortionFace MIFlattley Guitar PedalsFredric EffectsFunny Little BoxesFuzzFX Pedal PlanetGoliath FXGuitar Gear RetailGuitar HeroesHamstead SoundsworksHello Sailor EffectsKMA AudioMulti-FXOrigin EffectsPedal PatchRedbeard EffectsRitual DevicesThorpyFXUK Guitar Show+-

Wow, The Guitar Show was certainly a rollercoaster of an event with the busiest crowd I’ve witnessed to-date. At times it was quite a struggle to make your way through the packed waves of attendees, which did though start to peter out just a little after 3 o’c. For me it was fast and furious from the start - and I found it a little awkward navigating around the hall - as the stand layout seemed to have all kinds of little nooks and crannies - which made some booths incredibly easy to overlook ...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions

2023 London Synth and Pedal Expo Highlights

Audio Distribution GroupBleak District ElectricBossChase Bliss AudioCornerstone Music GearDelicious Audio / Stompbox ExhibitFace MIGuitar Gear Improvements and PrototypesGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailIntensive Care AudioLondon Synth & Pedal ExpoOrigin EffectsPaolo De GregorioPRS GuitarsRabbit Hole FXRainger FXRegent SoundsRotoSoundTom Cundall's Guitar ShedWunjo Guitars+-

I’d like to start by saying that I’m truly proud to have been a Media Partner for this Inaugural Synth and Pedal Expo. It was a superb event - really well attended, and paves the way for an even bigger follow-up - likely taking place over two days next time.


This is the first time I’ve met Stompbox Exhibit Organiser and Delicious Audio Auteur Paolo De Gregorio face-to-face. We’ve had a long-term friendly correspondence and association and greeted each other as long-lost friends. Paolo has ...

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2023 Birmingham Guitar Show Highlights

AnasoundsAndertonsAudio Distribution GroupCrimson GuitarsFace MIFredric EffectsFunny Little BoxesFX Pedal PlanetGoliath FXGreat Eastern FX Co.Guitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailGuitar NerdsHamstead SoundworksKernomMaking Waves EffectsOrigin EffectsPedal PatchRedbeard EffectsRitual DevicesSilverfox GuitarsThorpy FX+-

The Top visual (above) this time is my favourite stand from the show - the super elegant and lifestyle-oriented Kernom stand - with really smart use of furniture - but with a somewhat eyesore tangle of cables! - overall it looked really striking and elegant compared to everything else at the show!


So another show is over - where I attended all day Saturday. Entrance was the same as before @ £15, while travel was slightly more expensive. I had an open-return train ticket @ £61, plus 2 tube ...

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Birmingham's The Guitar Show Highlights

AC GuitarsAdrian ThorpeAlan CringeanAlex ErnandezAlex MillarAlexander MillarAnasoundsAudio Distribution GroupBen CroweBig Muff Style FuzzBirmingham Guitar ShowBossBruce DavidsonChapman GuitarsCrimson GuitarsD'AddarioDistortionDriveFilling DistributionFredric EffectsFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGeorgia ThorpeGermanium FuzzGreuter AudioGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailGuitarsHeadless GuitarsJennings GuitarsLP-Style and Single-Cut GuitarsMansons GuitarsMatt KnightMick TaylorMike PayneMikey DemusMillimetric GuitarsMythos PedalsODR Style OverdriveOffset GuitarsOld Blood Noise EndeavorsOrange AmplificationRabea MassaadRedbeard EffectsReiver GuitarsRob ChapmanRob Williams GuitarsSacha GreuterSilicon FuzzSkindredS-Style and Double-Cut GuitarsStone Wolf GuitarsStuart TateTate FXThe Guitar ShowThorpyFXTim WebsterTone Bender Style FuzzToskaT-Style GuitarsUnique-Shaped GuitarsZach BroylesZander Circuitry+-

For me, this turned out to be the best The Guitar Show yet - where I pretty much managed to round off all my pre-show goals - in terms of seeing what and whom I wanted to / needed - as per the following highlights. I caught 2 great lunchtime showcases - first by Mikey Demus of Skindred / Redbeard Effects fame and then Rabea Massaad of Andertons, Chapman, Dorje, Toska, etc. fame - and D’Addario as it turned out - albeit people were really just there to see Bea play.


I must have circled the ...

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This coming weekend's Birmingham Guitar Show looks like the best year yet for pedal fans

Audio Distribution GroupBirmingham Guitar ShowBossCrimson GuitarsFace MIFirst Line DistributionGreuter AudioGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailRedbeard EffectsStone Wolf GuitarsThe Guitar ShowThorpyFXUK Guitar Show+-

Birmingham’s The Guitar Show is the UK’s main guitar / gear show, and this year features the largest selection of pedal brands yet as far as I’m aware. Obviously there are several large distributors here representing a number of brands - like Audio Distribution Group which covers Cioks Power Supplies, Darkglass Electronics, Death by Audio, EarthQuaker Devices, Emma Electronic, Fulltone, JRAD / J Rockett, JPTR FX, KMA Audio Machines, Meris, Neunaber, Maxon, Nobels, Old Blood ...

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Pedal Highlights at the 2019 Birmingham Guitar Show

AnasoundsAudio Distribution GroupBirmingham Guitar ShowBossChorus and VibratoDistortionDriveFace MIFirst Line DistributionFuzzLaney AmplificationModulationModulation WorkstationOpAmp FuzzOrigin EffectsPeterson TunersReverbSpring ReverbThorpyFXTremoloTunersUtilityWalrus AudioZander Circuitry+-

The Birmingham Guitar Show this year was so much a better affair than the London / UK Guitar Show I attended at Olympia in September - particularly from an organisational and pedal perspective. But I’m kind of sad to report that it was a very pale shadow of the NAMM show that took place almost exactly one month ago. If I tally up all the best new pedals from the NAMM show - only the tiniest fraction of those were on display at the Birmingham Show.


It means that the Beetronics Swarm ...

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Guitar Pedal X
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