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Boost and Overdrive

Rob Chapman's All-Time Favourite Guitar Pedals

Amp and Cab IR SimAtomic AmpsBad Cat AmplifiersBlues Driver Style OverdriveBoostBoost and OverdriveBossCryBabyDawner Prince EffectsDelayDelay WorkstationDigital DelayDigital ReverbDigiTechDistortionElectro-HarmonixEQFuzzG-Lab Guitar LaboratoryGuitar Synth and SequencerJim DunlopKlone and Transparent OverdriveKorgMarshall Style DistortionModulationMooerMXRMythos PedalsNeunaberOctave FuzzOddball ModulationODR Style OverdriveOverdrivePitchPitch-ShiftingPreAmpReverbReverb WorkstationRob ChapmanRockBoxSilicon FuzzThropyFXUAFXUniversal AudioUtilityVemuramVox Style DistortionWah and Fixed WahZvex+-
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So right at the end of last month Rob Chapman posted up a YouTube video of a rundown of his all-time favourite guitar pedals. He initially states he’s going to name his 10 most favoured ones - but goes on to mention 20 - which I’ve fully included here.


Rob has a great ear for tone - as countless of his own and Anderton’s videos have proven time and time again. And I really love his everyman approach to guitar gear. I’ve encountered him in person 2 or 3 times now over the years - and he’s always been the kindest and friendliest of souls to me. For sure he’s put his foot in it a couple of times or so - but he genuinely means well and is most definitely a force for good.


I’ve arranged the pedals here - not in the order they appear in the video - but in rough alphabetical order by brand name - it made sense to have pedals together from the same brands. I had to shift a few pedals around in Tetris fashion - to accommodate them within the visual - while it’s mostly A-Z for easy reference!


There’s quite a few pedals here that overlap with my own preferences (which is why I did this exercise) - and a number I’ve intended to get in - but have still to land. Generally I feel that this is a really superb selection - and a properly nice mix of mainstream and more unusual pedals - hopefully something for everyone here!


The ones here that overlap with my preferences and that I own and love - include both the Boss pedals, the Mini CryBaby Wah, Whammy Ricochet, Korg Miku, MXR Octavio, and the ThorpyFX Dane. I’ve long intended to get the Dawner Prince Red Rox, EHX B9, Mythos Titan (super limited!), Rockbox Boiling Point, and UAFX Ruby Preamp. I also always liked the look of the Mooer Ocean Machine, and Zvex Wah Probe - but those are both a little over-sized to be wholly practical for me!


Here follows Rob’s reference YouTube Video, and then the individual pedal details - with some observations and occasional alternative recommendations!


Atomic Ampli-Firebox Mark II Amp Tone and Effects Pedal / Processor - $399.95


Controls - Bass, Mids, Treble, Presence, Amp switch : Clean / Crunch / Lead, Cab switch : 4x12 w/ V30s / 4x12 w/ Green Backs / Alnico 1x12, Fav. Switch : Clean Preset / Crunch Preset / Lead Preset, Gain, Master, Effect (Noise Gate GTE, Compressor CMP, Equalizer EQ, Boost BST, Echo ECO, Reverb RVB), Level, Footswitch A : Boost On / Hold Lock, Footswitch B : Echo On / Hold Save, Balanaced XLR Out.


9V DC [-], 200mA current draw


I've always been intrigued by this pedal - very much an Amp & Cab Simulator with some smart effects onboard. But never never really had a use for one. Moreover its Mono-in / Mono-out nature means I would never be able to use it properly within my stereo rig - while it's always sounded pretty decent in the demos I've heard. I guess it's fallen a little under the radar of late and is no longer one of the first you might consider in that category - but still a pretty smart proposition - while I feel there are more capable alternatives out there nowadays - and particularly for my own stereo needs!

Bad Cat Double Drive Dual Overdrive - discontinued - $199


Controls - Tone, Gain, Output x 2, Channel A Footswitch, Channel B Footswitch.


A more modern update of Bad Cat's Siamese Drive - which is essentially a Dual Channel Klone. This was introduced in 2020, and discontinued just a couple of years later, Most seem to prefer the original Siamese Drive to the follow-up Double Drive. Not sure why they would have tampered with a winning formula - but supposedly there are minor differences between the two. Both are actually pretty decent dual stackable Klones - while my first pick for that would always be the Decibelics Golden Royale - which is truly magnificent. And where Decibelics' Guillem Vilademnunt is sill the King of Klone!

Boss BD-2W Blues Driver - $184.99


Controls - Level, Mode : Standard / Custom (Keeley Phat Mod!), Gain, Tone.


I don't really need to say anything further on this pedal - the Keeley Modded Edition is my favourite all-time overdrive - and this BD-2W Waza Craft edition gets about as close to that as you could want really. Use it as a clean boost in Fuzz Face fashion - and learn to fully harness the dynamics and guitar volume knob cleanup of this pedal. Sounds superb every which way as far as I'm concerned - and every home should have one!

Boss GE-7 Equalizer - $111.99


Controls : Band : 100Hz, 200Hz, 400Hz, 800Hz, 1.6kHz, 3.2kHz, 6.4kHz, Level.


I had an Alchemy Audio modded version of the on the board for the longest time (currently displaced by the Empress Effects ParaEQ 2 DLX. The Alchemy GE-7 edition uses superior parts for much improved noise floor - and much less unwanted hiss at higher settings. A superb hands-on tone-shaper - which as Rob says - several could do with at both ends of their board. I mostly used this as a balancing EQ - after the NS-2 Noise Suppressor and high gain pedals - to mostly restore some of the higher frequencies lost along the signal chain, and in part filtered out by the noise gate! Still very much a favourite pedal of mine!

CBM95 CryBaby Mini Wah - $119.99


Controls - Torque Clutch Adjust, Internal Voicing Switch / Frequency focus : Low, Medium (Vintage), High (GC895).


I totally love this format - and have the original CBM95, CBM535Q Edition, and  CBM535AR Auto-Return Edition. I've long intended to scoop up the Jimi Hendrix JHM9 Mini CryBaby edition too - to complete the set. And I'm also in line to get the similarly compact Plutoneium Chi-Wah-Wah. Once I have all 5 I will probably post up some sort of capsule collection rundown - but it's not on the cards for a while - as there are several more pressing priorities pending!

Dawner Prince Red Rox Distortion - $219.95


Controls - Contour, TOne, Master, Preamp.


A pedal that I've always loved the sound of - for sure one of the best MIAB types out there - I've been meaning to get this one for so long - but is just hasn't quite happened yet. For sure will be in the collection some day! I of course have several favourite MIAB types already - including the now 2 Sinverek N5 MGAT-1 / GE types - which are the supreme types of that format as fat as I'm concerned. I would still really like to add a Red Rox too though - will surely happen some day!

DigiTech Whammy Ricochet Pitch Shifter - $197.95


Controls - Momentary : On/Off, Ballistics : Shift, Return, Range : Up / Down, Pitch : 2nd / 4th / 5th / 7th / Oct / 2 Oct / Oct+Dry.


This is one of my favourite 'Tom Morello' pedals - where I use both this one and the Boss PS-6 (S-Bend Mode) to do that 2 octave rise and fall! Both work superbly - the Whammy Ricochet has been my long-term favourite for sure - while I'm increasingly using the PS-6 these days - because of its Nova Twins association.

Electro-Harmonix B9 Organ Machine - $259.50


Controls - Dry Level, Organ Level, Modulation, Click, Mode : 1 Fat & Full / 2 Jazz / 3 Gospel / 4 Classic Rock / 5 Bottom End / 6 Octaves / 7 Cathedral / 8 Continental / 9 Bell Organ.


I've been in line to own one of these for so long now. Typically I favour the more holistic approach - which is why the Boss SY-200 is my regular synth pedal. I'm somewhat conflicted over which of EHX's 7 9-Series pedals I should be getting - and with options overload I've not ended up with any yet. Most recommend C9, Mel 9 and String 9 - but there's so much to like here - and the original B9 is still strong! I guess I'm waiting for EXH to put all their 9-Series algorithms into the one box! Until such a time I guess I'm sticking with the SY-200.

G-Lab True Bypass Wah-Pad - $130


Actually a Wah Pedal accessory - where you can wire up the Wah to Engage as you apply pressure to the treadle versus having to click switch on - which is still the case for most Wah Pedals. I'm not a fan of the regular sized wah-pedals - way too large - much prefer the CryBaby and Plutoneium Mini Editions. This adds even more to the real-estate of your pedalboard - which makes it not particularly practical in that sense. Still a cool innovation for sure. Wah pedals should really come with that sort of thing built-in - so you can punch them in more organically and dynamically!

Mooer Ocean Machine Delay & Reverb - $299


Controls - Shimmer, Decay, Tone, R.Mix, Feedback B, Time B, Tone B, D.Mix B, Feedback A, Time A, Tone A, D.Mix A, Menu / Mix, Reverb : Room / Hall / Plate / Dist-Verb / FL-Verb / Filter / Reverse / Spring / Mod, Back, Setting, LCD Display, Delay B : Digital / Analog / Tape / Real / Dynamic / Galaxy / Mod / Tri-Mod / Mod-Inv, Delay A : Digital / Analog / Tape / Echo / Liquid / Rainbow / Crystal / Low-Bit / Fuzzy, Store, Preset, Reverb / Tap Footswitch (Rec/Play/Stop), Delay B / Down / Tap B Footswitch (Half speed), Delay A / Up / Tap A Footswitch (Reverse), Reverb + Delay B = Tap, Delay B + Delay A = Looper.


And incredibly expansive 3 Channel Time-Based device collboration with Devin Townsend - with 2 variable delay channels plus variable Reverb channel used in combination - a total of 23 different algorithms, and 3 shared (Digital, Analog, Tape). The LCD screen looks very old-fashioned now, and the pedal is a little over-large and distinctly not pedalboard-friendly. It's the form factor that kind of rules this one out for me - while it's no doubt capable of some really cool output. I think it needs to be re-booted into a rather more streamlined and more ergonomic and pedalboard-friendly format - of course with a proper modern screen too!

Korg Miku Stomp - discontinued - $159


Controls / Vocalisations : Random 2 / Random 1 / Scat / Looh / Lahh / Ahh / Pahh / Nyan / Phrase 1 / Phrase 2 / Phrase 3.


Genius Hatsune Miku Sample Vocalizer - with slightly inconsistent but still fun tracking. Some of the most fun that can be had with a pedal - and yes you can even produce properly musical content with this device. While it's rightly seen mostly as something of a novelty gimmick. I'm still very happy I own one of these though!

MXR Jimi Hendrix Octavio 70th Anniversary - discontinued - $149.99


Controls - Level, Fuzz.


I was encouraged to buy the MXR Octavio - really on Rob's say-so - while by the time I got to it - the 70th Anniversary Edition was pretty much sold out - and a different grey and blue limited edition was doing the rounds - which I acquired. I'm not sure what difference there is between those 2 pedal editions - MXR regularly re-issue the same limited Hendrix lines - it's happened several times over - same as for the mini pedals. They all seem to sound pretty stellar in any case. Rob definitely has a way with the Octavia / Octavio which services as pretty significant inspiration for this pedal. I have a number of thicker and niching sounding Octave pedals though - including the Anasounds Crankled Bitoun, and my Custom Shop Beetronics V1 Octahive! The Octavio still sounds pretty great though!

MXR MC401 CAE Boost / Line Driver - $119.99


Controls - Boost : 0db > +10dB > +20dB.


Probably somewhat under the radar nowadays - a decent linear boost type for sure - but there's so much choice out there - and so many more smarter and more versatile options and alternatives. I guess if you're just looking for a simple one-knob boost - then this one certainly fits the bill - but even there - there are a number of others that recommend themselves just as readily!

Mythos Pedals Signature Titan / Snake Oil The Very Thing - discontinued - $249


Controls - Gain, Level, Clip : Germanium / Open / LED, Tone, Fat : Bass Boost switch.


Rob's Signature version of Zach Broyle's Mjolnir Klone circuit - with more Gain and Sustain on tap! A slightly beefed up version of the Mjolnir then with 2 extra controls - a 3-way clipping switch, and a Fat / Bass Boost switch. I had been trying to get hold of one of these for a long time - so few sightings in the wild - not sure that many of these were made. That said the core of this pedal then went on to become the Snake Oil Fine Instruments - The Very Thing - but minus the 2 switches - in fact those seem to be discontinued now too! I'd still quite like a Titan if I ever manage to spot one back on sale!

Neunaber Immerse MKI Reverberator - older model - $225


Controls - FX Levels Depth, Tone, Mode : Wet / Hall / Plate / Spring / Shimmer A & B / +Echo / +Detune / Variable : Modulate (Wet & Hall), Pre-Delay (Plate) / Low Cut (Spring) / Shimmer Level A & B / Reverb Level (+Echo & +Detune).


Really cool Compact Stereo Reverb with some killer algorithms. Rob prefers the MKI edition for whatever reason. There's plenty of fantastic Compact Reverbs out there nowadays - including the Cetus from ALABS Audio. My pick of the Neunaber Reverbs is the slightly larger Illumine workstation which I have and love!

Rockbox Boiling Point Overdrive & Clean Boost Boost - $199


Controls - Level, Drive, Bass Boost : On/Off, Tone, Clip / Boost : Plexi / Clean Boost / Symmetrical Overdrive.


Best known as an absolutely superb, richly textured Plexi Style pedal - also with smoother Symmetrical Overdrive and Clean Boost voicing options. I've long wanted one of these, along with its Baby Blues sibling. Rockbox had its heyday many moons ago now - with those swirly / splatter paint-job editions - of which there are numerous examples available on at a dizzying variety of prices. Or you can get the current plainer editions with sloping enclosures. They're still active - but way under the radar these days. I've been meaning to get the Baby Blues in forever - and of course the Boiling Point is on that same list!

ThorpyFX The Dane MKII Drive + Boost - £264.99 / $319


Controls - Level, Boost, Boost typed : Harder Clipping (Ge Diodes) / Danish Pete (Original Smooth Dane Boost), Gain, Tone, Lows.


Rob mentions this one in passing - I presume he probably means the MKI - but as both sound identical and he didn't state a preference - I'm featuring the cooler MKII compact edition here. Wonderful sounding overdrive / boost as created for Pete Honoré and his favourite Telecaster guitar. Still sounds really good on humbuckers - while of course optimised for single coil pickups!

Vemuram Shanks ODS-1 - $385


Controls - Volume, Gain, Tone, Bass and Saturation trim-pots on rear.


The priciest pedal on this list - while a pretty decent ODR-1 take for sure. If you're into the Nobels ODR-1 then I recommend you check out original Engineer's Kai Tachibana's Brand - Nordland Electronics - which in my opinion are making the best ODR-1 and ODR-S style pedals these days. And they cost quite a bit less than the Venuram version. The Vemuram is pretty great - no question about it - while you should really compare that head-to-head with the Nordland ODR-C - that's where it's at as far as I'm concerned. In fact the ultimate one of that type was the Nordland 30th Anniversary Edition - which I'm very fortunate to own too!

Universal Audio UAFX Ruby Vox AC30 Amp Emulator - $319


Controls - Volume, Cut (High), Output, Speaker : Silver / Blue / Green, Function : Alt / Amp / Store, Channel : Bril / Norm / Via, Bass / Room (Alt), Treble / Intensity (Alt), Boos / Speed (Alt), On Footswitch, Preset Footswitch.


Great sounding Vox-in-a-box - that I've been meaning to try our for a while. I still have the Victory Amps The Copper to check out first - but I will get to the Ruby - as I love a 'Brian May' style tone box and this one definitely does the Top-Boosted Vox AC30 thing well. Price has come down since this line launched - I will likely acquire this one quite opportunistically. While there are still lots of higher priority pedals on my list that I need to get to first!

Zvex Wah Probe - $349


Controls - Range, Volume, Mix.


A really cool Theremin sensing-like Wah Pedal - controlled by foot proximity to plate. Only downside really is the massive size of this thing. Zvex really need to make a more compact pedalboard-friendly edition for me to get onboard. A really cool concept for sure - and sounds great - just not really fully practical right at this minute. What say all of you?

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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