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Boost and Overdrive

I’ve mentioned before that I have over 100 each of Muff and Fuzz Face pedals - my Tone Bender contingent / selection is lagging somewhat behind at around the 60 mark currently - so it’s the more the merrier on the Tone Bender front - particularly when they sound this good!


I always equate MKII Tone Benders with peak era Led Zep Jimmy Page - and specifically his ’Whole Lotta Love’ rendition - that is the sound I’m wanting to emulate - and this Vintage Components Silicon take properly hits ...

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2025 Birmingham Guitar Show Highlights

Audio Distribution GroupBossBrelliottBuzzing Bugs Audio DevicesChris BuckFidelity GuitarsFlattley Guitar PedalsFredric EffectsFunny Little BoxesGoliath FXGuitar Gear ResourcesHamstead SoundworksHello Sailor EffectsKDHKernomMaking Waves EffectsOrigin EffectsPedal PatchRedbeard EffectsReeves Electro Guitar PedalsRitual DevicesThe Alternative Guitar ShowTheGigRigThorpyFXZona Guitars+-

Hot off the press!

Well, I had a fabulous Guitar Show this year, best one yet for me personally! I picked up 5 pedals at the show, as well as bumping into Chris Buck, KDH (Kelan Hughes), and my very good friends Markus and Izzy Reeves, also - I had lunch with Jonny Brelliott over at Brew 23!


One of the big highlights for me was meeting the full GigRig Crew - and getting a team photo with all of them. I’m not one for selfies typically - but Dan was very strongly persuasive on this occasion. I...

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Kings of Kempton 2024 - London International Guitar Show Highlights

Buzzing Bugs Audio DevicesFlattley Guitar PedalsFunny Little BoxesGoliath FXGuitar AccessoriesGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailHeavy ReppingMaybury GuitarsRhodium ElectronicsTanquelab+-

As is usual for these events - I prepared a list of my likely targets to hit up during the day - which this time around happened to be my various already established friends and allies from the guitar show circuit. I did not spot any suitable new prospects on the show roster - nor when I actually did the rounds!


My list looked as follows :

  • Audiostorm - Lydia-Sean
  • Buzzing Bugs - Dan
  • Flattley Guitar Pedals - Paul & Jan
  • Funny Little Boxes - Andy
  • Goliath FX - Matt
  • Heavy Repping - John
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The Birmingham Guitar Show 2024 Highlights

Aim AudioAmp and Cab IR SimAudio Distribution GroupBirmingham Guitar ShowBoost and OverdriveBossBuzzing Bugs Audio DevicesCollision DevicesDistortionFace MIFlattley Guitar PedalsFredric EffectsFunny Little BoxesFuzzFX Pedal PlanetGoliath FXGuitar Gear RetailGuitar HeroesHamstead SoundsworksHello Sailor EffectsKMA AudioMulti-FXOrigin EffectsPedal PatchRedbeard EffectsRitual DevicesThorpyFXUK Guitar Show+-

Wow, The Guitar Show was certainly a rollercoaster of an event with the busiest crowd I’ve witnessed to-date. At times it was quite a struggle to make your way through the packed waves of attendees, which did though start to peter out just a little after 3 o’c. For me it was fast and furious from the start - and I found it a little awkward navigating around the hall - as the stand layout seemed to have all kinds of little nooks and crannies - which made some booths incredibly easy to overlook ...

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London International Guitar Show, Kempton Park - Pedal Highlights / The Kings of Kempton!

AudiostormBuzzing Bugs Audio DevicesFlattley Guitar PedalsFredric EffectsFunny Little BoxesGoliath FXGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailHamstead SoundworksHello Sailor EffectsLondon International Guitar ShowPedal PatchPedalbornRhodium ElectronicsRitual DevicesTanquelabThe Berry FX+-

I’ve really taken to the Kempton Park Reacourse venue for this show - with its superb viewing platform of a Panorama restaurant at the top of the building - in fact there are a few places you can seek refreshments. The whole things had / has an easy family vibe to it - where several exhibitors brought part of their family with them for the day - some the whole shebang, while others had their Dad or Brother in tow - just a really nice easy breezy atmosphere - and so easy to get to for those of ...

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The Brighton Guitar Show & FX Expo Highlights

AudiostormBispell AudioBleak District ElectricBright Onion PedalsBrighton Guitar ShowBuzzing Bugs Audio DevicesDemiurge InstrumentsFlattley Guitar PedalsFunny Little BoxesFX ExpoGoliath FXGreat Eastern FX Co.Guitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailGuitar NerdsHamstead SoundworksIndifferent EngineIntensive Care AudioNRG EffectsPedal PatchRainger FXRedbeard EffectsRitual DevicesRotoSoundStrings and ThingsTate FXThorpyFXTimber Tones PicksTwo Notes Audio EngineeringWaterbear College of MusicZander Circuitry+-

Like most I believe - I had a wonderful time at the recent Brighton Guitar Show and Pedal Expo - where I spent 97% of my time in the Pedal Room, with just brief excursions out to the Hamstead Soundworks and Timber Tones stands in the main Guitars Room.


I pretty much managed to get to the vast majority of stands I intended to - but there are always some casualties as time is a finite commodity! And I was there actually from just after eight until gone 17:30 - one of the very last to leave - ...

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The Brighton Guitar Show & FX Expo takes place TOMORROW, 15th of July at Brighton Racecourse

AudiostormBispell AudioBleak District ElectricBright Onion PedalsBrighton Guitar ShowBuzzing Bugs Audio DevicesDemiurge InstrumentsEmmergy FXFlattley Guitar PedalsFunny Little BoxesFX ExpoGoliath FXGreat Eastern FX Co.Guitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailGuitar NerdsHamstead SoundworksHorrothia EffectsIndifferent EngineIntensive Care AudioLatent Lemon AudioMaking Waves EffectsMooerNRG EffectsPedal PatchRainger FXRedbeard EffectsRitual DevicesRotoSoundStrings and ThingsTate FXThorpyFXTimber Tones PicksTwo Notes Audio EngineeringWaterbear College of MusicZander Circuitry+-

So we’re just one day away from the Brighton Guitar Show and FX Expo - where Mr PedalPatch - Phil Steere takes up the reins alongside show partners and sponsors Zander Circuitry (Alex Millar), RotoSound (Jack Dunwoody), Strings & Things (Marc Snelling), and WaterBear College of Music (Adam Bushell and Bruce John Dickinson). All those brands are listed in the middle of the above visual! With further details below.


The show is in a handy location at the Brighton Racecourse - just a 10 ...

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2023 Birmingham Guitar Show Highlights

AnasoundsAndertonsAudio Distribution GroupCrimson GuitarsFace MIFredric EffectsFunny Little BoxesFX Pedal PlanetGoliath FXGreat Eastern FX Co.Guitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailGuitar NerdsHamstead SoundworksKernomMaking Waves EffectsOrigin EffectsPedal PatchRedbeard EffectsRitual DevicesSilverfox GuitarsThorpy FX+-

The Top visual (above) this time is my favourite stand from the show - the super elegant and lifestyle-oriented Kernom stand - with really smart use of furniture - but with a somewhat eyesore tangle of cables! - overall it looked really striking and elegant compared to everything else at the show!


So another show is over - where I attended all day Saturday. Entrance was the same as before @ £15, while travel was slightly more expensive. I had an open-return train ticket @ £61, plus 2 tube ...

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2022 FX Expo Highlights

Alder & AshAudiostormBleak District ElectricBright Onion PedalsEmmergy FXFredric EffectsFX ExpoGoliath FXGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailHoly Island AudioHorrothia EffectsIndifferent EngineJames' Home of ToneJoesPedals.comLeyland PedalsLife Is Unfair AudioNRG EffectsPedal PatchRainger FXRitual DevicesTate FXTom WilsonTriungulo LabVein TapZander Circuitry+-

Best Stand in Show by Indifferent Engine (above)


The Inaugural FX Expo Show has been quite the adventure - 2 years in the making owing to Covid! - It’s so much a major occasion to have this many prominent and promising independent UK pedal builders all under the one roof. And it could not be helmed by a better man than Alex Millar - who has the strength of will and dogged determination to see it all through.


I obviously did the Show Preview a while back now - and while ...

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Exactly One Month until Alex Millar's FX Expo takes place at The Bonded Warehouse in Stourbridge on June 19th!

Alder & AshAudiostormBleak District ElectricBright Onion PedalsEmmergy FXFredric EffectsFX ExpoGoliath FXGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailHoly Island AudioHorrothia EffectsIndifferent EngineJames' Home of ToneJoesPedals.comLeyland PedalsLife Is Unfair AudioNRG EffectsPedal PatchRainger FXRitual DevicesTate FXTom WilsonTriungulo LabVein TapZander Circuitry+-

A key reason for why there were somewhat fewer pedal brands at the recent Birmingham Guitar Show is that many had elected to participate in June 19th’s FX Expo instead. While there are quite a lot of brands that appear at both - Bleak District Electric, Fredric Effects, James’ Home of Tone, Pedal Patch, and Ritual Devices among them.


FX Expo has been in planning for a long time now - and where Covid scuppered an earlier incarnation of this event. It is a ’noiseless’ show - where all sound-...

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Rogue Pedal Rehousing helps me complete my ultimate JHS Pedals Gain Trifecta!
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Rich Cattell
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