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Boost and Overdrive

Inaugural Woking Boutique Guitar Show Highlights from Fiery Bird

81 Guitar WorksAcoustic and Electro-AcousticsAlchemy PickupsAlegree Guitars and AccessoriesAmpsBoost and OverdriveBoutique Guitar CollectiveD.G. Lukes LuthierDaniels GuitarsDelayDistortionDJW GuitarsFiodhan GuitarsFKLN Franklyn GuitarsFredric EffectsFuzzGuitar AccessoriesGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailGuitarsHello Sailor EffectsIndra Custom Guitars and EngravingJAS GuitarsJC Guitar CompanyLost Soul LeatherLP-Style and Single-Cut GuitarsLT Custom GuitarsMaybury GuitarsMetal GuitarsMorsola Relic Guitars of HerefordOffset GuitarsOGEE PickupsRD AmplificationS-Style and Double-Cut GuitarsTewinUkeleleTonewolf GuitarsT-Style GuitarsUkuleleUnique-Shaped Guitars+-
2025 GPX Woking Show Maybury 700

Maybury Guitars - Jason


So here are the highlights from the very first Woking Boutique Guitar Show - which  took place this past Saturday at the Fiery Bird venue - just 5 minutes walk from the train station / town centre.

The show was organised by my good friend Jason Snelling of Maybury Guitars, alongside John Smith of JAS Guitars. The venue was perfectly centrally located, and was spacious - with a lot of natural light - which did make some of the photography somewhat...

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Two Week Alert! : The London Synth & Pedal Expo returns on March22nd & 23rd at the same fantastic Studio 9294 venue in Hackney Wick

Delicious Audio / Stompbox ExhibitGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailLondon Synth and Pedal ExpoStompbox Expo+-



Great news! - the London Synth & Pedal Expo is back for another year on the 22nd & 23rd of March -hopefully just as good as last year’s fantastic sophomore event. And in a superb venue and location - just one stop up from Stratford!


Paolo generally encourage people to bring their own guitar with them - while I’ve been bopped so many times by those guitars - that I rather wish attendees left their axes at home. Space can get somewhat tight on ...

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DryBell celebrates New Website with December Giveaway and 20% Off all pedals - with Free Shipping throughout this festive season!

BoostCompressorDistortionDryBell EffectsEQGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailMarshall Style DistortionModulationOverdriveUni-Vibe and VibeUtility+-

NOTE : Competition is now over - while the -20% promotion has been extended until January 15th!


The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that we’ve had DryBell Banners on this site since December 1st - to mark the Brand New website. The celebration is in two parts - firstly, all 5 key Pedal Variants are [20% OFF] throughout December - with FREE Shipping.

[20% OFF] is a fantastic deal for these studio-grade pedals, and a rare opportunity to acquire one at these at incredibly ...

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Kings of Kempton 2024 - London International Guitar Show Highlights

Buzzing Bugs Audio DevicesFlattley Guitar PedalsFunny Little BoxesGoliath FXGuitar AccessoriesGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailHeavy ReppingMaybury GuitarsRhodium ElectronicsTanquelab+-

As is usual for these events - I prepared a list of my likely targets to hit up during the day - which this time around happened to be my various already established friends and allies from the guitar show circuit. I did not spot any suitable new prospects on the show roster - nor when I actually did the rounds!


My list looked as follows :

  • Audiostorm - Lydia-Sean
  • Buzzing Bugs - Dan
  • Flattley Guitar Pedals - Paul & Jan
  • Funny Little Boxes - Andy
  • Goliath FX - Matt
  • Heavy Repping - John
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Wassup Nerds!? Second Show Highlights from the BIMM Institute in Bristol

ABL PedalsAudiostormBIMM Institute BristolBleak District ElectricBuzzing Bugs Audio DevicesChase Bliss AudioFlattley Guitar PedalsFredric EffectsGreat Eastern FX Co.Guitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailHoly Island AudioIntensive Care AudioLateral SoundLife Is Unfair AudioOrigin EffectsSBC Guitar and BassUnity Street AudioWassup NerdsZona Guitars+-

So we were back in Bristol once more for the superb Wassup Nerds!? 2 Show - much expanded and in new BIMM Institute Venue in the Stokes Croft area of that city. Said area, is a little way out of the centre of the city, and consists mostly of take-away restaurants seemingly, a few pubs, and is heavily saturated with Vegan and Vegetarian options - so will likely suit the more fussy eaters!


Unusually for me, I hadn’t done any research on that area in advance - where for my lunch break - I ...

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Alternative Guitar Show #2 Highlights - from Paper Dress Vintage in Hackney, London

BoostBoost and OverdriveFidelity GuitarsFredric EffectsFuzz Face Style FuzzGated and Velcro FuzzGermanium FuzzGood Fuzzy SoundsGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailGuitarsHamstead SoundworksHello Sailor EffectsLP-Style and Single-Cut GuitarsMaestro Style FuzzMarshall Style DistortionModulated FuzzMolyenaux GuitarsOctave FuzzOddball FuzzOffset GuitarsOverdriveSilicon FuzzS-Style and Double-Cut GuitarsSuper-Fuzz StyleThe Alternative Guitar ShowTone Bender Style FuzzT-Style GuitarsUberfrank Custom GuitarsUnique-Shaped GuitarsZona Guitars+-

It was quite the deliberation - deciding which image should be the cover shot for this feature - on balance I think I made there right decision by picking the very first photo of the day - where Hello Sailor Effects certainly delivers that Technicolour Rainbow which looks so appealing. Moreover I snagged a one-off pedal from that stand - a few minutes before the show was officially opened - but more of that later!

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2024 Brighton Guitar Show FX Expo Highlights

AudiostormBleak District ElectricBossBuzzing Bugs Audio DevicesChase Bliss AudioFidelity GuitarsFlattley Guitar PedalsGreat Eastern FX Co.Guitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailHamstead SoundworksHello Sailor EffectsIntensive Care AudioNRG EffectsOrigin EffectsPedal PatchRedbeard EffectsRitual DevicesThorpyFXTimber Tones Picks+-

Showrunner extraordinaire Phil Steere above (at the show entrance), AKA PedalPatch Head Honcho.


What a wonderful show!


Just as good as the inaugural one, in fact by several measures even better!


These shows are really like family reunions for me nowadays - I know most everybody on the pedal scene now and seemed to be mostly warmly welcomed into their company. I was up really early on the Saturday - in fact when I walked in at 08:15 only Boss and NRG Effects were close to having set ...

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Witney Pedal Party 3 Highlights

Bleak District ElectricBlind Panic DevicesChase Bliss AudioCollision DevicesFat LilsGlowfly EffectsGuitar Gear Improvements and PrototypesGuitar Gear RetailHoly Island AudioLife Is Unfair AudioReeves Electro Guitar PedalsWitney Pedal Party+-

So the second time we’re at Fat Lil’s, thank you to all the helper elves that made all this happen - of course UK Chase Bliss Ambassador Doug Tolley and team - including Jonny ’Guitar’ Davies, Nick Rees, and Fat Lil’s owner Paul Spink.


Cover star on this occasion is Holy Island Audio’s Gwion Christmas - that photo just came out the coolest with those light-flares - it’s often just about the aesthetic hit - I also feel that said visual gives you a good flavour of the venue too!


I picked ...

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Inaugural Alternative Guitar Show Highlights from Kingston's The Fighting Cocks

Fidelity GuitarsFredric EffectsGood Fuzzy SoundsGuitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailKingston The Fighting CocksLost Soul LeatherMaybury GuitarsMolyenaux GuitarsThe Alternative Guitar ShowThorpyFXZona Guitars+-

I’m a huge advocate for supporting any kind of grassroots endeavour happening within the guitar industry - obviously the pedal side in particular. So it was a foregone conclusion really that I would attend the very first Alternative Guitar Show and lend it my support - held this time at the wonderful Fighting Cocks Bar / Pub / Live Gig Venue in Kingston.


I loved the venue - which was accesses behind the main bar / pub - and the whole vibe of the space really reminded me of my student years....

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2024 London Synth and Pedal Expo Pedal Highlights

ALABS AudioAmpliTubeAudio Distribution GroupAudio KitchenAudiolithe FXBlack Country CustomsBossChase Bliss AudioCornerstone Music GearEndorphin.esEventideFace MIFilling DistributionFlattley Guitar PedalsGamechanger AudioGreat Eastern FX Co.Guitar Gear ResourcesGuitar Gear RetailIK MultimediaIntensive Care AudioLaney AmplificationOrigin EffectsPRS GuitarsRabbit Hole FXRainger FXRed Panda LabTubesteaderVS Audio+-

Where the Birmingham Show was a little sprawling and chaotic for me, I very much felt more at home at the Studio 9294 venue for this year’s London Synth and Pedal Expo. As Media Partner for the show, the second year in a row, I was of course in for the entirety of both the day, and actually in very early in particular on the Sunday.


I thoroughly enjoyed the two days -I love having the #90 Bar & Kitchen next door - for some very decent lunches - superb burger on the first day, and Sunday...

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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
Guitar Pedal X
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