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Boost and Overdrive

Daredevil Pedals' Aces Hybrid Amplifier is a killer Germanium Tinged One-Knob Preamp

Boost and OverdriveDaredevil PedalsFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionPreAmp+-
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I’ve always associated Daredevil Pedals best with their Atomic Cocked, and Coked + Fearless Pedals - those are the names that immediately spring to mind. And it’s my pleasure to announce that they are now distributed by my good friend over at Audio Distribution Group.


The first pedal that falls on the ADG watch as such is Daredevil’s brand new One-Knob Wonder Aces Hybrid Amplifier - of a kind that always appeals to me enormously. It was inspired by a 50’s RCA data sheet of a discrete Germanium transistor amplifier.


What we have here is a 2-Stage Preamp with Germanium in one stage contributing warmth, harmonics and sustain, and Silicon delivering the bite and aggression - for a beautifully textured rock’n’roll tone. You can typically ride these circuits with your guitar volume knob too - to vary dynamics and attack - while the pedal has just a single Master Level control. Inside it has 2 bias trim-pots - one per stage - while those have been very exactingly dialled in for perfect Transistor balance and it’s not advised that you touch those further.


RJ’s demo below is one of his very best - and really accentuates the gorgeous sonorous and textured nature of this preamp. To my ears it’s beautifully voiced - and at $169 is decently priced too. Looks like Guitar Guitar is now the only active dealer for Daredevil in the UK - I will need to see it if comes into stock there - or rather I will most likely be reaching out to my Audio Distribution Group buddies when one is on the cards. It’s definitely straight onto the wishlist - which is kind of bristling at the moment - lots of priorities to juggle over the next few months - but I’m really liking the sound of this one - it’s exactly the kind of thing I go for.


Of course available on the Daredevil Pedals Webstore now - and imminently at leading dealers.


Anyone else taken a liking to the Aces?

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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