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Boss Shares HM-2W Heavy Metal Waza Craft Preorder Date with Icelandic Independence Day - today June 17th!

BossDistortionMetal Distortion
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So as of 08:00 GMT today on June 17th - Icelandic Independence Day - Boss’s eagerly anticipated HM-2W Heavy Metal Waza Craft Edition will be finally up for Preorder from all the usual suspects. As Yoshi Ikegami has stated a few times this year - Boss’s scale of operations within the current parts supply issues, has meant that there have been several delays in production as parts were taking months to arrive - at a rate of nearly 3 times of what was normal before the pandemic.


This is very distinctly a Preorder phase where those pedals are unlikely to be available in any quantities until mid to late August. So while Boss have most of the parts that they need now - it will still take a while to assemble all those pedals needed for a popular launch / re-launch of a legendary pedal.


I imagine that several Blues Lawyers will pick up some of these before realising that it’s not exactly their genre. So I expect orders of the HM-2W to be somewhat spirited from the start.


This is in every way a superior pedal to the original - obviously with standard 9V [-] power supply, lowered noise floor (-6dB), less likelihood of unwanted squealing or howling, and quite a bit more Level / Volume on tap. While everything else is pretty much maintained from the original - so this is the same ’Standard’ voicing that everyone is used to - just more so in some ways.


For the Custom Mode / tuning, Boss have expanded the range of the Tone Stack - giving you more extreme accents, there is significantly more gain on tap, and more texture or aggression - for a nicely more modern sort of brutal voicing. I’m certainly looking forward to put the new pedal through its paces sometime in August.


Pricing is exactly as promised - or around $179/€179 - with UK pricing slightly less at around £165.


There should be plenty to go around here as this will be a regular Waza Craft pedal - with many years of manufacture ahead. While early on there is likely to be high demand for those first batches.


I though it amusing to include the Metal Bands per 1 Million Population Infographic as above - as this further ties the Heavy Metal pedal to Scandinavia - and even Iceland's Independence Day. There are numerous great metal bands in Iceland including Almyrkvi, Andavald, Angist, Auðn, Beneath, Carpe Noctem, Forgarður Helvítis, Heift, Helfró, Kaleikr, Mannveira, Misþyrming, Myrk, Naðra, Nornahetta, Nyrst, Potentiam, Rebirth of Nefast, Severed Crotch, Sinmara, Skálmöld, Sólstafir, Svartidauði, Wormlust, and Zhrine - and of course that fantastic East-Coast Metal Fest - Eistnaflug in my Dad's hometown Neskaupstaður! Also props to Reykjavík's annual Metalfest.


I hope you're all as excited about this release as I am - should not be too long now! It's been coming for so many years ...


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Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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