I had a pretty decent catch-up with my new friend - Jim Colella of Pedaltrain - late last Friday evening. And during our multi-threaded conversation he remarked at one stage that he was a little disappointed how relatively few of the UK pedal brands were on his Pedalboard Planner site / app and he wondered if there was anything that I could do to inspire you all to get involved!
The Pedalboard Planner is a really cool utility used by so many to make everyday pedal choices - while it will always be limited by the number of brands that are involved - and as I like to cast a very wide net indeed for Guitar Pedal X - many of my own favourites are not to be found there right at this moment! Moreover several brands listed don’t have the most up-to-date pedals present - where I was unable to select my preferred pedal in some instances - so it’s incumbent on all of you to regularly send updates to help@pedaltrain.com whenever you have a new pedal. For those who are not on there yet - the same email will initiate the process of getting you onboard!
I had a lot of fun trying to construct a mostly compact pedal A-Z by brand - note that this was really for illustrative purposes and not at all any logical pedal order - where in some ways it should most probably have been more of a Z-A to be practical - while that’s not the purpose of this particular article. You will note a number of my favourite pedals displayed there - all of which have of course appeared on this site. There were several of my favourite pedals that I was unable to select though as either the Brand was not present, or their assigned Pedals were incomplete and out-of-date - remember to keep help@pedaltrain.com informed.
Considering how many people regularly make use of this utility it’s surely an essential marketing and promotional tool for all pedal brands - and after all you have to be in it to win it! If you want to be winning hearts and minds - then surely it’s incumbent on you to make sure that your own up-to-date range is properly available for selection.
As is always the case with data - the more data you have - the better the results.
So this is really just a call out to everyone to put their best selves out there - to make sure they have every chance of connecting with a new and growing audience and of course new prospective customers. You simply need to send an email to help@pedaltrain.com and they will take it from there!
It’s pretty cool to see some of the less well known brands already on there - and there is already a pretty decent geographic spread - but for sure the site could do with more from South America, Europe, Asia and Oceania!
Currently there are 395 brands listed - which may seem a lot - while there are so many brands still missing. I logged 105 UK Brands alone when I did that recent article (the vast majority of those not on the Pedalboard Planner!) - and I think there are probably another 10-20 odd brands that I might have overlooked for that selection - so there really is plenty more scope here! I’m looking forward to seeing the Pedalboard Planner grow and improve.
Who wouldn’t want to be in the mix here!