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Marconilab's EGO Guitars are back in full circulation!

GuitarsHeadless GuitarsMarconi Lab
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Readers should know that one of my favourite form factors for guitars is the Marconilab EGO series - where I featured the EGO Thunder 2K17 back in July of 2018. I believe the EGO range had been out of continuous production for a while - possibly the occasional custom guitar was produced - while there were certainly very few in circulation for an extended period. I’m obviously a little out of touch - as we now have a range of 14 in full production (since before NAMM 2022?) - which retail at from €4,450 to €7,680 - of course depending on materials and specs.


I normally have a ceiling of around £3,000-£3,500 absolute max for guitar acquisitions - so within my current circumstances I’m somewhat unlikely to ever own one of these EGOs - however much I want to!


For me their aesthetics are nigh perfect - I love the use of multiple hi-tech materials - including carbon fibre. These guitars are modern but kind of timeless too - I guess you could call the EGO a sci-fi inspired guitar - which I’m all in favour of.


In terms of hardware they seem to mostly use T4M headless bridges, have advanced harnesses with extended range switching and smart configuration, and come with a variety of different pickups - including Lace Alumitone Deathbuckers, Seymour Duncan P-Rails, Hot Rails and Nazgûl, with the option of GMR Piezo pickups in the bridge too.


You also have a blue-tooth connected App which can adjust configuration elements of the Harness, and you can set different LED fret marker colours and intensity too!


These are obviously incredibly high spec guitars with exceptional attention to detail and superior quality of construction - and understandably out of the reach of most price wise - while we all can dream! And if I ever win the lottery - one of these will surely be on that list somewhere!


For those 1 percenters of you which already have the means to acquire one of these - it’s likely a little too modern for most, while for the rest of us we do have a new website to admire in the meantime - EGO Guitars.


In my above visual I selected 3 favourite by looks - didn’t really look at the spec sheets for any of those.


I would love to do a factory visit to Marconilab one of these years - as there don’t seem to be dealers for the guitar at the moment - certainly not in the UK - so you need to go direct to source looks like!



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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