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Boost and Overdrive

Last chance to acquire early limited Blackout Edition of Messiah Guitars Signature Eddie Haddad BoostDrive Pedal

BoostBoost and OverdriveDistortionDriveDual-DriveMessiah GuitarsOverdrive+-
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I’ve been meaning to post this one up for a while - a pretty intriguing Boost / Overdrive / Distortion flexible gain pedal designed in collaboration with celebrated guitarist Eddie Haddad. This pedal has a few neat features / touches which make it particularly versatile.


I like how the status LED’s light up as footswitch surrounds - where the right-hand one alternates between Green and Red - depending on whether Silicon or LED Mode has been selected. You further have a slider switch on the right-side of the pedal for tightening up the output. There 6 principal control knobs - 3-Band EQ, plus Drive and Level, and of course a separate Boost knob too.


In the above visual you can see the limited Blackout, and Standard editions - only 151 of the Blackout will be made - and there are supposedly only a few of those remaining! In fact I believe I managed to snag one of the last of those very recently - while I will likely change some of the knobs around anyway. Probably go for having all the DM-1900 knobs of the transparent type - I think that will likely look the coolest - while I might get a different accent colour for the Boost knob - we’ll see what I decide when the pedal lands!


Controls - Drive, Boost, Level, Mode (Clipping) : Silicon (Green) / LED (Red), Low, Mid, High, Tight switch (on side), Boost Footswitch, Drive Footswitch.


The BoostDrive sound pretty great in the early demos - and I’m always keen on these more full-featured pedals - which give you far more tonal variety and versatility than the typical more minimalist 3 or 4 knob affairs. And I’m of course particularly keen on 3-Band EQs.


The price of $279 is about right for a boutique pedal of this sort - while I’m not necessarily overly keen on the graphics. In fact you could say that Messiah Guitar Pedals tend to have a fairly Naïve art style - which mostly doesn’t particularly appeal to me - while the BoostDrive just about passes muster.


In any case I was sufficiently impressed by what I saw and heard to get onboard this particular train - and I look forward to reporting back on this so far intriguing pedal as soon as I get my hands on it.


This is the first time I’m aware of Messiah Guitars / Pedals too - where their BoostRing has been getting some coverage also recently - I’ve yet to make up my mind on that one - while I feel that one’s artwork is sort of cool despite its naïve style - that particular artwork just sits really well and represents that effect particularly well too - we’ll see what I decide on that one.


Are any of you dear readers aware of Messiah Guitars and have you had dealings with them before? I’m still getting introduced to 1, 2 or a few new guitar pedal brands nearly every day - while I only pick up on those which properly innovate!


The Messiah Guitars Catalog Page lists which pedals are currently available - where you can see that the Standard edition is due to be launched mid-July or thereabouts!



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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