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Boost and Overdrive

DOD drops limited 1,974 run Overdrive Preamp 250 50th Anniversary Edition for Black Friday

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I’m known to collect extended range editions of the DOD250 - mostly evolved and derived - while I’ve always harboured a desire also to acquire a genuine grey box 250 of some description. So this limited run seems to be the perfect opportunity for me.


This pedal celebrates the 1974 original in so many ways - including that it’s made / assembled in the USA with fully through-hole components - like the original - for easy modding.


The pedal also includes the essential original LM741 OpAmp, and furthermore comes with a unique 3-way clipping selector : Silicon / Lift (None) / Germanium-Asymmetrical. This means that this 50th anniversary pedal comes with 3 different core voicings. For my sensibilities - this is the perfect way to do an anniversary / celebratory pedals - it’s kind of DOD’s version of WazaCraft if you like! And I’m obviously a huge fan of WazaCraft pedals!


I would have quite liked an additional EQ control too of some description - to deliver even more versatility, while there’s no arguing that this is most probably the best DOD version of this pedal to-date. There are lots of DOD250 fans out there in the world, and I feel that the the 1,974 run is going to get snapped up very quickly. 


Only a handful of UK dealers seemed to have these in stock - where I got mine from GuitarGuitar. November has proved to be a somewhat dangerously expensive month for me! This limited edition seems to be priced at $250 in the USA, and £209 in the UK.


You can read up more on the 50th Anniversary 250 on the parent DigiTech Website.



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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