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Boost and Overdrive

Inspired by the Slow Loris Dynamically Modulated Slapback Delay, Benson collaborates with Non-Human Audio on the woozy Florist Dynamic Dual Delay Line Modulator

Analog DelayBenson AmpsBitcrushing and Lo-FiChorus and VibratoDelayFlangerLo-Fi DelayModulationNon-Human AudioTape Delay+-
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Non-Human Audio introduced the 2-knobs Slow Loris Short Delay Line Dynamic Modulator about one year ago now - where it was incredibly enthusiastically received. Slightly reminiscent of a number of Delay Line Modulators - like say the Fjord Fuzz Loke, and Spaceman Effects Meridian - but hugely simplified - and with a slightly dissonant nature to the output.


And while inspired by the Slow Loris - this is a slightly differently calibrated effect with 2 different A + B Short Delay Lines - each with somewhat different sensors - that deliver more Modulated style Effects with the ’A’ Delay Line, and more Tape FX and Flanging courtesy of the addition of the ’B’ Delay Line.


So compared to the original 2-knob Slow Loris inspiration - we get Dual Dynamic Channels, and the addition of Dry-Blend - to be able to create wonderful slightly detuned / woozy chorusing.


Controls - SHORT DELAY LINE A (Modulation) } Intensity A, Wet A; DRY } Dry-Blend; SHORT DELAY LINE B (Tape FX) } Intensity B, Wet B.


This definitely falls into the Lo-Fi Modulator category - where all the tones generated are slightly janky and uneven - in the most interesting of ways. The Florist delivers a very cinematic output - for those slightly unsettling Elevated Horror Soundscapes. A little reminiscent of the effects that Woolley of Champion Leccy fame designs.


The Florist beatifully delivers those slightly off-kilter modulations. This is a very simple pedal in most ways - but capable of some really unique and unusual tones. Works really elegantly - while it may not necessarily be to everyone’s taste.


I really like this - even though it’s not really in the perfect format for me - it’s certainly another interesting addition to the Lo-Fi soundscape - sitting nicely alongside long-establishedd legends - like Fairfield Circuitry’s Shallow Water, Hungry Robot’s Wardenclyffe, and Zvex’s Instant Lo-Fi Junky.


The Florist is well priced at $259, and usually available on the Benson Amps Webstore, while the first batch has long since sold out in most places.


I will almost definitely be getting one of these in at some stage - while I’ve still to assign a priority to that task. Typically I tend to prefer 1590BB enclosure style pedals in vertical format!

Looks really cool in any case with those transparent knobs on top of a bubblegum pink enclosure. I’ve kind of carried that theme into candyfloss clouds!



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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