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World Championship of Heavyweight HM-2 Heavy Metal Brawlers

DistortionElectro-HarmonixKlirrton ManufakturKMA AudioMetal DistortionREVV Amplification+-
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My mood is one of bemusement on considering this matchup - and you will note that I did not feature the REVV Northern Mauler when it was launched last November - as I considered it a slightly lesser rip-off of the Klirrton Grindstein, and now EHX has launched the Hell Melter - a slightly lesser equivalent to the KMA Guardian of the Wurm - all 4 are pictured above, and at the start of this overview I must say I’m somewhat overwhelmingly biased in favour of my own king-sized reigning champions of this genre. I’ve long said that the Grindstein and Guardian of the Wurm are the 2 very best large format HM-2 type pedals - each one sounds totally killer, and both are loaded with smart features.


That said - I can be objective and open minded too - and there is a difference here in pricing and form factor - while superficially there are significant similarities between the matched pair-ups. The Grindstein was the first released - around 3 years ago, two years ago we had the Guardian of the Wurm, then last November the Northern Mauler, and now this EHX Hell Melter - fresh from the nether domain. It’s pretty obvious who are the trailblazers here, and who are the followers. I’m not sure either of the newer pedals manages to improve on the originals, but we shall see what shakes loose at the end of this bout.


Each one of these will be weighed up individually as well as in their most obvious matchup and pairing. There are a number of different categories and criteria and of course random points and dodgy refereeing calls and allocations - I’m not sure I will be announcing an overall winner, but rather more examining the worth and the mettle / metal even of these new contenders. As I already own the 2 champions here and parts of the REVV solution - the question remains as to whether I consider either of the new ones worthy contenders - and therefore candidates for my Reference / Capsule Collections. I have to add that the HM-2 category is very dear to me, and I do collect the very best from that category. I may have dismissed the Northern Mauler too quickly back at its launch, and perhaps I’m not paying the Hell Melter enough attention - while I already own a dozen champions from this genre - so here follow the individual rounds.


I also determined that I should select just a couple of videos max for each one here to make its case - that will form part of the adjudication too! :

Klirrton Manufaktur Grindstein Ultimate Death Metal Preamp - €319


10 x Controls + FX Loop - Chainsaw } Midcut, Grind, High, Universal } Boost, (Channel) Mix, Master (Volume), Phase (Inversion), BottomShaker } Gain, Bass, Treble, Internal : Send Level, Return Level, Chainsaw Level, Boost On/Off.


This was the original here, with a quite superb concept of pairing the rather sharp Mids and Treble Twin Peaks Heavy Metal Distortion with a complementary killer Low End companion - which you could Blend in parallel. There's no use in denying it - the Northen Mauler definitely copies this concept - and doesn't really honour its forebear with even the slightest acknowledgement.


The union of Chainsaw and BottomShaker here is just superb, and this really opened me up to the potential of pairing the HM-2 with suitable companion distortions which could elevate the sound of both. It's actually really easy and logical to use - I typically dime the Blend one way and set my perfect take on that Channel, then do the same in the other direction, and then figure out my perfect blend of the two - and adjust accordingly.


The Grindstein totally delivers on all fronts really - apart from it's somewhat over-sized enclosure - which really is massive and tricky to accommodate on most boards - meaning it will likely appear sideways on quite a few.


It terms of its thundering output this has very few pedals that can match its fire / mettle / Metal!

KMA Machines Guardian of the Wurm High Gain Distortion and Noise Gate - €299


14 x Controls + FX Loop + Dual Footswitches - Gain, Low, Lo-Mid, Hi-Mid, High, Gate, Clip Diode : Asymmetrical / Silicon, EQ Style : HMII / Both / KMA, Master (Volume), Low Freq, Lo-Mid Freq, Hi-Mid Freq, High Freq, (Clean) Blend, Internal : Distortion Level, Clean Volume, Gate Response, Trigger Source, Input Filter, Terror (Distortion) Footswitch, Tame (Gate) Footswitch.


One of those pedals that can stand up to the imposing Grindstein is KMA's similarly formidable beast. It produces equally seismic output - but via different means, and with a few additional tricks to better shape its tone - including a very smart Noise Gate.


I've run the Grindstein vs the Guardian head-to-head several times - and there really is nothing between them - they are the same size pretty much even though different orientations - and both of them produce the most potent and raucous of heavy metal tones - I honestly would not want to be without either one!

REVV Amps Glenn Fricker Signature Northern Mauler 2-in-1 Distortion - $249


8 x Controls - Chainsaw } Bite (Treble), Growl (Bass), Universal } Blend, Volume, Giv'r (Gain), REVV G3/G4 Hybrid } Treble, Mids, Bass.


When I first saw this I immediately thought Grindstein ripoff! - and an unacknowledged one at that - I don't recall any of the reviewers mentioning the glaring similarities of these two devices.


I think bringing Glen Fricker in was an additional way to justify the existence of this pedal - as if REVV had just released the pedal solo - people would for sure say it was a copycat - but spinning in a yarn of how this was somehow influenced by Glen's signature sound makes the exercise more plausible and less cynical therefore.


The circuit actually sounds pretty brilliant - you know I love the HM-2 circuit, and I'm a huge fan of REVV's G-Series of pedals - in particular the G3 and G4. I initially thought that the REVV Amp voicing here would be more G4 - to give it that weighty low end as per the Grindstein, while I'm led to believe that it's a new hybrid circuit that takes the bottom end from the G4 and the Tight Mids from the G3 - so that in itself is a worthy exercise - we should call it the G34!


So I've kind of warmed to the circuit. The graphics are not as captivating as those on the Grindstein, and nor is the control topology - which is just genius how it's laid out on the Grindstein. On further consideration - the pricing here is pretty decent, and I think this may now be a likely addition to my HM-2 Capsule Collection. Would I take it over the Grindstein or the Guardian of the Wurm - no I don't think so - I really love those brawlers - they never fail to impress. But this Mauler is actually pretty impressive in its own way - however derivative it is! And it has the handiest form factor / footprint in this selection.

Electro-Harmonix Hell Melter Advanced Metal Distortion - $177


9 x Controls + Dual Footswitches - Level, Mode : Normal / Burn, Distortion, Dry Level, High, Mid Level, Mid Frequency, Low, Distortion, Gate, Boost Footswitch, Effect Footswitch.


And so we kind of come to the runt of the litter - only in terms of it being the freshest one on the block and the one that most needs to earn its spurs - or championship belt for that matter. EHX has only dabbled in the metal arena really - but has delivered a series of pretty decent Metal Muffs of different sizes over the years - I own one of the recent Nano editions.


In terms of pure Heavy Metal though this is the first EHX toe-dip as far am I'm aware. And the livery and moniker fairly scream Heavy Metal in their Black and Orange HM-2-ness. I've matched this up against the Guardian of the Wurm as both have Noise Gates and Dual Footswitches - while there is a lot more to the Guardian than this Melt-er.


I think it matters here as to what your budget is and whether you own any of these other ones. For some it may also be a matter of pedigree, provenance and prowess. The Hell Melter really is a pretty decent heavy machine - but can it really content with these other Heavyweights. Besides the money angle - would you take this over any of the other ones? There's much to like about the Melter - while you would have to concede that the top two champs are somewhat more potent, and the Mauler has a very slightly superior / more pedalboard-friendly form factor.


It's tricky decision for me as I already own two of the original and best ones here - it's really a matter of which ones of these would I be more likely to buy - and the answer has to be the Mauler - that already has certain form with me - as a fan of the G3 & G4 and G34! I would think that the Mauler would take most of the newcomer points. While overall and despite their heavyweight price points - you really can't beat the originals here!


That's not to say that the Hell Metler doesn't have its own merits - it's actually another really decent sounding variant - but overall I think there's just a touch more to the others which elevates them a little further. It's really cool though that the Melter has both Noise Gate and switchable Boost onboard. A solid release for sure!

Referee's Points Allocation


Best Price Point - Winner : Hell Melter


Most Comprehensive Features - Winner : Guardian of the Wurm


Tone Pioneer - Winner : Grindstein


Best Format (Pedalboard-friendly) - Winner : Northern Mauler


Most Potent - Joint Winners : Grindstein + Guardian of the Wurm


The Championship Belt stays with the Originals, honourable mention goes to the Northern Mauler. While the Hell Melter is no slouch either. I think you could find satisfaction with any of these really - while the original 2 here are definitely extra-special - difficult to pick them apart even on artwork quality.


I encourage you to check out all these demos too and come to your own decisions / conclusions - where will you award the points? - and can you declare an out-an-out winner here - where I really can't!


Answers in the comments below!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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