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Expandora extracts the Forbidden Fuzz Mode for a standalone extended-range Fuzz

BixonicExpandora PedalsFuzzOpAmp Fuzz+-
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You will know by now that I’m a significant fan of the the Bixonic Expandora circuit and its many derivations - where my most recent addition in that space was the revived Bixonic’s Axentrix all-digital DREP Pedal. That benefits from 3-Band EQ and an Additional Accent / Dynamic Range control - for some really cool extended-range tones, and with 3 onboard Presets.


The New Expandora Forbidden Fuzz creates a further Gain Stage which is switched on by the ’Tone’ Switch - which activates Level and Tone controls, and there is a further Voltz variable control and a Fat toggle-switch.


Controls - Level, Tone, Fuzz, Voltz, Tone Bypass / On (Level + Tone), Fat Switch.


I think it’s an excellent idea to dedicate a solo pedal to just the Forbidden Fuzz voicing - while I’m not sure in needs to be in a BB-size enclosure, and I’m not convinced those are necessarily the best combination of controls for the purpose - and arranged in this manner.


A 3-band EQ certainly would be a brilliant additional for maximum tone-shaping prowess, while I really like the Forbidden Fuzz’s addition of Fat and Voltz controls.


Also the style of raw lettering here reminds me of BJFE without the superior swirly paint jobs. Something about this pedal looks a little prototype-y to me!


I really love the concept though - while I feel what there is a better way to hone and ’package’ this circuit. I will be sort of issuing a challenge to Decibelics and Drunk Beaver to see what they would do for a their own takes on a stand-alone Forbidden Fuzz.


I’m also unclear on what Opamp is being used here - as the LM038 has a tendency to choke out somewhat. I would imagine the OP07 would be utilised here as is stock for most of Expandora’s pedals nowadays. The OP07 behaves much better on Forbidden Fuzz Mode - but there are some even more impressive Opamps out there as used by Decibelics and Drunk Beaver.


It would be nice to see a few different takes on this category in some more pedalboard-friendly enclosures.

Basically a single-mode Fuzz with extended EQ abilities and more range.


I’m still interested in this Expandora Forbidden Fuzz - and it’s reasonably priced at $195 - while the current NAMM batch is sold out. There should be more imminently on the Expandora Store. It’s interesting to see that Expandora have introduced a variety of different colour editions for its most iconic discus-like drum-shaped variety.


I feel this particular Forbidden Fuzz rates more as a nice-to-have for me - while I may very well get one of these in - as I do really like this circuit - and I feel the need to complete the picture.


It’s a cool idea for sure - are any of you tempted?


Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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