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Boost and Overdrive

Dunn Effects' Death Knob Blendable HM-2 EQ Now available in the UK - courtesy of Boost Guitar Pedals

Dunn EffectsEQUtility
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There’s quite a few One-Knob HM-2 Death Metal Distortion Pedals out there - but this is NOT that! Rather the Death Knob is just the Twin Peaks HM-2 EQ Frequency Profile - such that you can bring that flavour to your current amp - in front, and into the FX Loop. You can also combine it with a variety of Distortion Pedals to deliver that HM0-2 Death Metal profile - or combine with other pedals - to bring elements of that flavour to bear. Once again - this does not contain any facet of the actual core HM-2 Distortion - just the EQ Profile!


You choose how much or how little of that flavour you wish to bring to bear - courtesy of the one Blend Knob / Death Knob. That’s really all there is to it - combining this in various ways with amps and other complementary pedals.


I actually have quite a few pedals which have an ’HM-2’ EQ Switch on them - in particular some Drunik Beaver varieties - while this Death Knob is the only pedal I’m aware of that carries that over to a stand-alone format.


The pricing is pretty much spot on - at £125 / $125, where this article is specifically written to support my friend Jim @ Boost Guitar Pedals.


I have around 20 actual HM-2 type pedals - so it’s not like I need this ’Death Knob’ - while I still really want one, and will arrange to get one from Boost Guitar Pedals - so I can check it out with all my various favourite non-HM-2 gain pedals!


The Demos sound pretty great for sure!



Death Knob by Dunn Effects - Unique metal guitar tones at the turn of one knob! #bosshm2
Dunn Effects Death Knob HM2 EQ Blend
Dunn Effects | Death Knob HM-2 EQ Blender
Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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