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Boost and Overdrive

Thorpy sneaks out super limited The OLD Timer 3-in-1 Hendrix in a Box - Octavia + Tacit Blue Fuzz + ER-2 Uni-Vibe

FuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzGermanium FuzzModulationOctave FuzzThorpyFXUni-Vibe and Vibe+-

For the keen tone chasers among you - most will be familiar with Foxrox’s Captain Coconut Hendrix-in-a-Box combo pedal - consisting of an Octavia Style Octave Fuzz, Arbiter Fuzz Face style Fuzz, and Shin-ei style Uni-Vibe. The first Captain Coconut appeared in around 2000, so it’s kind of fitting that we get a further tribute to that 24 years later!


Thorpy has taken that format as an inspiration - which then lets him make use of his already brilliant Tacit Blue Germanium Fuzz Face, and ER-2...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions


The Thorpy Black Editions date back to 2020’s Lovetone / Dan Coggins evolved Field Marshal (Big Cheese) and The Bunker (Brown Source) pedals. Initially intended to mark them out as Lovetone derivatives, but which then gradually moved into the mainstream of the range. The Black Editions were very quick to find favour on account of their much improved label legibility - vs the etched steel originals.

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions


The MiniDrone essentially strips out the Drone section from the the Drone Rainger - so no delay or additional chorusing. The MiniDrone is all-analog, and as a sort of Analog Bass Synth has some natural chorusing present in those low-pitched triangle wave oscillators - where 2 of them generate the always on unison Pitch Drone 1. Pitch 1, and the third oscillator generate Drone 2 / Pitch.


The frequency range of those oscillators is approximately from 70Hz down to 30Hz - with pretty accreting ...

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2024 May Pedal-Chain Update - Episode V - Golden Era

Boost and OverdriveCusack MusicDawner Prince EffectsDistortionDriveFuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionKeeley EngineeringLastgasp Art LaboratoriesLichtlaerm AudioMarshall Style DistortionMattoverse ElectronicsMetal DistortionModulated FuzzModulationOctave FuzzOpAmp FuzzOverdrivePedal ChainPedalPalFXRotary SpeakerStrymonTremoloTru-Fi Guitar EffectsWampler+-

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Big changes are coming soon, we’re in the process of calibrating an AI Chatbot on the site - which ...

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Blind Panic Devices' B2 is the ultimate Swarming / Droning / Drunk Bee - Buzzy Bee Fuzzy Delay - with Extras

Blind Panic DevicesDelayFuzzGated and Velcro FuzzModulated FuzzOddball Fuzz+-

I’m a huge fan of these types of Fuzz Texturizers really - where the delay further expands the Fuzz vocabulary. This essentially Fuzzy Beelay V2 edition is a lot more than your typical Fuzzy Delay. Further to the more standard functions you have an incredibly versatile LFO Modulator, Pitch Modulation Flutter, and a Feedback Micro Looper - which grabs snippets and feeds them back through the loop. It’s a classic example of being more than the sum of its parts - even though its parts are already ...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions

Overview of Howard Gee's smart KittyCasterFX Pedal Trifecta

Best of BrandsBig Muff Style FuzzBoostFuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGermanium FuzzKittyCasterFXSilicon FuzzTremolo+-

This exercise is long overdue of course, since it’s been a while since Howard moved on from Catalinbread and set up his own outfit - for which the latest release is the Mohair Fuzztortion Muff + Boost type.


Featured here is the KittyCasterFX Trifecta released to date - which consists of the aforementioned Mohair Fuzztortion Muff-Boost, a Groovy Wizard hybrid Ge/Si Dynamic Fuzz Driver, and a Tremdriver Harmonic Tremolo modulated Drive.


All really smart and dynamic takes on those formats ...

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Collision Devices unleashes its magical Crushturnal Dreamy Ambient Twilight Soundscaper - with Shimmer Reverb, Digital Delay, Clock Sequencer and Sample Reducer

Bitcrushing and Lo-FiCollision DevicesDelayDigital DelayDigital ReverbGuitar Synth and SequencerModulationReverbSamplerShimmer Reverb+-

A while back, this project actually started off as a custom edition of the Nocturnal Ambient Multi-FX, where it soon developed into entirely its own thing, while it does retain some certain vestiges of the original.


You still get a core Cathedral style Shimmer Reverb, while the newer pedal’s variant is slightly different, and with just 3 controls for that section - Diffusion, Filter and FX Level, in place of the Reverb, Shimmer, Blend, Colour and Filter controls of the original.


Both ...

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John Snyder once more extracts the I.V.P. side from the Dude Incredible (V2.5) - as the stand-alone Surveyor Preamp / Overdrive. Obviously the I.V.P. is based on the celebrated Intersound Rackmount Instrument Voicing Preamplifier - known for its somewhat ’clangy’ tone and harsh attack at higher treble settings. It’s a pretty distinct sounding overdrive / preamp with versatile applications across a number of different instruments.


"The Surveyor features a unique, transformer-loaded “Tube ...

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So I covered the larger original Devil’s Triad back in September of 2022 - which consisted of 4 sections - Drive, Boost, Reverb and Delay, with the Controls -  DRIVE } Level, Tone, Gain; BOOST } Boost; DELAY } Level, Feedback, Delay (Time); REVERB } Level, Tone, Decay, Drive Footswitch, Boost Footswitch, Reverb/Delay Footswitch.


This compact ’Essentials’ edition gives the Boost - Post and Pre Controls, and takes the Overdrive from a 3-knob type - to a full 3-Band EQ format.


Controls - ...

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The Medusa is actually a sort of MKII version - where the original 2020 collaboration with Berlin Death Metal Band Breathe//Die - simply carried the bands name. This time around it just carries the band’s logo!


That previous version had 12 controls, 6 regular knobs, 5 mini knobs and a toggle switch - it also had dual Boost and Engage footswitches. In fact - the controls were - Range, Gain, Level, Boost, Mid, Shift, Grit, Low, High, Phase : Positive / Negative, Parallel FX Loop Blend, ...

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