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Boost and Overdrive

Stone Deaf FX unleashes Limited Black Editions of 3 of its most popular pedals - Fig Fumb, Kliptonite and Warp Drive

Big Muff Style FuzzBoostBoost and OverdriveDistortionDriveFuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionOverdriveStone Deaf Effects+-
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SDFX is calling these ’Black’ editions - while it’s probably more correct to say ’Black & Red’. In any case each of these circuits has been refined and hones at the same time as this different graphics treatment - so that these are officially the best versions of these pedals to-date.


I’m very familiar with the Fig Fumb in particular - and it has long been on my wishlist - while I was hoping that Luke Hilton would shrink down these enclosure somewhat - more towards the Tremotron and Syncopy enclosure - while also both those great pedals have been discontinued for a while.


These are pretty well priced all undeniably superb sounding extended-range pedals per type. The Fig Fumb being a quite superb Paracentric Big Muff - meaning you can go into territories few other Muffs can. Same goes for the Kilptonite Fuzzy Drive, and Warp Drive Parametric Overdrive. Each one has an extended range of tones and allows for additional shaping of the output.


These are pre well priced at £180, and all look fantastic - each of those is probably the sharpest looking version of the circuit too - while the standard Warp Drive is pretty gorgeous already.


Available for order right now from the Stone Deaf FX Webstore.


Here follow the individual details on each - control parameters etc.

Fig Fumb Paracentric Fuzz Filter with Noise Gate [Black Edition] - £180


Controls - Cut / Boost (±20dB), Balance (Volume), Frequency (35Hz > 6kHz), Gate (Threshold), Bandwitch (Q), Fuzz (Gain). Noise Gate Footswitch, On/Off Footswitch.


A really expansive and versatile Big Muff style Fuzz - really sounds superb - just checkout the above Comfortably Numb tones. Had this been in a slightly more compact enclosure I would have snapped this one up a long time ago. I'm still tempted, while the slightly over-large enclosure is somewhat proving to be a disincentive for me thus far.

Kliptonite Fuzzy Drive Mixable Fuzz-Overdrive - £180


Controls - Cut / Boost (±20dB), Balance (Volume), Frequency (35Hz > 6kHz), Mirror Mix (Overdrive to Fuzz Mix), Bandwidth (Q), Fuzzy Drive (Gain). Fuzzy / Clipped Footswitch, On / Off Footswitch.


Readers should know that I love a good Fuzzy Drive pedal - and this is undeniably one of the best o that genre - and had it come in a slightly more compact enclosure - say BB-size - I would likely have snapped it up already. The Fuzz side is Stone Deaf's Velcro Fuzz and the Overdrive side is their version of the Tube Sound OverdriveTube Overdrive.

Warp Drive Parametric Overdrive with Gate - £180


Controls - Cut / Boost (±20dB), Balance (Volume), Frequency (35Hz > 6kHz), Gate (Threshold), Bandwidth (Q), Warp (Gain). Noise Gate Footswitch, On / Off Footswitch.


This is essentially the same control topology as the Fig Fumb - but applied to an Overdrive voicing on this occasion - so you can get those cocked-wah tones and similar by making the most of the full Parametric EQ. Another great sounding circuit!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
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