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Boost and Overdrive

Bispell Audio reboots its TOR Silicon Circuit OC44 Emulating Rangemaster - now in V2 edition with even more granularity and versatility

Bispell AudioBoostBoost and OverdriveSilicon Fuzz+-
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I’ve obviously just recently covered Licthlaerm Audio, and Daniel Ringl’s extended-range approach to compact pedal making. And Bispell Audio’s Tom is another such pedal pioneer - delivering the most exceptional value extended-range circuits. My favourite to date is definitely his fairly recently updated Gleam Vintage Silicon Multi-Fuzz, where I also have and love his not so long since updated Saxon (JTM45 + Plexi), and Proxy (Vox UL730).


The Saxon, Proxy and Gleam have all stepped up to 8 controls - and it’s now the turn of the TOR Silicon Rangemaster to do the same. This was already unerringly OC44 sounding in its previous edition, while Tom believes he’s got it even closer in this new extended-range edition.


We’re essentially getting an additional Lift knob, and a +10dB Gain switch. As Tom puts it :


"The Lift control lets you raise or lower the non-mid boosted frequencies, for more subtle and narrow mid boosted tones, or to boost the output by +5dB when using the Rangemaster settings."


The Gain switch adds a further +10dB to the output - so the pair of new controls allows you to better shape and fine-tune the output of this pedal.


Controls - Bass-Cut, Mid-Cut, Treble-Cut, Volume, Mid Boost, Lift, Mid Boos Frequency : 870Hz / 2.1kHz / 440Hz. Gain (+10dB) : On/Off.


For the classic Rangemaster Settings - you set the Bass-Cut @ Min, Mid-Cut and Treble-Cut knobs @ Max, Volume @ c 2 o’c, Mid Boost @ Min, and Lift @ Noon, and finally Frequency on : 2.1kHz, and Gain switch Off.


For a Cry Baby style Cocked Wah - set Bass-Cut to Noon, Mid-Cut and Treble-Cut @ Max, Volume @ 2 o’c, Mid Boost @ Max, and Lift @ Min, Frequency in the middle as before / 2.1 kHz, and Gain off as before too!


I love it that all the major pedals in the range now have similar semmetrical 8-controls topologies - and it was obviously fortuitous for this one that I get involved with this further improved edition. I own two editions of the Saxon and Gleam - and the new editions entirely replace and upstage their predecessors!


So this is a great time to get onboard with the TOR OC44-Emulating Silicon Rangemaster - which is far an above other such similar offerings, and actually very good value for what you get at £179.99 with a current 10% Off Special Offer applied. Of course available from the Bispell Audio Webstore.


I will for sure be getting one of these in soon - while I’m already overcommitted for May - so next month should be as good a time as any! This is a very special Rangemaster / Treble Booster for sure!

Note that the new demo video isn’t quite ready yet - so have had to go with a couple for the older model - will of course add the new demo as soon as it materialises!



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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